Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Elgato Turbo.264 Hardware H.264 HD encoder for Mac in the Test of thomas - 7 Aug 2009 15:14:00 The Elgato encoding H.264/MPEG-4 accelerator comes in the form of a box that will be accessed and connected via USB Calculator s.den of iMovie, Final Cut Pro, QuickTime Pro or a standalone version of the software from Elgato. Komprimioerungsprofile example for the iPhone, iPod, Sony Playstation and YouTube makes it easier to choose the right Encodingeinstellungen - the source material can be in various formats such as DV, MPEG-2, AVI, WMV or MP4 vorliegen.Im test was mainly the sizes of video encoded differently (; 9.2 MB Elegato H.264 vs 25.8 MB) QT H.264 at similar settings and quality, with Encodingzeit was only minimally faster than 26 seconds without the Elgato box (, 33s). The price for the box in this country amounts to around 130 Euro.
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Antwort von FredX:

Here a consignment of portalZINE on the stick. 3D% 3D/epsiode_268_elgato_turbo264_hd__hd_komprimierung_vom_feinsten /
Antwort von Flohre:

Ím have just watched the video link posted above ...
So honestly, is it sooooo very fast?
Do not understand what s.15fps "is to be turbo
Antwort von FredX:

you walk into H.264 to HD material, there are 15 fps pretty good. Who will, of course, has an 8 core system, laugh at it:) brilliant for iMacs and Macbooks in any case.
With a dual-core system, the removal of the H.264 conversion means a tremendous gain in speed, especially with HD conversion.
ps. I do not work at elgato LOL