Frage von Bijan:Hello,
It is possible, a sequence that I created in a Premiere project to export to another premiere project? If so, how do I do that?
Thanks for your answers!
Greeting Bijan
Antwort von Onkel Benz:
You could be the contents of your sequence in the Timeline window with Ctrl-A select, then Ctrl-C to copy it.
Now the load where the project is to clean everything.
Then go to the Timeline and select the point in the timeline, where the contents of the previous project and aims to push just Ctrl-V.
Do the project but a new folder you open the because the clips of the previous project must be stored somewhere yes.
Must not be, but the sake of clarity, the better.
Well ... ) and Ctrl-V even better in the Timeline, your new sequence, ie, video track 1 and audio track 1 and then select Ctrl-V (synonymous for the record.
That's it and should work.
Uncle Benz
Antwort von Jörg:
This goes without any dislocation. Choose File> Import-> Project Select File-> sequence have> done.