Frage von wim-roegels:
Unfortunately, no search results in an exploitable results and the Manual of Adobe eh not. Maybe Adobe is my vocabulary is simply not so familiar.
To date, I have always as far as possible with DVDs made ReelDVD ... But with the acquisition of the Adobe Suite and the not entirely satisfactory testing of DVD Lab, I wanted to last nu Encore times correctly.
My question: how do I find it on a menu, to tinker, which is a DV (Picture and Sound) as a background on which later the Knopefe or whose highlights are established to build?
Where or how do I set the offset, for which the subpicture and highlight (or as the means at Adobe) appears? Of course only when the video background 'is synonymous extent'?
Surely this is already been discussed on several occasions - because someone would be so nice right place s.die me to refer?
Thank you very much.
Antwort von wolferl69:

Antwort von wolferl69:

here is a useful link to tutorials
schau dir mal den Adobe Encore DVD 1.x Lernkurs an.Kilcke
practice on the tab and you'll see how that works.
Antwort von wolferl69:
Antwort von wim-roegels:

Thank you for the answers.
So I see it right that I have the intro should secede from the menu, so I at this stage have no buttons in it - I find it so sad.
Is this possible in 2.0 different?
Is it offset or audio dropouts?
Antwort von wolferl69:

you can withdraw your course menu with buttons which appear later.
Create your menu in either After Effects, animate all the parts in question and then add the animation in motion in Encoremenü On.
Or you build your menu in Encore and create together of there
AE comp. (If that goes in your suite)
That all took first with play not to do so is a whole other site.
Here's what the workflow in the studio version
Antwort von wolferl69:
That all took first with play not to do so is a whole other site. I had to laugh when I saw the tutorial.
Because he does the animation on the First Play! Just like I said.
Meier Schlau what did you now?
Antwort von wolferl69:

I think my jumping semicolon was the 'Loop brand' - which I had previously read about ... because I set the exact date from welcehm the Knoeppe (subpicture) appear - I think.
Manual Page 110 ... reading is good.
Thanks again.
Antwort von Schlaumeier:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
Just like I said.
Meier Schlau what did you now? Schlau Meier says:
The questioner wants to create an
animated menu. The tutorial will
the only possibility out this animation as
synonymous first play to use, and then into the
menu to the left.
The creation of the
menu has absolutely nothing with the subsequent use as I know what else to do.
Schlau Meier