Frage von polskafan:
Videoameteur as I somehow s.meisten so far with the sound of fighting. Da Funk tracks the lower price segment, the whole rather worse than better, I s.eine separate recording solution for the sound of thought. As a general memory cards or MP3-based recording devices so now have become extremely small, I thought there are certainly a good reporter with a built-in micro-recording unit and lo and behold, when I was
Da ich hier im Forum nix darüber gefunden hab, frag ich einfach mal in die Runde. Ist euch so ein Gerät im Consumer Bereich bekannt? Eine Recording in MPEG2 un im Broadcast Wave Format braucht man als Videoamateur ja nicht wirklich and ein einfacheres Microphone (kein Sennheiser High End) tuts ja synonymous. Im Prinzip bin ich of der Idee ein Micro with eingebautem Rekorder zu haben recht angefixt, aber der price schreckt mich dann doch ab.
Gruß polskafan
*EDIT* Bin selbst schon etwas eher in mein Preissegment gekommen with dem Micorder. Come with me ¬ 500 but is still far too expensive before. Sun 100-200 ¬, I would be ready for something to pay. Then listen to but synonymous.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Zoom H2
Power really fun part.
Antwort von beiti:

MP3, I would not necessarily recommend that, in many MP3 recorders, the recording for compatibility reasons in general, must be 41 KHz and then in the editing program again and decompresses umgesampelt (which can cost quality).
For your purpose, every flash recorder with built-in Microphone suitable in the uncompressed WAV format with 48 kHz sampling frequency. The already mentioned Zoom H2 might be the best solution.
Antwort von polskafan:

Moin. Okay, first I wanted more time for the sake of completeness
dieses Gerät
Das H2 hab ich mir schon angeschaut. Leider sieht das ganze doch a little banana
Antwort von beiti:

Is it now comes to the appearance or effect? In the ideal case, the Micro so placed that it is in the picture is not visible, either to build the entire recorder with built-in Micro unobtrusively into the decor, it's him or the Speaker in your pocket and make him an inconspicuous ans shirt (ie one use the recorder as the sender of an otherwise wireless microphones).
Use as a micro-hand, in the Picture to see, would be a special case. But I know at present no solution that would be cheaper than an appropriate spark gap.
With Windscreen each coat looks like a Micro Mop, which is holding in the nature of things. One manufacturer calls his windshield skins even "Dead Cat".
Antwort von polskafan:

Alright, I think I will be times with the H4 try. Maybe I am the war directly via XLR Microphone s.ein below gebastelt. Is this vllt. XLR male to XLR female adapter? Knew not why it should produce one, so it should, however, go without cable clutter. I think because s.einen hum filter or something.
Antwort von beiti:
I will be times with the H4 try. Maybe I am the war directly via XLR Microphone s.ein below gebastelt. The H4 with Batteries weighs about 200 grams and is approximately 15 cm long and 7 inches wide. This is neither practical nor beautiful. In addition, you'll get for the money already
Antwort von polskafan:

Ah cool, synonymous not bad, favorable radio, I had not even sought. Thank you - werd mir dann mal superior to what I do. Thank you in advance for your help!