Frage von Login_vergessen:Hello,
it is from the skin ... Since yesterday, the connection works of FS-4HD to the PC no longer works. After the command "Enable" goes the FS-4 and then goes down again, that's it. S.Firewireeingang cameras are properly recognized, so I begin the FS-4 had suspected. On the laptop, however, everything works as usual, so must be something in the PC have adjusted. Has anyone any idea where I could look in this?
Is the operating system is Win XP SP2.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
Unfortunately, the condition to Dato unchanged. Meanwhile, I have found that this occurred when I first my DVX100BE to capture had to take. I now have another calculator reinstalled Win XP and the Fire gates connected, everything ran without problems. Then the DVX docked, abgestöpselt and even goes to the FS-4 no longer ... then I have all the registry (as far as I have recognized as such) records concerning the DVX100 deleted, without success.
At Panasonic we had no glimmer, the request is still running at Como and at Microsoft had been synonymous no idea ...
What the heck just adjusted my DVX100 in my computers, I am absolutely clueless ... someone has an idea?
Antwort von Markus:
Although I have suspicions, but no idea ... all slain
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
On SP2 it is I do not think so. According to the MS Knowledge Base will be
before the SP2 problems, if 2 devices with a similar ID s.den IEEE port were. That is with the SP2 have been corrected. The PC, with whom I am just experimenting, I have XP SP1 missed, as happened so exactly the same ...
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
Thus, it is always better. So I have just reinstalled XP. Now the FS-4 synonymous here (virginal s.eigentlich) Calculator is no longer detected, although de DVX100 here before now was not connected. In fact my hard drive recorder is now only s.Laptop my wife, because that had contact with a video camera. I get like a new firmware of Como, we'll see what happens ...
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
Did nothing. That's can not be anything but ...
Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:
Well, it could still s.firewire cables are very sensitive or s.den firewire jacks.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
I have swapped the cables several times. Cameras work s.den connections also synonymous record of Camera for FS-4 works .. just connect the FS-4 to the PC does not.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:
So, after all my tests I come only to a cause. The DVX100 ensures that any hardware in the calculator is being destroyed. And so, that while DV devices still function, but not external hard disks. There can be no software problem, because of "defective" is synonymous still exists after the new Operating System Requirements. It must also be somewhere "behind" the firewire card is because a new card to work synonymous with being the first to use the computer is not cut, but in the "computer experiment" - to connect the DVX ...