Frage von Azrael23:
synonymous and equal to my problem:
I have DV material of my camera on to play, cut, background sound, etc. Now I would like this as a xvid export. Exporting s.sich is synonymous, but if I then open the video, crashes after a few seconds of the game player, no preference which I take (synonymous vlc, PowerDVD, winamp, anything!).
Knows someone what's wrong can vlt I just a little forgotten, but to the big problem leads.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

The possibilities are many ... Which codec settings you because Xvid Avi created? If there is still a DivX codec on your system, which is "illegal" for the playback of Xvid jurisdiction? Check the times with Gspot (, by you can render the graph (see under "3 What do the # 1, # 2, and # 3 buttons do?").
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Azrael23:

So, my Xvid settings:
Profile @ Level: unrestricted
Encoding Type: Single Pass with 2000 kbps
Present Quality: User Defined
- Motion Search Precision: Ultra High
- Vhq Mode: Wide Search
- Use Chroma Motion
- Turbo
Everything else I have not changed. In Other options are still on Xvid FourCC used.
Video analysis with GSpot:
4 Compatible codecs. And that 2 times and 2 times DivX Xvid
Antwort von Gast 0815:

You describe the results of rendering Gspot too imprecise to the somewhat Aussagekräftiges show ...
Probably, however, your DivX Xvid video caught it and tried unsuccessfully wierderzugeben. In this case, there is then the following possibilities: 1) restricting the reproduction in the DivXencodereinstellungen to only Divx files
(how exactly it is I can not tell you because I have no news DivX installed)
2) uninstall Xvid and then re-install it, then should Xvid synonymous again for his own files, respectively.
3) Install the FFdshowfilter Dir (, the play you in all DirectShow-based players, Xvid and DivX very well and reliably, no more, but no less synonymous.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Azrael23:

Hey, super!
Have done what you said and now it works wonderfully.
Thank you very much!