Frage von JMitch:Hi Folks, I wanted time to ask whether it is external viewfinders for camcorder, which you can attach s.Accessory shoe. The viewfinders should be possible over an RCA cable with the camcorder connected (S-Video is synonymous ok). Is there such a thing anyway? On the Internet I just viewfinders for Fotoaperate found, but no Electronic Picture Display ...
Antwort von Pax0r: 26catref% 3DC6 & sargn =- 1% 26saslc% 3D3 & sadis = 200 & fpos = Postleitza & sabfmts = 1 & saobfmts = insif & ga10244 = 10425 & ftrt = 1 & ftrv = 1 & saprclo = & saprchi = & fsop = 1% 26fsoo% 3D1 & coaction = compare & copagenum = 1 & search = coentrypage
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... external viewfinders for camcorder ... which you can attach s.Accessory shoe As you are from the ebay offerings see such right shoulder only for viewfinders or studio cameras thought - if it is synonymous somewhere on the Internet a report of someone that is such a successful s.seinem Viewfinder prosumer camcorder has affixed. Maybe enough for your use but synonymous a TFT monitor?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von JMitch:
Just such a thing I look for. But it is such a thing but synonymous for consumer type camcorder .... I thought that a Viewfinder would be cheaper than a TFT.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... if it is synonymous somewhere on the Internet a report of someone that is such a successful Viewfinder s.seinem prosumer camcorder has appropriate .... Have the links found:
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von JMitch:
And where can you buy the parts? Are cheaper than Minni TFT's?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Are cheaper than Minni TFT's? New viewfinders are those depending on the version with the thumb gepeilten 1500 to 4000 euros, it's needed are correspondingly less.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von JMitch:
Who pays sowas bitte schön. My camera was not even nearly as expensive. And someone who ne 8000 ¬, the camera takes such a Viewfinder not because the camera anyway has a good turn ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... someone who ne 8000 ¬, the camera takes such a Viewfinder not because the camera anyway has a good turn ... True, but the more expensive cameras looks like something different. Panasonic Broadcast, for example, delivers his shoulder camcorder normally without Viewfinder (eg HPX2100: List price around 31,000 euros, net, viewfinders will cost an additional 3,500 euros), and even if one was supplied, there is need for separate: Be it that one better than the standard viewfinder synonymous or would like to have as a spare part for a damaged.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von JMitch:
Is there no consumer viewfinders? Viewfinder the cheapest that I've seen on the Internet, was JVC of about 500 ¬. Actually it should be cheaper than LCD's or Mini?
Antwort von JMitch:
There are but these LCD glasses. Maybe there are synonymous in a version for only 1 eye. When Pearl glasses cost so ne 100-200 ¬.
Antwort von JMitch: ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTA0OjAwMDEuMDE0OC4wZDAxNjA3NSZ + + U3RhdGU9MjIyMTE4OTkwMA == aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = & perform_special_action = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & = & product_show_id direct p_page_to_display = Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & s_haupt_kategorie = & = p_searchstring Hannspree HANNS +% 2eMINI +7 + CUSTOMS + LCD-TV & p_searchstring_artnr = & p_search_category = all & r3_matn = & insert_kz = & area_s_url = & brand = & amount = & new_item_quantity = & area_url = & direkt_aufriss_area = & p_countdown = & p_80 = & p_80_category = & p_80_article = & p_next_template_after_login = & Minimum Order = & login = & password = & bpemail = & bpid = & url = & show_wk = & use_search = 3 & p_back_template = & template = & kat_save = & updatestr = & vgl_artikel_in_vgl = & title = & = Cast & director = & provider = & genre = & FSK = & year = & jahr2 = & dvd_error = X & dvd_empty_error = X & dvd_year_error = & call_dvd kna_news = & = & = & p_status_scenario document selector = & & active = p_load_area = $ ROOT & p_artikelbilder_mode = & p_sortopt = & page = & p_catalog_max_results = 20
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Sorry, had tried to link to reduce net but declined.
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Check out your browser. At my 2 computers doing the link.
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Antwort von PowerMac:
I can do even better: ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTA0OjAwMDEuMDE0OC4wZDAxNjA3NSZ + + U3RhdGU9MjIyMTE4OTkwMA == aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = & perform_special_action = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & = & product_show_id direct p_page_to_display = Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & s_haupt_kategorie = & = p_searchstring Hannspree HANNS +% 2eMINI +7 + CUSTOMS + LCD-TV & p_searchstring_artnr = & p_search_category = all & r3_matn = & insert_kz = & area_s_url = & brand = & amount = & new_item_quantity = & area_url = & direkt_aufriss_area = & p_countdown = & p_80 = & p_80_category = & p_80_article = & p_next_template_after_login = & Minimum Order = & login = & password = & bpemail = & bpid = & url = & show_wk = & use_search = 3 & p_back_template = & template = & kat_save = & updatestr = & vgl_artikel_in_vgl = & title = & = Cast & director = & provider = & genre = & FSK = & year = & jahr2 = & dvd_error = X & dvd_empty_error = X & dvd_year_error = & call_dvd = & kna_news = & p_status_scenario = & document selector = active & = & p_load_area = $ ROOT & p_artikelbilder_mode = & p_sortopt = & page = & p_catalog_max_results = 20 ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTA0OjAwMDEuMDE0OC4wZDAxNjA3NSZ + + aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ == U3RhdGU9MjIyMTE4OTkwMA? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = & perform_special_action = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & product_show_id = & p_page_to_display = Direct Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = s_haupt_kategorie & = & = p_searchstring Hannspree HANNS +% 2eMINI +7 + CUSTOMS + LCD-TV & p_searchstring_artnr = & p_search_category = all & r3_matn = insert_kz & = & area_s_url = & brand = & amount = & new_item_quantity = area_url & = & direkt_aufriss_area = p_countdown & = & = p_80 p_80_category & = & p_80_article = & p_next_template_after_login = & Minimum Order = & login = & password = & bpemail = & bpid = & url = & show_wk = & use_search = 3 & p_back_template = & template = & kat_save = & updatestr = & vgl_artikel_in_vgl = & title = & = Cast & director = & provider = & genre = & FSK = & year = & jahr2 = & dvd_error = X & dvd_empty_error = X & dvd_year_error = & call_dvd = & kna_news = & p_status_scenario = & document selector = active & = & p_load_area = $ ROOT & p_artikelbilder_mode = & p_sortopt = & page = & p_catalog_max_results = 20 ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTA0OjAwMDEuMDE0OC4wZDAxNjA3NSZ + + aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ == U3RhdGU9MjIyMTE4OTkwMA? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = & perform_special_action = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & product_show_id = & p_page_to_display = Direct Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & s_haupt_kategorie = & = p_searchstring Hannspree HANNS +% 2eMINI +7 + CUSTOMS + LCD-TV & p_searchstring_artnr = & p_search_category = all & r3_matn = & insert_kz = & area_s_url = & brand = & amount = & new_item_quantity = & area_url = & direkt_aufriss_area = & p_countdown = & p_80 = & p_80_category = & p_80_article = & p_next_template_after_login = & Minimum Order = & login = & password = & bpemail = & bpid = & url = & show_wk = & use_search = 3 & p_back_template = & template = & kat_save = & updatestr = & vgl_artikel_in_vgl = & title = & = Cast & director = & provider = & genre = & FSK = & year = & jahr2 = & dvd_error = X & dvd_empty_error = X & dvd_year_error = & call_dvd = & kna_news = & p_status_scenario = & document selector = active & = & p_load_area = $ ROOT & p_artikelbilder_mode = & p_sortopt = & page = & p_catalog_max_results = 20 ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTA0OjAwMDEuMDE0OC4wZDAxNjA3NSZ + + aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ == U3RhdGU9MjIyMTE4OTkwMA? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = perform_special_action & = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & product_show_id = & p_page_to_display = Direct Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = & s_haupt_kategorie = & = p_searchstring Hannspree HANNS +% 2eMI
Antwort von JMitch:
hihi ... powermac hats done :)...
ne, the conrad-side is the epitome of left-unfriendly kompetenz: (..
brille who examined: Item = 341695 - 62
including seasickness ...
beautiful day yet ...
Antwort von JMitch:
So unfortunately I can no longer, as the direct link to copy and insert here:
At the Conrad Page satnd extra that you do not have the HTML code should take. With me doing the link astrein. It is not about ne LCD glasses, but a 7 inch TFT Hannspree for 119 ¬ including accumulator.
Antwort von Peter06:
So the Conrad looks nice job.
Did ebay at times a very good 9 "display, but I think 9" is already too big.
Antwort von JMitch:
As is unfortunately synonymous nothing of the video inputs indoors. S-Video would be good or at least AV input
PS: Would it be possible with the AV output of the video camera to support two monitors? I think that it is just a click drann adapter, which then has 2 cables ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
As is unfortunately synonymous nothing of the video inputs indoors. The user manual but all the connectivity options listed?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von kameramaennchen:
I've still synonymous at home an old rumfliegen viewfinders and now wanted to try the synonymous via AV adapter s.meine Cam. Only I am all the time but s.googeln find tzrotzdem no sketch for the pinout of his 9-pin cable finder (1 pin within middle trappings 8).
Did someone maybe sone pin configuration?