Frage von JohannesD.:
Hello everybody!
Following problem:
I have a new external hard drive (Western Digital Elements 750GB).
If I have a uncompressed AVI Export (1920x1080) with VideoDe3luxe wants, he exported the video into individual clips to the external hard drive. If I sort on the internal time is a whole clip. What is wrong? How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Gruss JohannesD.
Antwort von tommyb:

Is the disk formatted with FAT32? Yes? You need to change to NTFS (if PC).
Antwort von JohannesD.:

Thank you is really the FAT32. Could you just tell me how to umändert?
Antwort von tommyb:

Right click on the drive -> Format -> NTFS settings -> s.geht post
! BUT WARNING, All data will be deleted!
Antwort von JohannesD.:

Thanks again, you have really helped me!