Frage von Gunnar P,:
times one reads this das + times what is now better example for Mpeg2? Now, to return some say, "This depends on the starting material. Sure, but let's say: A very ordinary movie with quiet + moving scenes, 11 / 2 hours ...
Antwort von StefanS:

Basically, the image quality when using the same template of the same material and codecs are the same at the same data, no preference obe this data using the default is CBR or VBR via assigned.
On this basis, I work as follows:
DV movies from their own recordings are never longer than 60 min.
So I choose CBR with a very high data rate of 8500 kbit / sec.
TV-recordings, for example, until about 90 minutes I also do mostly with CBR, then come after deduction of the tone (224 kbit) only about 6300 - 6500 kbits fürs Picture rum. Here is the borderline case, where you can think about a movie with fast action scenes using VBR synonymous something allocate more data.
Should the film length exceeds 90 min and thus the data for the picture below this value of 6300 - 6500 kbit fall comes halt VBR applications.
This is definitely not the last word on the subject and not always catching the very last Quentchen - or is it according to the latest Duden touch, do not know, looks after itself - the quality out, but for me it is sufficient. You can do better, but it is just a compromise between time and outcome.
But this is since last weekend of snow yesterday, because as I finally get a DL burner had purchased :-)
And next weekend is the first test.
Antwort von rapunzelchen:
Antwort von StefanS:

Thanks for the link, I confess, I was too lazy to look for :-)
Antwort von Gunnar P.:

Sounds somewhat plausible Stefan what you write. At higher data rates, say over 6000 kbits / package, there is always a good quality with CBR. In 6000 (when a long material) in normal shooting should take VBR ...
Is that all agree with?
Antwort von rapunzelchen:
Is that all agree with?
Yes and no.
If you no longer than 65 mins material, you can always for DVDs with the highest possible bit rate of approx. 8600 for the video part with CBR encoding.
Your video lasts longer, is in a standard DVD with 4.7 GB-VBR announced to a lower bit rate, despite the best out of it. When adjusting the bit rate then there is some uncertainty because of the 'Bitverbrauch' of the type of material (and the respective Kompressionsalgoritmus the encoder) is dependent on (a lot of movement = many small bits). As rules of thumb to help only as of the Stefan and his own experience. The encoders integrated in some Bitrechner are naturally not very reliable.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Basically, the image quality when using the same template of the same material and codecs are the same at the same data, no preference obe this data using the default is CBR or VBR via assigned. Sorry - but this is nonsense.
The meaning of variable bit rate, the available data to use optimally. Practical example: If you're in a video image of a stop, you verbrätst you at a constant bitrate unnecessary bits that you like in moving sequences are missing and to block artifacts. VBR would be still images, the lower data rate and in sequences with a lot of movement / panning increases.
In other words, in any case for Picture VBR use.
Antwort von StefanS:

Still Image To Your statement is certainly correct. I will not deny.
My statement is, however, in their entirety on a film-related, as it has outlined Gunnar synonymous, which is now usually not louder still images, but rather from more or less fast-moving images, otherwise it would be indeed a slideshow. And since this statement is not that silly times now, but one way, sorry.
Even where a VBR Picture not give more bandwidth than the DVD specification and is performing with my 8000 - 8500 kbit, I use VBR as if the movie length is being made, because I am now very close times.
The question now is where you are on a boundary moves in the sense that one feels a difference between s.Wiedergabemedium eg 8000 and 7000 kbit kbit to recognize.
And as I said initially that this is my way of working and my compromise between time and quality, I would raise no claim to making a single hostile approach, but let them not be considered synonymous call bullshit.
Never ever in a debate that the asker to be several opportunities and from which he is a fairly neutral, can form your own opinion should be.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Even where a VBR Picture not give more bandwidth than the DVD specification is performing That's true of course. And I personally was and is the anchor for line-source material (ie DV - video) is too low - with fast pans and movements in the picture you get of MPEG-2 DVD s.seine limits, ie: I get blocks in the Picture.
On this fundamental limitation of the DVD can not change. The question is: What is with the average mass of material? I will leave it to the encoder, the bits efficiently and optimally distribute or do I use CBR? Then I offer playtime and / or quality.
Antwort von StefanS:
I will leave it to the encoder, the bits efficiently and optimally distribute or do I use CBR? Then I offer playtime and / or quality. I can connect me so perfectly.
It is then but still, that if my movies, and it is :-) DV, for example, only 20 minutes, that my 20 minutes with CBR and s.der hard limit of allowed bitrate encoding can, because saves me not synonymous VBR.
So I can, for example, if I find the sound of 224 kbit reserve, up to 70 minutes of video with. approx 8345 kbits encode leave. Because it brings me really VBR nix.
Let's go through this game out, each must decide for itself whether it is 80 minutes long, the picture quality at about 7275 kbit still considers tolerable. But I confess that my eyes are so bad that at the same bitrate no blocks can recognize.
Are we then at 90 minutes and arrived around 6450 kbit starts halt synonymous with me, others may be different, to think and it goes beyond that, the time must also help to avoid artifacts.
So that's it now :-)
Antwort von Andre Steiger:

I always knew the way that CBR was more likely to prefer, where a constant data stream is necessary - eg when streaming. For all other applications to VBR is preferred because better quality at an average bitrate.
In this context, perhaps these synonymous
Antwort von Gandalf:

>> Professional Encoder now offer up to 20 analytical runs, it is a perfect video quality.
Oops! Which is because the encoder can? Sure None 'for the consumer area? ;-)
Antwort von Axel:
I always knew the way that CBR was more likely to favor ... Whenever a high data rate because of the length of the film (less than 60 min) is possible. VBR brings nothing.
VBR is only good with good encoders. See
Die VBR-Version of Quicktime inkl. Compressor, Canopus ProCoder and TMPEGenc sind die, die ich probiert habe. Bei allen konnte ich - leider - folgendes Phänomen feststellen: Sehr schnelle Bewegungen (Achterbahn)werden nicht natürlich dargestellt, sondern ruckelig, was das Ausgangsmaterial nicht machte. Bessere Resultate lieferten - nicht lachen! - DVD2one (Mac) and Shrink DVD (PC) nach vorheriger Erstellung als Double Layer DVD with hoher Bitrate and CBR, and diese waren dreimal schneller.*
Ach ja, das kommt natürlich hier für niemanden in Frage ...
*EDIT: Lese gerade zur Technik, die Tools nutzen die 4472 MB eines Standartrohlings voll aus, durch Neuberechnung in
C BR ... Well, either way, or a hardware encoder.
Antwort von Markus:
a similar and very detailed Duskussion on this subject can be found here:
Antwort von peterM:
As I said bring p.8 Mbit ne variable bitrate little.
A recital by CBR to use one example in our multi-streaming and streaming framesync the other hand, and stop quicker, while employers admitted to the masses today Worstations no longer as the role played in SDTV.