Frage von träumer*:
Good evening!
Premiere Pro would ne lot of movie files (Mom 180) to import and then edit the longer term. Garnicht umbedingt for reasons of space but rather the fumbling each audio clip of his track for free, I asked myself if I got the files are not synonymous with no audio can import.
Have me as much as possible and clever read rumprobiert, no solution is found. Perhaps it is synonymous to the fact that I ScenalyzerLive with the material to the PC and have captured the audio material is now firmly in the photographic material is integrated?
Würd mich drüber happy if someone can tell me whether there is a possibility the audio track rauszufiltern. Ansonstn can I apply for a Alternativorschlag begeistertn as I at least sound like the future of clean front rausschneiden can.
mfg and pleasant dreams
* träumer
Antwort von Wiro:

in the future when you can already capturing Premiere instruct only video, audio only or both to capture. This is your "problem" of the beginning solved.
Since this time you've already captured interleaved, you must, willy-nilly until the clips in the timeline, drag, then hold down ALT, the entire audio track select and press DELETE. Then you have only the video track.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi, if you put the clips in the left monitor window trim, you have also the option to clip with / without audio / video in the timeline to draw
select from the icon below your right version.
Gruß Jörg