Frage von zenon:
Hi folks have a small spot with friends and rotated to the recording process with Adobe Premiere, but I get's somehow not baked at the moment: (
Have a HDD camcorder, so is the raw material as an MPEG file before.
When I play the raw files, it seems that the widescreen ratio to vote as did 16:9 recording mode selected.
Hab then Adobe Premiere Pro Project Widescreeneinstellungen with elected (16:9) and the file is imported. Unfortunately it seems the video after editing a bit squashed and acts rather 4:3, synonymous, I have now left and right annoying black bars. Moreover, I noticed that the edited video is smaller, if I file with (eg) open VLC it covers a smaller part of my screen. Have test synonymous time a file with the 4:3 mode as when I use this material in the same widescreen Project strangely I import the same result with the bars left and right. The raw material is, however, clearly differentiate them, the 16:9 material is much "broader". Can you maybe somehow I help? Hab really almost all Project and setting up runterprobiert.
Had very erfeut if there is a solution designed with Adobe Premiere, because I already cut this spot and would like to edit.
Have here a 7-zip archive with example images of raw and Endmaterial with a length of about 10 seconds, so you can make even a Picture:
Antwort von Sektionschef:

From the File I understand that you have a Panasonic HDD camcorder did the recordings in MOD files test.
A renaming to MPG is not enough, because Pansonic (and Canon and JVC, but not Sony), the 16:9 widescreen flag is not included in the MOD file to write but in the corresponding MOI file.
Most video programs in turn evaluate the MOI does not file, so the video is increasingly recognized as 4:3, although it was recorded in 16:9.
WORKAROUND here making my own written SDcopy tool, which you can download here:;topic=280.0;id=219
It copied all the MOD files from a source drive to a shared folder, renames the MOD files so that they change the date / time as a file and get a MPG extension. SDcopy addition, the 16:9 widescreen flag, so the editing programs are then seen as a 16:9 format.
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Antwort von zenon:

Thanks I will try. However, I'm using the normal software of Panasonic, so the Video Cam Suite, to convert the mod files to Mpeg, Benn they not only;)
After converting the files with the Panasonic software I have in addition the MPG files in addition to any video file or a file MTD and an MTV-file, sometimes I even MCS files. Someone knows what all I need?
LG Zenon
PS Yes your assumption agrees hab the Panasonic SDR-H280
Antwort von zenon:

WOW vielen lieben DANK !!!!! Has worked with your program!
Now I have 2 small problems.
1) If I had longer recordings are sometimes many, many MOD files with a size of about 12 MB available, but they belong to a recording. Can I somehow "correct" merging, so I like the Panasonic software with an MPEG file, however with just the right 16:9 flag?
2) I have unfortunately no longer the original mod files to my spot already mentioned above, there is the possibility of somehow the flag to be set?
LG Zenon
Again many thanks, at least now know what it is!
Antwort von Sektionschef:

For 1)
I know just in case the camcorder the recording into multiple files MOD when a size of 2GB (or 4GB) is reached.
This is because the plates as either FAT16 or FAT32 formatted and the 2 or 4GB limits are.
Why the camcorder in the recording-12MB MOD files should share, I do not know.
Can you not the Panasonic SW MOD files to a large MOD or MPG file together?
For 2)
SDcopy can
MPG files s.synonymous after looking again and MPG files. Just under "search for" instead of MPG, MOD then enter. Then synonymous set the flag again.
b) if you are the "target folder" is empty, can Sdcopy synonymous original files directly patching. Then nothing but copying the original files are patched.
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