Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Erfahrungsbericht Red One of heidi - 25 Nov 2007 11:36:00 Hofberichterstatter "Mike Curtis has one weeks with the Red One is moved and thrilled. Conclusion: From video can be obtained from this system does not speak synonymous with HD has nothing to do ...
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Antwort von Cocoa_Magazin:

No question, the RED ONE will change the film industry. But more importantly, the RED cameras are synonymous Very understanding and our general understanding of the films change. My Generation (1962) has grown up with film grain and other Repräsalien from the analog world. But that is precisely the new world.
Antwort von Gabriel-Sancezz:

Also "Repräsalien" may "very understanding" change.
Until today, "repressentiert" the "film grain" incidentally, is still one of the most enduring medium of human history ... that should be in digital noise not quite forgotten, new world or not.
Antwort von Gabriel-Sancezz:

You are right, today represents the SW Siberkorn on Barite ausbelichtet with very long Wässerungszeit after fixation and kept fairly dry so what about the longest it even exists today, just behind the papyrus documents of the ancient Egyptians displaced.
Color photos, however, and probably synonymous digital photos are pretty much the ephemeral, making it even exists.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Digital cinema productions (of intelligent and forward-production companies) as Farbseparationskopie "conserved".
Antwort von gast3000:

their Klugscheißer
Antwort von B.DeKid:
... Farbseparationskopie as "conserved ".... Schleich @ Michel
You know, you could me explain the concept of time or NEN link me to send?
Sounds interesting but Google finds including nix.
Thank you