Frage von saldek:
I was sure that this thing here already chewed x times. Only I'm too stupid about it to find something suitable. To make matters worse I have no basic knowledge with Encore. I do not even know for what the difference of Assets and Timeline is :-(
I cut a movie in Premiere Pro 1.5. This should come an open (before the menu comes from).
Actually, it should be quite simple:
1. Eröffnungsclip
2. Simple menu with 2 buttons (text only). However, the menu should not be a Stillimage, but a small 20 sec. Clip (Premiere) runs in the loop.
Although I have a tutorial, but is not said how can I have a video running in the background. And tomorrow, the DVD ready to be :-(
Oh yes, it is enough if I export the video in Premiere to DV AVI or do I have m2v convert these files?
Here I hope someone can help me soon ..
The more accurate the help the better.
Antwort von dvwga:

Yes, you can drag the avi's directly in Encore, but then they will before Encore, the "real work" begins. recoded into DVD compliant files.
To run a video in the background menu, you need only to import this video and then the tab "Properties" to assign this video synonymous with "video" (which you will need to have enabled the menu). If the video is supposed to have synonymous ton, you still need an independent, viable for Encore to create audio - File, which has exactly the length of the videos. For this you'd have to be exactly where to insert, as just described to the video
Antwort von saldek:

Erstmal Thanks for the quick reply.
So I imported before the opener. Playing Under the tab "Project" right click and "First". Now when I click on the preview of the clip is quite abespielt schonmal s.Anfang. Now will come the menu.
So I pull the clip back into the desired tab "Project", then it looks to me as follows:
Antwort von dvwga:

Yes, you need to select a menu erstmal. In this case, should be a video on it, you simply choose the blank menu (available in 16:9 or 4:3) and there you will do what I wrote in my first post. Then you need to, because it is a moving menu, under File "render motion menus" (I think that means), select this and then it should come as synonymous in the preview as you like.
Antwort von saldek:

Hey, it worked. Video plays in the background with buttons, etc. opener starts as we thought at first.
Only one problem I have:
After the intro the screen stays black. The menu does not appear. I tried the intro to "end action" Blank sections indicate "too. But anything helps.
Then I tried it under "Local Menu" with "blank sections. Works but not synonymous.
Is there somewhere a kind of playlist where I can choose how and when what is to be played in what order? If a will or the property under the clip?
Antwort von MiXMaster:

ok all done.
Encore is very accessible!