Frage von synthflut:
So I'm quite new in the video editing up to now only with Magix Video Deluxe has been working with but to "playful".
That is why I ever looked on the web, what am pushed to use other then to Adobe Premiere and Canopus EDIUS Pro.
Have I sucked the demo of EDIUS. Installs just fine everything starts going.
Then I wanted to but a video file that was on my calculator load (avi) into the program to edit it. But that does not always see when he can not open the file.
The window that rises when one pushes on B, the bin window or how the call should still see my pictures that are synonymous in the folder where the others are avi files but the avi's not one only sees the ton?
It's as if a codec is missing but I have Eigntlich a codec pack. Or one you can Vide's the process of transfer of an action.
The files would I edit glad I recorded all with a normal digicam. Are all avi's.
I hope you understand what I mean and can help me?
Mfg Jens
Antwort von synthflut:

AVI, yes, but with which codec? Suction thee times the freeware "GSpot" to invite one of your clips and give views bescheid which codec it is!
Antwort von synthflut:

So I did not know what's important about this time screenshot.
zum Bild I hope this helps next.
A friend has just passed, he is working with Sony Vegas, how times have it installed on my calculator the same problem he's not reading my avi files but others have.
My friend does not know what he is synonymous with him means everything goes.
Antwort von synthflut:

Oje XVID ... hardcore?
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi Jens,
Edius welcome to the family. You only had problems so late? Most gehts so much earlier. The best way you apply yourself with this problem, and with absolute certainty the following s.das energetic Canopusforum. There, you're in the company of many, many Ediusnutzer with the
Problemen.Die most diverse problems are not solved there, although for years, but there is at least not among the victims alone.
You should just never there, of which you mentioned Adobeprodukte in my mouth, responds with love to be thrown out there.
The following may be here to praise the stable real monster was the opposite: here not only respond satisfied users, it will be like once synonymous statements most stakeholders
But look into the work Canopusforum if you pass then the pleasure to be with Edius, but you could also mentioned premiere .....
Greeting of a highly frustrated Ediuskäufers, who is his dedication,
ie purchase price, looks bruised
Antwort von synthflut:

Ne are modeling videos I have with my regular digital camera is included so no DV Cam.
You know next?
Antwort von synthflut:

Hello Jens,
You had started EDIUS NTSC? The screenshot shows the software 30FPS, that is 29.97, that is NTSC!
Antwort von synthflut:

I do not know what started it. Thanks going to try my luck once synonymous Canopus in this forum.
Maybe you had a link for me to the forum.
And as you would me as a video editing software Magix Video Deluxe Recommend Although not bad but too playful.
With what are you working on that. What do you think of Pinnacle Liquid?
Mfg Jens
Antwort von synthflut:

Neither Vegas or Premiere and Edius still unable to handle synonymous Liquid Xvid!
VirtualDub I think you should take a look!
Antwort von synthflut:

Shice thanks, I'll probably buy myself a decent camera views.
Mfg. v0rt3x