Frage von Amirxy:
I have two questions about Encore.
The first would be: I have a button (; circle) drawn from the library on my animated video menu. This button then converted by right click-> convert to button. Then I linked the circles on the respective films.
These two strange things happen: First, the circle is cut down, and what is disturbing still, every time I press up or down, that is a point of going to the other, the video jumps back to the top of the menu loop point. Why is that?
The other question: How can I post that was once a movie starts, it does not jump to the beginning of the animated video menus, but precisely to the loop point? For the animation, how the menu should build only when you insert the DVD to be seen.
Thank you before for your help.
Antwort von silentzero:

This is the preview each time skip to the beginning of a button when you go to the other is normal. This is so in the preview of Encore. This fits then forward to the finished DVD.
I would say the same thing with the truncated circle. The preview of Encore's not true.
To the other question: Go with your timeline set at "end action" set to "link". In the now open window, you give your menu s.and makierst the box "(something with) .. loop brand." Then it funzt.