Frage von jasmin61:
Hello all,
Thanks in advance erstmal s.diejenigen who take the trouble and read my question!!
I work with Premiere Pro sequences and have a project about 4 minutes with many transitions, titles, and brief synonymous avi.
When you export the project with the Adobe Media Encoder as Mpeg 1 (must be mpeg1), some transitions are not displayed after rendering, why is that? How do I get the optimum?
Here are the settings
Closed GOP every: 0
Automatic placement of GOPs: Off
Makroblockquantisierung: 6
VBV buffer size [2 kilobytes]: 20
Rate Control Mode: Mode 1
Noise Control: Sensitivity
Noise Sensitivity / Break: 5
Force VBV delay: calculated from the encoder
Sequence ENDCODE Leave: Yes
Ignore frame interval: 0
Reaction parameters: 0
Average initial data rate: 0
Initial complexity measure: 0
Initial complexity measure: 0
Initial complexity measure: 0
I-frame settings: Initial size of the virtual buffer: 0
P-frame settings: Initial size of the virtual buffer: 0
B-frame settings: Initial size of the virtual buffer: 0
Minimum size of the frame: 25
Percentage of zero-padding of the frame: 0
Motion vectors for P-frame - for fast forward Width: 63
Motion vectors for P-frame - for fast forward Height: 63
B Frame1 - Width for Forward search: 59
B Frame1 - Height for forward search: 48
B Frame1 - for backward Width: 63
B Frame1 - Height for backwards: 63
B Frame2 - Width for Forward search: 63
B Frame2 - Height for forward search: 63
B Frame2 - for backward Width: 59
B Frame2 - Height for backwards: 48
Bewegungserkennungstyp: 11
Halbpixelsuche conduct: A
Online-Encoding: Offline
Encoding: 31
Audio Summary:
Audio Format: MPEG
Codec: MainConcept MPEG Audio
Audio level: MPEG-1 Layer II Audio
Audio Mode: Stereo
Sample Size: 16 bit
Frequency: 48 kHz
Bitrate [kbps]: 224
Psycho mode: Psychoacoustic Model 2
De-emphasis: No Emphasis
CRC Enable: Off
Private bit set: Off
Copyright bit set: Off
Original Set bit: Off
Multiplexer Abstract:
Multiplexer: MPEG-1
Bitratetyp: Various
Mux-rate [kbit / s]: 0
Packet size [bytes]: 2048
Packets per box: 1
Video buffer size [KB]: 0
Audio buffer size [KB]: 4
Sector Delay [ms]: 0
Video delay [ms]: 180
Audio Delay [ms]: 180
Maximum file size [MB]: 0
Programmendcode write: A
Add Time Stamp in: All frames
Align sequence header: From
Since I'm so not so well acquainted, it could be perhaps s.einer tiny attitude?
And another important question is how do I get the best quality when exporting as an AVI? What settings should I just make?
Until book now, I have always used this setting:
Under Export> Movie> Video>
Compressor> No
Depth> 16.7 million colors
Frame size> 720H, 576V
Framerate 25fps
Pixel Seitenverh. > D1 / DV PAL (1.067)
Data rate> Hook, near New compromise,> data rate maintained
I hope you can give me a tip!
Many thanks in advance.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jasmine,
Your technical information, I once ignored are. My question (s): What requirements has the original material (possibly with
Antwort von GhostDog:

Hi Mark,
So the starting material has the following characteristics:
Resolution 720x576
Pixel Seitenverhätlnis: 1,067
No fields (because it was not known to the TV) is
So the AVI file is to be commercial for a TV. So television playback.
The important thing is the setting for the export or lower field first? Had I not done before.
The MPEG file will be for the Internet with the size 320 x 240
Now have the AVI file on the Vormat with the Media Encoder encoded nahcteil this is only the size, with Mpeg I would certainly achieve a smaller size or? (Quality loss included)
Evtl gibts da nen Turturial for such purposes? I found nothing through google.
Jasmin :-)
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jasmine,
if the material is to run on television, and moreover as a promotional video, then the quality should be all right. Concretely, this means that capture the images again unchanged (with half-frames!) On the calculator. Only if the scenes are technically perfect 50i, makes an Export with "lower field first" in general sense.
Your video should be playable on the Internet without first downloading and installing any codecs, ie the AVI format (which is indeed a previously selected codec uses) is not necessarily suitable. Encode the movie for the web as with
Antwort von jasmin61:

Super. Thanks