Frage von Rüdiger:
Hello, I have UleadVideo Studio 10Plus, so I have a big problem, I wanted to capture a DVD.
I clicked on DVD / DVD-VR paste, I acknowledge the drive where the DVD is, Ulead reads the disc and it comes the menu:
DVD import.
If I then click the box, click Chapter 1, so that a checkmark appears after a while the error message:
Indeterminate error: Report ID: 0x80041468 (5224).
If I then click on OK, then the PRG the check.
If I then click next to start the PRG s.zu import but only about 10 seconds and then comes the error message:
DVD-Stream-Reader could not be loaded. Report ID: 0x80040911 (2321).
When I click on OK then comes the question: Would you like to quit and import DVD impotierten all Temp files? Yes No!
I must still say that it is a video of Pinnacle Studio 9, together and asked burned disc, but in my DVD player as synonymous aiuf the PC is running.
Can someone help me?
Antwort von E.T.30:

I have similar problem like "Rüdiger".
When importing a previously with Video Camera VDR-D250 PANASONIC created and finalized DVD-R into the editing program Ulead Video Studio 10 on the "DVD / DVD-VR import" (no preference of whether DVD-LW or direct import Camara) comes up the following error message :
"Error opening of DVD. Report-ID: 0x800408ff (2303)"
'm Quite exasperated. All attempts failed. Ulead online support is absolutely sucks. My last hope is this forum.
Please reply to if you find a solution to this problem knows.
Thank you! Your video saved my vacation!
LG, ET30
Antwort von PowerMac:

The plural of "DVD" is "DVDs", not "DVD's".
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Report ID: 0x800408ff (2303) Google finds this error for at least some interesting links like these:
Perhaps yes's you next.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Monchi:

Hy also have the error ... (Pictures from the DVD Recorder)
When the DVD comes Initzialisieren the error message "Report ID 0x800408ff (2303). I have some DVDs already successfully on the PC through plays and am slowly s.verzweifeln because of the error apparently comes irregularly. The following reasons, I can already ruled out by tests ...
It can not s.der Multisession DVD, since I already could play. The DVD format also can not lie, as always the same format is used.
Since exactly the same error already synonymous with "Movie Factory" has occurred, is so obvious that the errors include the LXDVDParser.dll can be resolved ...
Now the big question:
How can the. Dll manual process?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Check it out as if the Programs from the DVD drive can not read.
Perhaps if the gehts Vobs (VRS) only on hard drive will be copied.
/ E