Frage von mcbird:
there is in Final Cut Express 4.0 may my 16:9 HDV 1080i timeline in the aspect ratio of 2,35:1 (without additional black bars) to bring?
Thanks and regards,
Antwort von Axel:

This goes in the timeline, only with "pruning" (Viewer tab: motion) and a corresponding export. See
hier. Zu dem - heute nicht mehr aktuellen - Seitenverhältnis "Cinemascope"
Antwort von gimp:

Okay, I have tried to be too cumbersome and felt ;-)
I now have the following workflow for me, "developed" ...
1. In Photoshop, an alpha mask in the format 1440 x 1080 is created, and I below and above a black bar with 1440x140 pixels inserted.
2. The PSD into the 1080i HDV timeline on track 2 draw.
3. In track 2 the alpha-type "direct" contact
4. Desired clip in track 1 and move the finished look 2,39:1
5. Now only on "Export> Using QuickTime Conversion ..." and export the movie at 1920x800 adjust the size and "maintain aspect ratio by using of Pruning" box.
And then you have easily and without a Letter Boxes 2,39:1 movie!
The best, however, is that the org. 16:9 clip inside the mask and thus can move with little effort to cut gets redefined.
Antwort von Axel:
