Frage von Moritzk:
Good evening Dear,
I think yesterday after the Pc had partly filled with completely new, and have cleaned up, I wanted to start again now with the daily average.
After I've re-installed Magix Video ProX I wanted to put as usual, get rid of. The program opened normally, but the loading of a project I'm working s.dem worked, not easy. To make it appeal to more accurately it was always the following error (See Stillimage attached).
The problem is the. Mov files in the payloads of the Project are included.
I have installed Quicktime, which ansich the appropriate video codec delivers ... but synonymous with that has not helped.
Displayed in the error message with the file he has problems is in the folder Program / Common files / Apple and comes of Quicktime.
Alternatively I once uninstalled Quicktime and install the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, but that has not helped synonymous.
... Can anyone help me? I'm not progressing as easy! 've Tried everything and can just throw up yet.
I've tried it myself once with the test version of the Magix's homepage, but this has changed nothing synonymous s.dem problem.
I hope one of you can help me ... any smallest Hinweiß could help me.
Best regards,
Antwort von srone:

hi moritz,
latest quicktime version installed? neuaufsetzen or different from before your system? is possibly another audio process in parallel?
finger off of codec-packs, which make it more broken than the good.
Antwort von Moritzk:
hi moritz,
latest quicktime version installed? neuaufsetzen or different from before your system? is possibly another audio process in parallel?
finger off of codec-packs, which make it more broken than the good. Hy SRone,
firstonce thank you for your quick response.
So I think I already have the latest version of Quicktime was installed, it was right of the homepage of Apple.
What do you mean with another audio process to run?
So currently I only have Quicktime installed and just Magix Video Pro X, but not a codec pack ... that I uninstalled.
Hope can help me next :-)
Best regards
Antwort von B.DeKid:

* Was not notified habs now seen the Stillimage *
VLC and Super bring all codecs with which you need.
How does it look with the path specified in the existing project?
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

Remember, never an NLE uninstall during a project. Really never do, not even update the prog, you wait until the project is finished and then you can set up a new Comp. Unfortunately, a little late now.
And some can synonymous to change, a Vegas is again significantly larger in terms of the editing and effects, especially the brilliant mask function I put you to the heart.
Antwort von Moritzk:

Oh crap ... and now what?
Other projects are indeed synonymous to open, but have then no. Mov files.
... What should I do now?
Again, the Pc play new and ready ... or what do you think?
Is good, however as soon get shut Help!
Thank you!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Have times installed VLC and Super!
And no play is again one of the most Prob Solve hardly
B. DeKid
Antwort von Moritzk:

Yes I did ...!
Vllt not any program compatible with the other.
Uninstall Quicktime times, and games and Super Vcl new views on ... behold!
Antwort von srone:

start taskmanager and check what processes run mainly audio drivers as yet, the screenshots of your error message refers to an audiotoolbox.dll, so I suspect the problem rather audioseitig.
partly filled with all the mainboard drivers and updated? install audio drivers?
you see the device manager.
Antwort von pilskopf:
Has the same prob. But when it's all about the sound file that you can get around not with the Project? The prob has to do really well with what the Apple codec and nothing with Magix.
Antwort von Moritzk:

So it is news.
I can load the projects now, the synonymous without an error message or other. Only what is now the new problem is that he can not read mov files. And that for a Project where every second clip is a Mov file :-(... what now?
Did the way back synonymous Quicktime installed and the error message is no longer the same.
I think the message really came from an audio setting that I had deactivated for Windows startup.
But why he can not read. Mov files more?
Vllt install the included views of the Canon Eos550D Cd?
What is funny but I can play the mov files on Vlc but just denoch not insert into the editing program :-(
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So are the raw videos straight out of cam?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Moritzk:
So are the raw videos straight out of cam?
B. DeKid Yes!
So slowly I find the mistake!
Somehow the Quicktime version does not, although it is the latest! After Effects CS4, the session has started at least without Active Quicktime version ... has told me :-)
Have now installed Quicktime 6 times, then it worked ... so at least has Magix Video ProX the files detected and you could shop ... just what came out were white loading videos :-) but I am glad that I now 'm on the right track.
Must now find the compatible Quicktime version ... look out!
Thank you!
Antwort von Moritzk:

So now I'm fed up!
Now I have installed ne new Quicktime version, and suddenly comes this fucking (Sorry, but I am really pissed off) error message again ... puke!
I think I'm going pennen first and make next morning ... well an attempt to start yet :-)
Antwort von campool:

Have you ever so much running in the background? I noticed at times VDL 15 that it gives the same error message, if other audio software at the same requests (which is unusual for NLEs). Now sounds trite, but try again "pure", ie finally: sometimes all the superfluous and only open ProX.
Maybe I could help you, yes.
Good luck and please do continue volumes so hot movies such as "My name is life" ;-)
Best regards,