Infoseite // Encore CS3: Menu button is to be transparent when selecting

Frage von Soulfly:

Hi Folks,

I have an idea and want to know if anyone has ever tried anything like that.
My menu starts with a Anmition of an opening Buches.Wenn the loop point is reached, to hide the menu buttons On the first page of the book. So far so good. But the highlights are limited to three colors, I want to do the following. The animation is looped in the background on each (; contained in the video) menu a particle animation to be the choice. And that may only be visible when I have selected the menu item. So, each Encore button erstmal particle animation overlap. Only when he is selected, it should be transparent and share the running in the background particle animation. I think if I (a Stillimage the background animation, with no particles) masking, and assigns the buttons, it could go, perhaps. But then again I've got the old problem with the limited color of the buttons.
Another idea was that Stillimage Full Frame (as a video button, how to pack for the chapter selection) button on the places and the animated mask out the area? But then the menu items overlap, ie errors.
Do you have a solution, respectively, is there a solution?

LG Matthias


Antwort von Mylenium:

"Soulfly" wrote:
Do you have a solution, respectively, is there a solution?

Yes clear - for every button its own menu and Auto-Action (auto enable) with corresponding transition animations. May indeed look nice, but because the navigation is greatly slowed because you will make you so keien friends. I personally finsde sowas imemr pretty annoying ....



Antwort von Soulfly:

This version of I've ruled out a priori, because I have tested it already, with exactly the wringing as you described it. The DVD will be umswitchen always, this is really annoying. That is why I described the other variants, and if you see there a possibility. It can really only work with the video buttons, for support both transparent gradients as synonymous Resolutionder the full picture. Seems to me to be quite complicated and there remains the question of whether the button in active state gets transparent in order to expose the animation including "...



Antwort von Mylenium:

"Soulfly" wrote: Seems to me to be quite complicated and there remains the question of whether the button in active state gets transparent in order to expose the animation including "...

No not really. At the latest when the menu is rendered, so again a normal clip draus and the Problem with dne subpictures you can not deal either way. In other programs, one could perhaps still with a lot of scripting and misappropriation of a few jump menu features (markers, Multilanguage) to switch the background / but that is synonymous not really a reasonable solution. In general, you should therefore prefer to try other Designidden ...



Antwort von Soulfly:

Hey Mylenium,

thanks for the exchange of ideas. Even the most powerful tool will probably encounter some s.seine, better the DVD standard limits ..
Too bad. Wundevolle I see a future in which teaching my thoughts assembler Encore what I want and still synonymous modify all standards. And without Absturz.Jaja ...


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