Frage von Krabbi:
Does anyone know any way I can use from a Project in Adobe Encore DVD Studio Pro CS5? I would like to spend the Project as a Flash and it works so well known in Encore in DVDSP but does not ...
Antwort von Mylenium:

And why should proceed in any way at all? I think Adobe has to really do better than their Programs to allow import Apple's proprietary format. Apart of the fundamental conceptual differences, it would have to support Encore synonymous first all features of DVDSP. So it is absolutely not possible. The thing must be completely built again in Encore.
Antwort von Krabbi:

Hi Mylenium
Thank you for your reply. This train of thought I have already traced synonymous, but hoped that there may be some tricks to take over the Project.
Well then I must probably rebuild it in Encore, or the same in Flash.