Frage von Olli86:
Hi folks.
I've never previously worked with DVD Studio Pro. I stupidly fast as you must begin with the production of a DVD.
The menu and all links I've got good inside of 10 minutes to ...
Embarrassing but true, I'm looking for is now just over 2 hours, the function of missing the buttons the activation state.
At the moment we can not stop to see where you click on it. Whenever possible, the background of the button will simply buy a different color or something ne ...
I've already looked at me a tutorial, where there are ne huge selection s.Pfeile etc. etc.
With me not.
There is not nothing.
And I do not synonymous know how I can write simple.
Then I could perhaps just schreieben nen and use the arrows or.
It would be great if you could help me soon because I still very much wanted to burn DVD's and therefore actually has already begun.
Lg Olli
Antwort von Olli86:

Has done himself.
My calculator had probably made grad nen error. Well hats worked.
Thread can be closed.