Frage von Chezus:
Google Slashcam and have nothing useful ausgespuckt, so here is my question s.euch, and my problem solving that I gladly will.
Have some clips in Premiere together and cut in between each cut mark a DVD set, so Encore recognizes this and I nurnoch the chapter marks to assign to ...
So far so good, now I render the clips as a complete film (DV AVI) out and imported it into Encore as an asset or as a cutting window. Now in Encore, but no chapter marks can be seen.
I got in the export settings that already in Chapter hook with export enabled. I got it synonymous with a smaller clip and fewer brands sampled.
How does it before or what am I doing wrong? Ich hab in Encore until now just finished and added clips to DVD.
Just wanted to be known for their home videos with little around it to burn DVD with chapters now ... since I steh
Antwort von Rob65:

Stupid question, but the markers did you miss a designation? Only then exported the first marker (at least in PPro 1.5). But synonymous in the manual ;-)
Antwort von Chezus:

Said done've named all the chapters, however, recognizes the Encore brands still do not. But nor any hook somewhere that I've forgotten?
Antwort von Chezus:

Now I have the solution. In the Help Center. I've probably read about.
During the import of files in Adobe Encore DVD chapter markers numbered marks are created. To ensure that the marks are used, they must be text in the box section extension. With this text are the chapters on trade marks. For more information on brands will receive numbered in the help of Adobe Premiere Pro.
Adobe Encore DVD does not currently recognize the DVD brands in Premiere Pro files. Use in Adobe Premiere Pro chapter markers if you do as a chapter markers in Adobe Encore DVD want to use . So ein scheiss. Why then gibts überhaupt DVD marks if not at work?
Antwort von alexwick23:

I am sorry that this old thread again aufwäremen must, but I have exactly the same problem, but in the manual posted that read, but somehow does not understand the difference between the various brands.
What should I put, so you still recognize the moment, because it seems to be wrong. And how can I put?
Help would be really great ...
Antwort von wimaria:

I think there are chapter markers that you have set.
But they must first get a name missing. This works, as far as I remember, with a double click on the respective brand. Then in the editor window, enter a name.
Antwort von alexwick23:

Thank you
I think that's what I have done. Named you are synonymous ...
If, however, still does not appear ...
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