Frage von ruediger:
fragt.gibt are a beginner program, with which we wmv files
join edit, cut, and then output as wmv again kann.ohne convert?
Antwort von matthew:

I think Vegas is the with the appropriate plug-ins;
However, I would really advise you to recode only time in as uncompressed format (DV-AVI? cut) then, and then kannste order to make it what you want ... I would do that ;-)
Antwort von ruediger:

Thank dir.werds times halt machen.bin anfänger.grins
Antwort von rush:

wmv for schnippelein but try the easy times windows movie maker ... ;)
this is in xp, kost nix and for the first cut, it might try to rich scho ... da gibts synonymous no problems with wmv, as format-house:)
Antwort von rapunzelchen:

However, I would really advise you to recode only time in as uncompressed format (DV-AVI? cut) then, and then kannste order to make it what you want ... I would do that ;-)
So I would not do this, however. Take asfbin with the command-line option-VCs, then you can cut loss wmv, and it will be coded only the areas around the ports if needed (ie up) to the last keyframe. If you are still looking to a graphical user interface: for example, "Cut Assistant", but are synonymous of a GUI asfbin the same as Page.
Good luck!