Frage von Tiger955:
Encore and its end actions ..
To not be so dependent on the normal links to I will now use even a chapter playlist and yet the end action is not working properly.
Given in a Project are:
A first-play movie, then comes a menu with 2 buttons, together with links to Movie 1 (; to Chapter 1) when button 1 and chapter playlist of Film2 when Button 2
Film 1 starts and ends with a manual of Schnittfenster1 end action as desired and remains on Button2 and are waiting for a manual start.
Film2 (; or chapter playlist) Button2 start like we wanted, but after the last chapter does not jump back on the menu, although the end action of the chapters Playlist veweist on the menu. Just as the end action of the Timeline of Film2.
(An attempt synonymous with the last chapter in the chapter-end action give one playlist, the menu), however, leads (in an error, "end action can not be performed because of end action on the chapter marker").
After the last chapter of the Film2 begins with Chapter 1, only the second run, he jumps to the last chapter really to menu
Where is the problem?
Antwort von Mylenium:

Where is the problem? Exactly
Although the end action of the chapters Playlist veweist on the menu. Just as the end action of the Timeline of Film2. Is simply illogical in the sense of how the streams are tied. But nothing prevents you to lay synonymous for the film itself, a chapter playlist, synonymous only if you want to play the movie as a whole works, right?
Antwort von Tiger955:

Sorry, but I do not understand your answer.
What should I do?
The Film2 has even a chapter playlist.
Chapter Playlist of Film2 and synonymous Timeline of Film2 both have the same end action.
Antwort von Tiger955:

I think I've found the error, but now takes on a new:
Errors found:
"Overwrite" stood at Schaltfläche2 on "Film2/Kapitel1" while standing on linking Kaptiel-Playlist/Film2.
When I "overwrite" put on the menu, then we went to the last chapter of the Film2 synonymous really jumped on the menu.
This, however, a new error: "orphaned Schnittfenster2" because nothing indicates the Film2.
How do I solve this?
Habs now so resolved: delete chapter playlist, because I am in my project to use the playlist is not clear.