Frage von Sven:![](
your conversation in the post
"Wie komme ich s.LEGALE Music in meinen Projekten?"
Because I want to rotate an image video for our community, I went more recently among the amateurs. It is a documentation of the history of our town and will have barely a glimpse of how such things begin.
Maybe there's someone here willing to help and experience in the field of filmmaking experience and to help, so composition in sound replaced. Quasi artists helping artists.
Antwort von silentzero:
I've never made a documentary and therefore synonymous not know what I want because now say so. Would you perhaps iregendwelche specific questions?
Antwort von Axel:
Hello Sven,
s.Informationen'm interested about selbstkomponierte film music, my questions are, however, short-term result from the problems that I know the basics of technical books.
At the film's image of your town: For the visual imagination something to nibble on, it would be a start, if you stay relaxed time together with friends about it, "rappst," what's so typical of your soil. Someone then says: "Could you draw the whole not so, and indeed can ...", and no preference how absurd the hook, since then intelligence and playfulness rub off. Can you handle the conceptual no talent for the story, does not make you a bad filmmaker, but then in time you should ask someone else before you get frustrated or give up now dissipate. With the establishment of a film, it's like a piece of music, there are rules, intro, first verse, chorus, etc. As in a song, there are good retort products and original implementation. When you shoot your ability to improvise is always in demand, because the reality does not always behave the sake of your ideas, but to cut you should try to meet these requirements. There are too many factors that will just lead to similar films that they just totally confusing and arbitrary (meaningless) =.
How to write my outposts: Your question is vague, the theme of "a wide field. What would you have responded if I had asked: "I would want to make music, because if you had tips?"
Antwort von Minzberg:
Hello Together,
Well if you just thinking about it your right (my question was not precise). I want to turn a kind of "home documentation." the main historical buildings, places and deeds of our ancestors are to appear in it. I want to tell stories in 30 to 40 minutes, the history of my homeland. Interestingly, perhaps synonymous exciting or funny. I am not yet clear. Films will probably do just as intuitive as writing music. I certainly prefer to sit at the piano or kompinieren s.The play guitar and then going on, then ne idea and is based on the build up at some point along the piece, as of himself. Since I do not just philosophize about some things that just go of his hand. then, later, of course, there are pieces which I then finished synonymous not please correct. In the meantime, but I know that there are synonymous people, which in turn appeals to their taste, and exactly to the point that brings ....
Well :-)))
Axel, if I can help you in any way, then ask me holes in the abdomen. I have always fun to turn my knowledge with other parts. In this sense .....
Bis denne
Svenne (Minzberg)
Antwort von Axel:
Hello Sven,
my current projects similar to yours, a film composed of episodes, all of which play in my city. To this end I would like - new to me - ironically recognizable Heimatmelodien partly processed into a kind of surreal musical collage. The worst thing: I will sing to yourself! What then is my question s.dich? Frankly, I do not know. My first attempts are not very encouraging. I'm using sequencer Programs for a long time to make the sound mix on. Since I'm doing some loops even with software tools, so'n bit Stimmungsgewaber or the usual hackneyed rhythms. Same background. But now the music is to be equal with the paintings, a theme album. How it should sound, I know, they will only then to: Pooh!
My advice would again s.dich improvise during the shoot you just to bring the recalcitrant reality but still its very clear idea. Dreams may be, shall we, but before that, in the story. And afterwards, when cut.
Good luck, Axel