Frage von Krabbi:
Good morning everybody:)
I have quite a node with Encore CS4.
I create a new FullHD Project to burn it on Bluray then too. If I then create a new Menu in the Project, whose Resolutionjedoch NTSC SD (720x480). The project settings are still HD 1920x1080.
I can import a PSD as a menu in Full HD, then the whole thing, further work with the ready-made meals.
It would be very useful if the Rohmenüs of s.HD would start, or I could change it at least somewhere.
Anyone know more?
Gruss Beat
Antwort von MM194:

then your "default menu set to the wrong setting.
Somewhere in your template an empty menu with the Resolution1920x1080 be, probably under General. Darau with the right mouse button click -> set as default ... or something like that.
Antwort von Krabbi:

fits ... merci