Frage von nordheide:The above menu item is hidden in menu-colon (; under Audio Input).
External mic on channel 1 is connected.
Ch-1 switch is set to Ext
I want to record one channel from the external (; NTG-2) on both channels.
Onist is synonymous in the post but it would be easier.
What have I missed?
Antwort von nordheide:
None has an idea?
Can you then distribute to both CH1 input channel?
Ie is active with you this menu item?
Antwort von ruessel:
Ie is active with you this menu item? Sure ....
Turn on the back of the switch is EX1R Internal and External synonymous with you on the menu free again ....
Antwort von nordheide:
Thank you - but that's not the case with me.
Antwort von nordheide:
So - have just played around again.
You have two (!) Switches (Ch1 + Ch2) of internal switch to external - is synonymous only if a micro connected.