Frage von moviejohn2005:
I would like a film short Film/18 min on HD720p/24 get on the road.
Budget: 7.500 .- ¬. (Spreadsheet available)
Shooting days: 3
Shooting start: 19.May
script is available. (Professional and promising)
Sales Guarantee is available.
The Vertreibsgarantie means that the film will be available for purchase via the Internet and in video stores to .. As Bundel with several short films.
By Directing, Actor, producer or CameraLink everyone can have a job, or his only live performances and learning, providing a cost participation of at least 750th - ¬.
Only 2 CO producers sought.
All other positions have been 14.4. forgiven.
Thanks for the nice emails and inquiries.
Stand: 21.4.2006, all positions are assigned, thank s.das forum. Please only serious feedback:
Antwort von ApplePB:

Where all this takes place, then?
Schoene Gruesse aus Shanghai
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Hello Martin, the script is from the point of her act independently.
If you say the extra effort we take over the cost of making the whole of Shanghai, if not, we shoot in Germany.
Antwort von steveb:

good luck! for 750 ¬ I prefer to fly 10 days Allinc. And hold my camera at 30 degrees s.Strand on the horizon ...
Antwort von Kanalratte:

... And of course everything is paid for in advance.
In a Swiss numbered account.
Antwort von Rapsody:

On my account would be synonymous still room
Antwort von Pausenschreck:
Please report it are still being sought STUPID! 750 euros, I would only pay if the WHOLE held under water in the Mediterranean sea.
Warm regards from the break shock
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Hello Stefan,
The question that presents itself to me as your post is meant seriously or not?
Your website says at least a little about yourself and your work out and so I take your comment seriously views:
My Headline: making movies instead of a camera purchase.
It is not a matter what you do with a camera if you have, but about what you should do if one does not have any, but a film intended to rotate.
In principle, such as to your business (music) relative if I need or scoring music for my film I will not synonymous composer and buy myself a complete ProTools equipment and even if I would do it alone do not make this film. So much for that.
Many film people or those who want to be, faced with the question of how do I make a movie? How do I finance this film? How do I get the necessary experience to get a job in the film sector?
Here I think is the solution which I simply offering just a different way, as for example the InieScene in the United States successfully for decades, proving time and again. OPEN WATER, BLAIR WITCH are here in Germany, the most famous projects by private initiative, a lot of heart and of course money came rolling in.
And so synonymous slightly different, making the indie scene in Hollywood great films of which we have here in Germany do not know.
The procedure is usually the same:
A few film enthusiasts are no preference on which way and produce a film together, sei'es a short film or feature film. You pay together to reap the success or failure in common.
It's that simple film-making can be!
Make clear who can have the stress of a film not or can not afford is named in his experience synonymous "credits" that can put money, should rather take its ConsumerMiniDV draufhalten fly on holiday and.
When the topic of filmmaking will take something more serious, he knows script needed one, camera, lighting, editing, film music, people, actors, a lot of food, gasoline, etc., he is able to insert itself .- ¬ 15-20.000 in a Short Film , (my last cost more than U.S. $ 100,000) where he participated s.einen Project. Big films with big budgets are not funded yet done so, but who is so far not synonymous rummaging around in forum like this one.
Greeting movie john
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Dear break shock, great idea ... I mean the idea of you "Mediterranean Sea" .. ohhh .. huups
I think you mean well as the famous "Mediterranean" to the west through the Straits of Gibraltar, with the Atlantic Ocean, northeast through the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara and the Bosphorus with the Black Sea and the southeast of the Suez Canal with the Red Sea, a inland of the Indian Ocean is connected?
Is that what you mean? If so, then I have good news for you when you're grammar is so improved that you can write correctly MEDITERRANEAN, you welcome in the filmmaking team, or here in the forum at filmmaking right. Otherwise, there I would look for Forums under grammar.
So just pull in earnest, silly sayings is certainly simpler than anything sensible to put on your feet! Think about whether posting's how you do it the sense of a forum, or does not come close.
Just in case you ever synonymous looking for an idea or solution to a problem in a forum.
Otherwise, please spare me and the readers of this forum that match your comments if you underexposed the quality of a student. LG
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Welcome Guest,
that sure is a lot of space on your account, I can understand, but can you tell me the meaning of your postings?
In the meantime, synonymous already reported some serious people who have the same goal as I produce a film. Mockery is any sure whether successful or unsuccessful, so I can already bypass long.
I am very surprised how much energy of people like you can be released to cause nothing but synonymous nothing, change shape or to create. Really innovative that all of Gov.
So guest, if you hate something to say, you want to ask a question, then take your mind into the hands of it and write to me ... unless it is about something is what makes sense in terms of filmmaking, I will be happy to answer it. LG
Antwort von FF:
Dear break shock, great idea ... I mean the idea of you "Mediterranean Sea" .. ohhh .. huups not. I would just check out my spelling before I make judgments about others.
Otherwise, please spare me and the readers of this forum that match your comments if you underexposed the quality of a student's
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Ah ... what will actually break fright that stupid remark "stupid looking"?
Is it stupid to make a film that everyone is stupid to make a film, therefore, all Filmmakers stupid? what do you mean, what do you mean by this board? You mean who is so great postings as you make is the only normal one in the world. Mirror, mirror wall ... s.der's time to try!
Serious question:
Have you ever been stupid enough to commit such stupid things? I mean, you belong to have been the fool to ever make a film? Not the kind of shooting "OMA goes to the KLO, and while I film it."
Something of which you can say you're proud? If so, tell us! We are curious what's inside you, so in secret, unsurpassed as behind your facade.
Second serious question:
Do you know this Project? Tells you all what I mean?
If NO:?
What are you looking here then .. fun pastime?
Then I'll disappoint you ... I offer you no opportunity to secure more.
Have fun at the stupid answer to stupid to look at your postings as stupid as I do it.
LG of a stupid already has made films and will make further, with or without comments like yours ... so much for looking stupid. Write something clever, something which I and others want this forum to seriously use, really impressed.
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Where are you right hates, hates you were right "FF". Thank you! Only here I'm not the one who let go of the silly sayings. I would never complain about spelling mistakes, if the comment is otherwise any comprehensible sense.
Antwort von steveb:

Hhmmmm ... cough,
I really wanted to answer any more, but since you've done you so much trouble ....
Who is manifested in some form, allowed writes, writes of himself and his projects, or otherwise communicate, and this in the forum does, must be aware that his representations, comments, illuminated, challenged, criticized, and so on.
Your presentation form does not correspond to my idea (imho) of conceptual and thoughtful approach.
I am happy to let me disabuse but if you'd show it again in more detail. Perhaps with a Web page that describes the project closer. Then there would be perhaps less answers your approach perceive as "inappropriate".
Or clearly spoken: Who advertises bad, should not be surprised if it is poorly explained.
I hope we are of you can read more synonymous than in your "8" recent contributions. I believe that everyone here in the forum is active
(sorry, only 103 have written articles in the last few weeks), synonymous the right to comment threads, which unfortunately can be a "few questions" open.
But as I said, I untertstütze anything serious. But, unfortunately, does your (yet) from it.
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Hello Stefan,
hupps, admittedly, my first answer was incorrect, and I have now revised this synonymous when I'm on your link, and have noticed that your comment might be synonymous seriously. sorry.
Look at my new comment in a short time, I think of is the thing right. Thanks for pointing synonymous whom you're doing now.
I am happy to tell more detailed about my new project, if you explain to me what you want of me, I mean what Intersse you had s.diesem Project.Schreib me that via email and you will get script like one, budget, etc.
Greeting movie john
Antwort von steveb:

very nice .... I think you with a little more information output, the first suspicions have erstmal eliminated.
Even in the medium of the Internet, I mean things that I want to implement and to which I need synonymous financial support,
properly apply, turn out and add value to develop a comprehensible concept. Without going to nix!
So was my recommendation, do so eg on a Web site and the project "neat" to publish. Then come mostly not synonymous
"Stupid answers"
If you Music or "help and or assistance" to need, you can raise me happy again.
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

Sure. Thanks to some film enthusiasts who want to be with this project in various positions here, as well as the financing is secured. Insofar as this short film project is well in Schedule. The planned rotation date can probably be met. Film Music and Scoring will surely then be about 8-10 weeks, a question.
Your link to all cases in the bookmark.
Once we start the project, I am thinking of s.LiveStreaming location!
Filmmakers can really interested to be there to rock the rotation.
Another plan, which I can realize synonymous but not alone, do I need someone fun s.dieser matter (ie, an IT specialist with Mini DV) has Camera.
Until then ..
Greeting movie john
Antwort von damarco:

I could have imagined that the concept would attract a very specific seer circle, along the lines of how films like that were of 10 individuals with self-à 750th - per person realized in 3 days.
That might actually produced here in its own way to cheer many a Holly or Bollywoodverwöhnten for a few minutes and talk.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Live streaming from the shoot location! (...)
(...) Really interested Filmmakers (...) (ie IT specialist with Mini DV Camera) (...) Rarely heard such a nonsense
Antwort von Chulia:

Another way to produce a film. Unfortunately, although a little more money involved and too little information about the location, time, and is about horror, action or?
Nevertheless, I commend the action and ideas ansich.
Good luck.
Gruß Julia
Antwort von atrichter:

Hello Julia,
Thank you! We are on the way to realize this Project. Unfortunately, the difference between an amateur video and one short film at a professional standard is to be in the cast, crew, or the recording format is enormous, which has unfortunately synonymous impact on the budget. We will turn to high definition, what makes the camera alone, even at around 2500th Rent - ¬. The budget cost estimate for this little short film includes more than 8 pages. Sure synonymous 750th - ¬ is much more money, but in regards to the whole short film project of 7500th - ¬ is only 1 / 10. But I know what you want to tell me.
The budget and script, I would like to publish only for interested people I s.The og e-mail address
Seriously, write what they have done so already some synonymous.
What's it about? Logline:
There was a time when it was enough to tear his jacket and a safety pin to pierce through the skin in order to attract attention. Today, punk has long been absorbed into the mainstream fashion and even bank apprentices, young politicians and soccer players wear colored hair or Iroquois cut. For the young, left-garage punk-tape "Xage" this is a real problem.
Location Munich or Berlin
Until then
Antwort von moviejohn2005:

i love movies how about you
Antwort von moviejohn2005:
(...) Live streaming from the shoot location! (...)
(...) Really interested Filmmakers (...) (ie IT specialist with Mini DV Camera) (...)
Rarely heard such a nonsense Clear that, for you all that again is Blösinn. Just why that your view is nonsense, you are hiding once again, everyone.
That may have due to the fact that you either hate no idea what I'm talking about or your not vokalbular "blödsinn" goes!
Here is a link to the wish to know what I mean:
Live to be present in the production of "Copycat"
As my dear ... PowerMac ahnung said nothing but blösinn much
Antwort von Ephraim:

Can not turn off this time someone concentrated charge nonsense, finally, this is not a forum for shrink.