Frage von Tommy122:
Use of someone you ne Canon XH A1 and converts it to ProRes422 to and exported with compressor on Vimeo or Youtube?
My videos are after the extract with compressor ne top quality but after the upload of Vimeo and Youtube, I lose very s.qualität!
Antwort von Axel:

Salut, you were not with the slow motion at car shows?
If you can see at Vimeo and YouTube * R * u * c * k * e * l * n *, please ignore the response.
In a tutorial for encoding, which can be found on Vimeo FAQs, you'll find the most optimal settings for OSX, which are the same for YouTube. There are, in short, those with
you> Export> as QT movie> H.264 standard of spend, with a half exceptions: Key frames at 25 fps all 2
5 images (why always synonymous), and: The bit rate was just below the maximum are, what your film needs to 500 Mbit limit to be below the (see>
Videospec and therein:
BitratePro, a footprint calculator). Runterkonvertiert is of both platforms anyway, but the better the raw material is ...
But there are a number of compression artifacts that are typical for H.264 and of which (and how to do something about it)
Antwort von Tommy122:

Yes that was me:)
As I said, the output looks very good to me!
Only when I lose I upload to Vimeo s.qualität extreme!
Extreme, it's at in my eyes!
There must surely ne solution to get the quality!
Others create so synonymous!
've Seen the other they always upload in mpg4 format and often half of the MB as I upload my videos!
I've actually made the settings specified on Vimeo!
Mpg4 format is better than a mov with h264?
Antwort von Axel:
've Seen the other they always upload in mpg4 format and often half of the MB as I upload my videos!
I've actually made the settings specified on Vimeo!
Mpg4 format is better than a mov with h264? Mp4 afaik is the same, just not in the QT container. Can you make synonymous, is ratzfatz with MpegStreamclip. The AppleTV version as coded as soon as you get dizzy at the progress bar watching. Synonymous I think the quality is class, I Have A but, and I am wrong, perhaps, that the QT export is better ...
Others have smaller
upload videos (right below the download area)? That in Safari you can even download all streams on the activity light, you know?
Antwort von Tommy122:

when I export it to the simple QuickTime do I have never been on a green twig!
The best way I manage with the compressor!
Apple TV I've never tried!
Yes I know that I can download anything!
And there I see as synonymous in the Vimeo many, the same length of the vids to half of the MB have like my vids!
as I said, the export through compressor looks great!
lasts a very long time (3h at 1.5 min. Video) Once everything is set to optimal but after the upload to vimeo is worse!
Antwort von Axel:

Guess it does not help: you must open a new thread (if you read the Window ProRes get it the vomit and do not look in), where you link to your opinion and your better videos for Comparison and then ask all the quality comment ...
Antwort von Tommy122:

yes I'll make!
But how is it with you?
If you have a finished project is ready to load up like on vimeo ..... the uneven quality of? Before s.Mac and then on Vimeo?
Is a strong difference of view of quality?
Antwort von Axel:

Well, you do so synonymous color correction and similar cinnabar. Depending on what "flavor" you choose in ProRes and if you cut in 720 or 1080 and spend the latter (because of you coming in HDV) than 1440 or 1920, data rates can easily occur at the 120 Mbit / s and more. The typical data rate for a 720p Vimeo video is 7Mbit / s. Worse? Somehow clear. But still pretty good.
Now you look at what the data rate, in which it is streamed. The film has become less than a fiftieth
And, no, I have a few things synonymous 4 or 5 times and re-uploaded re-encoded before that's okay. Okay, not super perfect. Can it be that you are expecting too much?