Frage von VV11:
I am a recently Eos 5D MKII and just amazed of the video images, which makes this camera.
Now I'm looking for some time for a meaningful workflow, and sequence settings for Premiere CS4.
Since I work on a Mac, I have no problems with swallowing grumble the Quicktime H264, which premiered at the Mac without.
So far I have not found just a setting that the format is s.nächsten that the 5D MKII produced (in Full HD) and is the setting for the XDCam EX. However, I have in this setting, some loss of quality.
Has anyone ever experience might do with it and can give me a good tip, as I use my 5D MKII footage in Premiere CS4 s.besten?
Thanks in advance
Antwort von pailes:

I am always shocked when people want to work with s.Mac premiere. Premiere Forget what you want is Final Cut Pro and Intermediate your codec is "ProRes," everything else is futile.