Frage von Mattes:
I have a Panasonic HDC SD300 camcorder and repeatedly caused the problem is that video recordings at fault in the files.
When I play these movies on the camcorder, the error occurs with the following error message: "An error has occurred, turn the power off and on again."
I can copy the movies on my calculator with the included software "HD writer1. These movies can I edit but not on the calculator, next, they can look up the error and skip forward synonymous but they can not be cut or changed.
The camcorder can I still split the movies at least, so that I lose to the problem as about 10 seconds movie. Is only a stopgap measure and not aktzeptapel.
My memory card is a Platinum Best Media 32GB SDHC Class6.
My Questions:
1st Is that a problem of yours, then I take the possibility into the warranty claim? or
2nd is it a problem of the memory card if so what kind should I buy then?
3rd Can I save the movies with any software still?
Here is more info on the memory card used and Camcorders
The following values on this card I have found: speed of 18.4 MB / s (read) 6 MB / s (write), SD Speed Class 6,
in the following topic here Forum: "HDC SD300 and SDHC Card class 4" I found the info of the camcorder with
"The camcorder features with 2.125 megabytes per second (17Megabit / s) to" records
According to Panasonic camcorder-description is the recording mode and the transmission rate to "HA: Ca. 17 Mbps (VBR) "
Antwort von MM194:

whether one or two can only be a test with a different SD card detect. Platinum sounds somehow after China Import NoName am to test enough times synonymous only a 4GB Class 6 card example of Sandisk, ADATA or Transend.
Just try the card reader to copy data with Reiner on the PC.
Antwort von Mattes:

The copy of the files is no problem. I then won the mistake in the original files and process them can not.
It is to me one more question, is there software that can process the original files *. avchd?