Frage von cosmic:
can I use multiple individual clips in a track join, that is "stuck together" so that 1 Clip arises again?
Many thanks in advance for your reply!
your cosmic
Antwort von RickyMartini:

You work with sequences, which vary and showed a clip from a multitude of individual parts of clips.
This sequence can be set to DV () or as Einzelclip into an output file.
Antwort von shipoffools:
... can I use multiple individual clips in a track join, that is "stuck together" so that 1 Clip arises again?
... I think he feels more like several clips in the timeline can join in order to be able to move together.
If so the question is meant to work like this:
The relevant clips with the Choice mark (left click mouse and then drag the clips or "Ctrl" and hold the clips individually with left-click to select the color they show as selected.)
Then right mouse click and "set group" option, or simply "G" type. Then the clips into a grouped clip. Disconnect the clip works simply with "Remove Group".
Antwort von cosmic:

thank you very much! the group with which I know. I will simply play out a short sequence and re-import the clip.
One last question: if I'm now a part off and re-import, is it recommended that the clip as "uncompressed avi" to save? so I've no quality loss.
as you proceed?
tx! cosmic
Antwort von RickyMartini:
thank you very much! the group with which I know. I will simply play out a short sequence and re-import the clip.
One last question: if I'm now a part off and re-import, is it recommended that the clip as "uncompressed avi" to save? so I've no quality loss.
as you proceed?
tx! cosmic You should use the codec, when the project settings is used, or the codec of the clips. How is it to the codec in your material and project?
Instead of uncompressed output synonymous enough to go through the HQ codec from all.