Frage von podqu:
I want to create a DVD for a presentation. These videos are used, which will be repeated again and again until you press on any control button on the remote, then go solls.
I thought that I realize that with motion menus, which is present on the current video, a transparent link, which is then clicks only ". The motion menu could be yes, then endlessly repeated.
But now I have over 3GB but motion menus. Is indeed synonymous clear, they are not "real videos" on the DVD, all videos are embedded into motion menus.
Would not bother me, but Encore DVD (1.5) says that should the motion menus include a maximum of 1 GB.
Is there any solution? Can I say for example the shooting somehow different, that they will keep repeating itself until one clicks on them?
The end of the presentation will be:
Slide 1
Video (long loop)
Slide 2
Video (long loop)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

At Encore DVD you create for each film looping on an empty menu (object). Then you put on the clip as a looping background movie to the menu and the menu saying that there is an infinite loop.
The trigger for the transition to the next, with background film demonstrated Menu (object) importierst you any artwork in the format 768x576 pixels (PAL 4x3, otherwise adjust accordingly) and positionierst centers on the menu / background film. This graphic you are converting to button ([Ctrl sets] + B) and their links on it to the next menu (object) with the background film.
Now comes the trick:
You have the button (since it is the only one on the menu it is automatically the active and control is activated for each click or pressure on the remote!) They now invisible and un-segment connection, a way of defending your desired effect.
To do so, choose Edit in Photoshop "on the menu ([Shift] + [Ctrl] + M), open the group (folder icon in the Layers palette) with the same name as your Schaltflächengrarfik (starts with one "(+)..." , make the background layer invisible by deselecting the Augensimbols left, make the highlight-level (ie "(= 1)") visible by clicking on eyes, click on the layer to actively seek them, choose with [Ctrl] + A the entire Content from, and delete it with delete []. Now just save the Photoshop image, close to admire your work in Photoshop and Encore DVD!
In the same way you verfährst with all the menus that will play your movies and looping, and change only when you want it! :-)
Antwort von vonStrago:

Hmmm, I think podqu ds has done exactly what you have suggested, Debonnaire, and is now synonymous s.dem s.dem point I find myself, 1GB and menu data anymore. Our background seems to think movies are bigger than 1GB.
different: there is a possible one button (s.besten invisible) to place it in a timeline?
Antwort von grovel:

Of course, one could solve all of the menu button, but it's just a very unattractive solution.
Alternatively, you can try what happens if you loop through the films end action "" can, but she arranges on the DVD in the correct order.
At least in Encore 1.0 it then jumped at a pressure on the "Next" - button to the next clip, instead of assuming the end action (assuming there were no set chapter markers). However, this was generally viewed as a mistake, I'm pretty sure that in 1.5 is no longer the case.
In the DVD standard, it is permissible to place menus in every first VOB VOB of each block, but it is a work of art, as far as I know that can accomplish only Scenarist, and even there you have to act well to scripting level. I know of only one synonymous DVD where this feature is used, the Collectors Edition of Trainspotting.
I tell you, especially if they are short clips (at 5-minute frames) simply grab the first few minutes in a timeline and an end (eg, the last 30 sec) in a menu. Ideally, of course, you put this transition to a fade to black or at least a Szenencut so that the laser jump is not so clear. Thus, the time always stays the same you need to stop nicely with the "header" skills to work the menu. But that you'd have to come in 1 GB.
SeeYa grovel