Frage von paipel:Hi,
VDL with 17 plus I can set a section that is only cut in the video and displayed. If I spend my videos anyway only in 720, I could theoretically shoot in 1080 and always had so yes more or less zoom range with the same image quality. View ichdas correctly, or have I a mistake?
Antwort von Kino:
Correct in principle, if you let the image detail even 720 lines of your raw material left.
Antwort von WoWu:
No, You have a flaw in it.
Both Lens, as synonymous sensor, including bayering de need, 1080 in sufficient quality to resolve that does not make the most consumer cameras. So creating a less sharp, and through technical improvement halfway processed image.
On the other hand, it is much easier, a 720s resolution to present at the same large image sensor. The individual details are sharper in the image in itself.
Crops you now from the 1080 and it represents a 720 on the same screen size as before the 1080s, each pixel is less focused and all major image artifacts due to the enlarged view.
Make sure you but the 720s Image is on a correspondingly smaller monitor, you see no difference. Also reduces the difference, the higher the quality will Lens and Camera.
For the 7D is exacerbated by that in any case a lowpass image blurred designed and as long as the binning is unchanged at 720 compared with 1080, you still against the Alias | Wavefront Mayaingeffekte struggling to grow up.
Antwort von Kino:
WoWu OK, now 'time for me:
1080s that the material in many instances is true 1080 was, so here s.mehreren points outlined above.
However, if paipel is happy with it (and from that I went out in the absence of contrary information), and the material is "small", ie, 720 exports should, but no significant difference in quality between a 720-section from the raw material and a 720-exports consist of the full frame , right?
Antwort von WoWu:
That's true, everything is less noticeable on less.
That is why I was synonymous with respect to an equal representation.
I have not seen from the description that he wants to come down on a tiny Internet window.
But if it is so, then that is natural.
Basically you have to always watch the quality of any singular image point for the assessment and not simply allowed to proceed from the Crop window.
Is there a difference in each pixel, there is this difference synonymous extrapolated to the entire image, while at the same great view