Frage von wolle1988:
Hallo Leutz,
similar cases have already read here in the forum:
Camera: SonyHDR-FX7E
Cassette: Sony MiniDV (yet never tried nen other Manufacturer)
I'm currently re s.Shooting diligently, every day a full tape, HDV, of course. Now I want to sift through the initial results and raufspielen on the PC, the first 2 tapes Paletti everything - but then the third:
in play mode only blue picture with timecode, fast forward to see the shots with gray stripes traversed. If I had never happen in 2 years continuous operation of the action. Have s.nächsten day under the same settings weitergefilmt - all good. Does this mean the cam is in order?
If so, it should have s.Tape lie: but I done a test recording and the same work. Read the rest was still moving up too. Can therefore act synonymous nich a black sheep among MiniDVs.
What is going on since then, when seemingly tape and camera are okay? The only unusual circumstance: the camera had attached overnight s.The power by movie studios to feed the battery too. (otherwise I always do this at home) faith, the affected tape was even too deim time there. Can incur the camera is not synonymous with sowas nen damage?
But what really interests me: What's with the recordings? Lost forever, or because you can do anything? (other camera I've never tried nich, ne would have to first find HDV Cam)
Gruß Wolle
Antwort von gunman:

So just as you describe the whole thing, I go out of a polluted head drum. Just try it once with a cleaning tape. Would actually solve your problem.
With the external power supply to charge the Batteries the whole thing in my opinion has nothing to do after.
Give time decision if the tip has helped.