Frage von AdmiralWindows:
Hello Forum,
Slashcam me after the forum has been so long seen as a valuable resource to read and browse helped, I now even a question to me some headache. So I just logged on to my question is known, I remember, of course, synonymous post replies and other users to help. That is just to initiate ... ;)
I have a video (about 20 minutes), which is now for the integration into a web page will be prepared. Since I am recently a proud owner of the complete Adobe Creative Suite 3 - Production Premium ", I had in front of the Adobe Flash CS3 video encoder to use for my file in a handy FLV to pack.
Today I have some test files let.
Settings: Flash8 - codec: On2 VP6 at 500kbps, 96kbps sound, dimensions: 360x288 (half-resolution PAL-DV)
The files are a maximum of 100MB (for slightly more than the 500kbps video) and at least 75MB (for the exact 400kbps video) in size. This is for 20Minuten but something much, have the times for testing on my web server to load and even though I have a 16Mbit DSL line must have the poor new video constantly buffers.
My question:
I use the File wars kid? Can I get a few tips and
a few helpful links to? I'm not a professional what Internet formats / Flash / FLV concerns, perhaps has an idea of you and can help me.
Although I have at times synonymous swabs made Audio (64kbps mono), but little impact on the size was.
Many Regards & Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

The files are a maximum of 100MB (for slightly more than the 500kbps video) and at least 75MB (for the exact 400kbps video) in size. This is for 20Minuten but something much, have the times for testing on my web server to load and even though I have a 16Mbit DSL line must have the poor new video constantly buffers.
I have only a 3,000-pipe, but even if the whole family surfs, I can still easily eg by ZDF what the media see that without the transfer falters or buffered.
Because I would rather a bad server connection type, or - if you generally with longer streams have problems - synonymous to an incorrectly set block size of your TCP / IP protocol. Loading times the freeware you dial-up speed, which can up your DSL connection much faster. At some parameters, you "walk" is not approached.
20 min = 75 MB in nearly VHS Resolutionist but an acceptable size, though that's not in a Artefaktgestöber will disappear.
Antwort von RupertGr8:

What have you actually for a server? I think as synonymous Andreas that it s.der linking your server is located.
Antwort von AdmiralWindows:

the server is in Kentucky, USA and has a 100Mbit connection. I know there are losses in connection vorporgrammiert Germany but I'm working a lot with American / Canadian companies and as worthwhile for me. So far, I have never been synonymous a video like this "stream" (there's that word?) Have. But other files of the same size can be easily with about 800KB / s download. Strangely, I have just someone with a 2Mbit line has tested the video and where there's no problems ... So I think it was s.meiner connection. Thanks synonymous for the Softwaretip.
But vllt. nochmal s.die Flash professionals: Make me what's wrong or 75MB of 20min. in the above information is a good result?
Thank you & Many Grusse!
Antwort von RupertGr8:

But vllt. nochmal s.die Flash professionals: Make me what's wrong or 75MB of 20min. in the above information is a good result?
Is it okay. Certainly one could reach 40's screwed down, but when it's no problem with the server space, there would be nonsense.