Frage von sp-projekt:
Like the title says: I have a Sennheiser MKE 300 s.die SonyHDR-FX7 connected. The directional microphone can I get worse results than with the internal one. If someone is talking in front of the camera, sometimes breaking the sound s.and it beeps and growls. When absolute silence is, it beeps continuously.
What is this?
Bin again until the evening in the network, but thank you ever for quick answers.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von JUB:

I can not squeak in order. Hum coming from the engine or better sound from the body of the FX7 Bodysuit based on the Micro sets. Since time does not help ne spider. Can only say what Sony has thought of this? The only solution of the Microfinance away Cam.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Clasp Just a cheap headset s.die Micro Camera on what happens then? Then use the Sennheiser PC s.den what happened there?
I would be humming and dropouts to contact problems then this is for the TRS-Schietere often the case.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von sp-projekt:

Thank you both. Be a little time tomorrow to test.
Antwort von sp-projekt:

oh, too stupid. Can it be that it simply is because the battery is a bit weak? Must be time to buy a new and then see. But not s.Sonntag;)
Antwort von sp-projekt:

Can it be synonymous, that there is no signal (too softly spoken) and the car stops? It is really so consistently that the Language is interrupted, if softly spoken, one hears nothing.
Do I have anything s.der Camera switch itself, which I had not thought of?
I would be humming and dropouts to contact problems then this is for the TRS-Schietere often the case.
BG, Andreas If it were, what could I do against this problem?
Thank you.
PS: On the laptop will only synonymous Microphone Noise and scratching!
Antwort von Markus:
Can it be synonymous, that there is no signal (too softly spoken) and the car stops? It is really so consistently that the Language is interrupted, if softly spoken, one hears nothing. Did you perhaps the wind filter (see menu)? The poison is for sensitive recordings!
[3.5 mm plug chen] If it were, what could I do against this problem? The connection via 3.5 mm jack is not so great, because the plug is rotated and then each time causing noise. It's best to use a well-processed, gold times, and additionally ensures that, so they are in the bush can not move.
PS: On the laptop will only synonymous Microphone Noise and scratching! Is that always so? Could it be that the microphone itself has a defect?
Antwort von sp-projekt:

Thank you, Mark.
I have now through the whole menu and nowhere found, where the wind can filter off.
Jack: The noise coming from but does not rotate. The occur independently of and throughout.
Defect? I already synonymous fear that something is rotten s.Microphone. Have already contacted the dealer to respond but until now not yet.
Antwort von Markus:
I have now through the whole menu and nowhere found, where the wind can filter off. I just look at the manual view. The FX7 seems no wind filter to have - is synonymous only an option to always-off-let, not tragic, that it is missing. ;-)
Then as the cause probably only the Microphone or its cable left.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Hab ne question that vllt. some relating to suits. I have a synonymous Sennheiser MKE300 and this makes every 6 seconds as a soft Ziepen (Zip. Zip Zip ... ..). Habe mal ne Recording with Audacity
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

So, your clip is already plenty of short ... but if the signal is disrupted rhythmically, I would rather not be attributed to a loose contact in the latch type, which would either grunt or knarzen, but in no case at any time, but when touched, etc.
Can you post something longer, maybe so you can see the rhythm?
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Jap, is a bit too short, have a new
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Has anyone a solution?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Neee ... very strange ... s.wie listens to an MP3 Fehlbrand, that is so similar, only much louder. If the s.Camera Audacity and sounds alike, which would have an error in his Micro.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

So s.der mp3 file can not ever lie, because my original footage is synonymous small "Ziepser". Is it perhaps due to cold exposure have been caused? Because when I took the video, it was quite cold (around 4 ° C). If, however, I now take a test clip, the noise does not occur on and in the room's are 21 ° C.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
So s.der mp3 file can not ever lie, neee, already clearly said I do not synonymous. Sounds but so! What concerns the cold: A Micro should be stored at 4 ° synonymous still function correctly - if it is healing. Because sooo cold this is now synonymous not.
If so Billichbillichteil would be, but a Sennheiser ... ? Uses everything for a defect.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Hm, really strange, because here in the room everything is normal ... However, the already desöfteren heard on various videos ...
Antwort von rush:

sounds really strange ... times had trouble with s.einem mke300 converted to plug in xlr s.einer panasonic kamera ... 'm not synonymous behind me has increased and someone's bought the cam s.seiner no problems seem to be had.
perhaps some 'ne static electricity or not 100% contact of the plug in the camera, microphone jack? hast du den ton because while recording times with headphones and checked the problem as already heard? to exclude if it was a microphone problem, or simply do not like with your camera;) which of course is not likely to be
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... you have the ton because while recording times with headphones and checked the problem as heard ... No, but when I was at home and have the video played, the sounds were synonymous to hear (from the camera speaker) ... I have it now again with a jack plug adapter with gold and tried not heard the noise, but that was in here, who knows whether they are out again to hear ...
Antwort von JUB:

Where was the Micro during the recording?
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

On a separate tripod, not directly s.der Camera.
Antwort von JUB:

were foreign Elekrtomasten, mobile phone masts or the like at the end near?
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

I had my phone in your pocket, otherwise, there was only the Cam and the Micro ... But it can s.Handy course because of the spectrum have come to the mobile negative, which would perhaps ne explanation ...
Antwort von Giagl:
I can not squeak in order. Hum coming from the engine or better sound from the body of the FX7 Bodysuit based on the Micro sets. Since time does not help ne spider. Can only say what Sony has thought of this? The only solution of the Microfinance away Cam.
jub I can not understand (broken cam ?)...
the internal micro is quite ok (little engine noise)
and rode a good mic is decoupled.
gruß cj
Antwort von Giagl:

Then go look at a church or other such you a relatively quiet area and zoom times or give the steady-what to do!
The VX2100 was there had better not synonymous, however, 20 times zoom!
Antwort von Markus:
I had my phone in your pocket ... Of mobile phones take time to time, contact the nearest transmitter, in order to confirm that they are still there. Or, if an SMS is received. These are very typical tic-tic-tic-pattern, but have a defined beginning and end synonymous again.
The sounds I have not listened. Principle of camcorders to cell phones (no preference whether with external or internal Microphone) completely removed or completely turned off.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... Principle of camcorders to cell phones (no preference whether with external or internal Microphone) completely removed or completely turned off. Knew I did not remember me!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Ich hab da mal was prepared :-) cellphone was right next to the VX1000. The Tacker to start is the same as for the occasional contact with the transmitter. The hum comes from the vibration battery. Incidentally, you can synonymous the disturbances seen in the Picture.
That is why I would when shooting a cell phone either switched off, at least not in the vicinity of the camera bring.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

The signal sounds while a little different, but I suspect that this with the distance to the Cam has to do. Thank you for the trouble, I think that it's located, because as I said I had the phone in his pocket and as I am here at home after the test shots, so the phone was switched off ... :)
Antwort von Jan:

Sonyhat in principle for every consumer camera the last time a wind filter which makes auto - no Eingreifmöglichkeit. The data can be found although not, but in special SonyProschüren.
Since I am determined 15 interviews with the combination FX 7 & MKE 300 (Micro was obviously not on the camera) was made, it must be with you s.Camera & Microphone or even external influences are described. Sounds somehow after plug problem. What happens if you starting from the level and increase in the manual Tonaussteuerung?
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... What happens if you starting from the level and increase in the manual Tonaussteuerung? Sorry if my posts made no showing - it is a HC14E. :-| BTW, I was just s.Flughafen again and have made test recordings, re-clicking and cellphone was about 200m away in the next car! Incidentally, so slow, I have the feeling that it s.der Cam themselves - perhaps still remember a few times I had written in a thread that my HC14 always dirty video heads have ... Does this perhaps have anything to do with that Cam is no longer accurate records? After all, the yes desöfteren occasionally the filthy heads, or sensors, or what is synonymous ... I've trying the Micro s.den PC and there's no problems, or clicking noises ...
Antwort von Markus:
Jap, is a bit too short, have a new aufgenommen ...Ich tippe auf ASR.
... dirty video heads have ... Does this perhaps have anything to do with that Cam is no longer accurate records? That would be something different to listen to, would be far less regular and often synonymous less per incident.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

I type on ASR. Sorry, what is ASR?
Antwort von Markus (unangemeldet):
Sorry, what is ASR? See here:
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Achsooo, should I as a freak plane actually know ... ^ ^ But that would be a plausible explanation, because the click can be heard only s.Airport and I live much of the 30km distance, so synonymous with home no sound in the test recordings to hear ... But the funny: This is only with the Sennheiser before?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Now it is extra-territorial table :-)
Ask a look at the airport, the radar would be yes to synchronously rotate your noise. How many revolutions does it work? Can you possibly even the observed?
Unlikely is not. I have active speakers, which give the cell phone Getacker synonymous in the closed state again ...
Then would I consider whether I not the environmental agency would notify. With the radar beam is not too fun, NVA and Bundeswehr have a lot of people so negligently killed.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... How many revolutions does it work? Can you possibly even see the ... Yes, you can see quite well and I recall, it rotates very similar to my noise rhythm ... If you are in the attached Picture times look into the background, one sees the radar pretty well ...
Antwort von Markus:
But the funny: This is only with the Sennheiser before? Then was happy, because that leaves at least the hope is that a different Microphone not capture this disturbance. The problem remains, however, (if synonymous short) antenna between Microphone and camcorder - synonymous (asymmetrical) Microphone Cable called.
Antwort von Kino:

Since opening the thread I read with attention, because I use the same noise with my MKE 300 s.der XH-A1 had.
Since both devices were new, I still had no experience, the noise in only two clips of my first volume appeared, I expected this (so far) of my inexperience or an operator error. The clips are Deckaufnehmen s.Bord Cuis on a lake (so I could use as a mobile source rule). I mutmaßte first warning of the camera or the microphone w / overdrive, as I stood close of speakers. Reading of manufacturer's information could not confirm this suspicion. A reproduction of the disturbance until today I could not reach synonymous.
Markus' tip with the radar is going in the absolutely right direction. The intervals of the noise with my clips are exactly with other settings of a rotating radar synchronizing (had a little taste, because it gave them more / there).
Since I am currently with a working MKH 416 (XLR connection) and currently has no access to ocean-going vessels or airports I can not tell you whether it s.Micro or s.der short, unbalanced connection is what I am but am now convinced. Otherwise, I was with the MKE 300 very satisfied and have it still synonymous out and back in use.
Liebe Grüße Christoph
+ + +
Antwort von SebiG:

Somehow it must be the entstören approved? Extra foil for cable wrap looks shit out, there are any other ways?
Well ... synonymous but has advantages: if you have a sausage in the radar beam stops, it is perhaps the most rapidly warm.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
Since opening the thread I read with attention, because I use the same noise with my MKE 300 s.der XH-A1 had.
Since both devices were new, I still had no experience, the noise in only two clips of my first volume appeared, I expected this (so far) of my inexperience or an operator error. The clips are Deckaufnehmen s.Bord Cuis on a lake (so I could use as a mobile source rule). I mutmaßte first warning of the camera or the microphone w / overdrive, as I stood close of speakers. Reading of manufacturer's information could not confirm this suspicion. A reproduction of the disturbance until today I could not reach synonymous.
Markus' tip with the radar is going in the absolutely right direction. The intervals of the noise with my clips are exactly with other settings of a rotating radar synchronizing (had a little taste, because it gave them more / there).
Since I am currently with a working MKH 416 (XLR connection) and currently has no access to ocean-going vessels or airports I can not tell you whether it s.Micro or s.der short, unbalanced connection is what I am but am now convinced. Otherwise, I was with the MKE 300 very satisfied and have it still synonymous out and back in use.
Liebe Grüße Christoph
+ + + Hm, then I can probably only continue to happily record, including clicking noises, because the radar would be off the air unhealthy for ... But I wonder synonymous, whether it somehow ways to circumvent the noise?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Write a look at the Sennheiser company, but somehow that can not be. Put your mail in a video clip with rotating radar plus the soundtrack of the radar lobe.
At the distance seems to be about you so much directly as radiation of a mobile phone half a meter next to you, that is because the radar is perhaps not even broken.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von edgar:

Thus, more than a month now I have a detailed description including example Sennheiser material in the form of e-mail hingeschickt so far no response. Is there any solution to the problem with the constant, about every six seconds triggers repetitive clicks? Perhaps an "Anti-click filter or the like for Audacity? Or do I have to manual remove each click (eg Audacity)? Very funny, but only when Sennheiser ...
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Huh ... Was not registered.
Antwort von A380:

Good morning from Bremen,
Seeking someone to you, the times of the microphone can open.
Solder s.der direction against the shield a small capacitor
with a size of 10 to 50 nF (nano Farad).
This includes the High frequencies of short RADR.
mfg A380
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Aha, great! Unfortunately I know absolutely nobody here really that to the resources and knowledge has, I would like the times of course, not destroy, so I leave them the finger ... Is this, perhaps by using an adapter cable to buy? Because there are simply times aufscharubbar, at most, as far as I know ... What is screening? How do I turn the condenser as solder? All those things ... The funds for soldering I have, yes.
PS: Here are a few pictures of my aufgeschraubten adapter cable:
Is it not plug the adapter to modify? Or, you MUST modify the original plugs?
Antwort von A380:

Good morning from Bremen,
it should be synonymous with the adapter cable go. But as short as possible.
On the pictures it is hard to see. The cable should be a wafer-thin wire battle had on the two signal lines.
This is the shielding. It would have relatively large s.einem contacts of the plug angeschlaoosen be.
From these two signal lines (stereo) one capacitor of this shielding. But it will be tight. You can do it so just plug the casing without trying whether it works.
mfg A380
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Ok, the shielding found, I think. The cable is just 23cm long. You wrote "Of these two signal lines (stereo) one capacitor shield against this.". The sentence I do not quite understand, how to solder on the capacitor? The two cable stripping out: Once the wire mesh, which is on my
Antwort von A380:

Hello from Bremen.
I now see that you have only two joints.
The red insulated wire and the copper-colored shielding (Still Image On your copper braid), so that's Mike Mono!
So synonymous only do you need a capacitor.
I just say .... try 10 nF (start small, so that other frequencies are not unnecessarily bedämft).
Get a ceramic capacitor. As small as possible, so he should fit as purely
The Dielectric Strength is irrelevant, since only a few millivolts eh there agenda. Price range around 5 cents. If you have difficulties, we could do with the short I-flour traffic switch.
mfg A380
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

Could I get your EM address? Have a few questions in the profile and the address is not specified. If you like, you can write to me synonymous, if you do not divulge EM want. ;)
Antwort von A380:

Moin Moin from Bremen,
've now my e-mail address visible.
mfg A380
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:

So after I tried out with many modifications synonymous times and had the cable in a capacitor are soldered I had already given up hope, although this last dies. I have a new cam increased (Pana GS230), soweiso because I wanted to have a new host because of the problems my ollen HC14. 1. I'm from the difference in quality 1CCD to 3CCDs impressed heaviest and 2 I hear no more noise! Large spread joy because, after my latest video creation plane together and had cut the Ziepen was no longer there, so has the new cam across very many fun things ... :)
Cheers and Thanks for all tips and advice