Frage von ribon:Hello,
I have the following setup:
- Notebook with 1x firewire, NO usb 2.0 (dell latitude centrino 1.6 GHz)
- 1x external firewire hard disk with a 1 x usb 2.0
- MiniDV with firewire output
- Possibly an additional pcmciakarte with firewire and usb 2.0
Since my notebook hard-disk space is still (doing so synonymous audio recording), I wonder how I s.besten fastest and the video data from the camcorder to get exteren plate.
following cabling would work?
Of camvorder MiniDV via firewire to the notebook via the capture program out again on a PCMCIA card (firewire or usb 2) in the external disk.
and indeed the whole simultaneously.
Does It Work?
or do I have completely different cabling?
or is a firewire / USB 2.0 pcmcia card is not fast enough?
I have no dedicated forum to testify found.
thanks in advance!
Antwort von Chezus:
Have a laptop synonymous with External Hard Drive. For me it has never worked directly on the hard drive to capture when the camcorder is connected s.Laptop.
I always do it this way: PCMCIA s.Laptop. Then I capture everything on the laptop and then move the files to the hard drive Ext. I've always approximately 10 gigabytes free on my laptop, but I have a few things also affect the otherwise pushed Ext aufm laptop would be.
How are you holding on the safe Page
Antwort von Duisburger:
DV via FireWire and USB data immediately to 2.0 hard drive works for me without problems.
Antwort von ribon:
ok, then just try ichs with pcmcia (cost is not the world) and if not working, I must stop saving.
thanks for the help!