Frage von gutschein:
I have a menu with 10 video thumbnail buttons.
How or Where can I change the time, how long the einezelnen motion pictures (video thumbnail buttons) are displayed.
The time of the video thumbnail buttons, I'd like to make 30 seconds, so the background music regardless of normal and continues after the end of synonymous always repeats, while the video thumbnail buttons for example after 30 seconds car ever to be repeated.
I would like to have it so:
- The menu should be displayed permanently (it was the man pushes the video thumbnail buttons, then the film should be played).
- The background music repeats itself after the end of the song.
- The video thumbnail buttons always repeat itself every 30s
WHY for 30 seconds?
I have read that it normally takes too much memory. Under 30s has been synonymous gives a good overview of what goes into the clip, it may be synonymous again wiedrholt werdne.
Thank you very much
Antwort von Mylenium:

WHY for 30 seconds?
I have read that it normally takes too much memory. Under 30s has been synonymous gives a good overview of what goes into the clip, it may be synonymous again wiedrholt werdne.
This is not your serious, right? Completely free sensible nonsense! The menu is entirely as one big clip is stored, not as separate levels or snippets Chen. It is therefore of schnurzpiepegal whether your Previews repeat or they can continue to run endlessly - the file size is the same. For the repetition can be In-and Outpoints in the Properties button to set the video.
Antwort von gutschein:

This is not your serious, right? Completely free sensible nonsense! The menu is entirely as one big clip saved
Mylenium And what is the size of the clip?
I just thought that this
Menu \ properties \ motion \ duration is entered.
Once you do the Audiofile reinzieht, here is the time of the Audi Files registered.
And, I thought, so long will be synonymous background videos.
Did I not?
I would now just like the full background music for example with 4 minutes, but the preview should be 4 minutes but only 30Sekunden go.
Do you understand what I mean?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Axel:

Workflow, individual snippets of video, the buttons in the menu layout and then to draw from the authoring program to render, there are, afaik. But why? The rendered Mpeg2 file still had the length of the entire menu. Your misunderstanding is based appears to be that you think the player could be on multiple 30 "clip in parallel to access and so save space. But this is not so. Encore makes the miniatures and the
background file.
The much easier and with better quality security method, the import of the completely finished Menufilms from the sectional or the effect program.
As for the length of the menus, it is first of the longest duration of medium-dependent: If the Menufilm 30 seconds long, but audio 4 min, after thou hast Picture still 3'30 "Music of black nothingness, nor vice versa, a mute Picture. This is at least as DSP. The time that you specify in the authoring program, refers to non-animated menus, requires an Endaktion or is this point of s.geloopt. Ideally, have audio and video have the same maturity, the loop besorgs you the miniatures in the other program.
Antwort von Mylenium:

And what is the size of the clip? Öhm, you can figure out ... Data times seconds?! Of course, Encore, that the entire menu 4 minutes walk, if you have a long reinschmeißt Music. The loop point of the menu itself with the previews at all to do nothing and is not synonymous of those affected. Your menu will stinknormalen for MPEG-II file converted once synonymous only one element is moved. Everything else is hole-in-the-air makes you think and not next. As pointed out by previous speakers said - on average, program menus properly prepare and times to consider whether there is any people out there, the menu at 4 minutes anglotzt and the music so long Dudeln needs ...
Antwort von sh20:

I did stop earlier DVD of PoerTools Ulead because funktiioniert this automatically.
Since I have no AE, I have to create everything with Encore.
You can also with Encore Miniaturefilmen from the background and the button to create a separate file.
Where is this file then?
Do I have this file then edit that individual clips are synonymous selectablly? Somehow you have to but then the button with link
I binn now slightly confused. The origin of my questions was based on this article # 259696
Thank you very much
Antwort von Axel:
Since I have no AE, I have to create everything with Encore.
You can also with Encore Miniaturefilmen from the background and the button to create a separate file. In which program you video and audio for the Menufilm do, is really no preference. Quite clearly: Finally, on the finished DVD,
have your miniature clips anyway part of the movie's background. No DVD Player can simultaneously and / or independently several videos show. For the viewer it may
look like, when the miniatures were only temporarily embedded in the background, but, sigh, see above.
Where is this file then? Where do they lie? First you make a background graphic, animated or not, with buttons (arrows, buttons, frames, writing, whatever your heart desires) in Photoshop and / or your editing program (program effect is probably not). Then you cut the mini-clips for the intended length of the menus to navigate. If there are 4 minutes, the clips so synonymous 4 minutes. As always synonymous, they take only 30 seconds, you have to trim them so that you have exactly 8 times about your background image resize (here is more of a purely practical editing program s.als Encore, where you and the background and render thumbnails zusammenstellung ), the result must be
a film of 4 minutes. The is on your hard drive and is called as "Menufilm".
Do I have this file then edit that individual clips are synonymous selectablly? Somehow you have to but then the button with link The highlights do you do in Photoshop and the functions of the buttons completely in Encore. The video tracks, slideshows or other menus, which you combine with the buttons, you are obviously completely different. You can, for example the font-Button "Mallorca" on the Miniaturclip a ski jump and place a link to one fireplace. None That would do it just to give you hopefully make it clear what is called authoring.