Frage von Sheela:
Our stylist has unfortunately not done the best job, and there are some actors, when we retouch a face these jacks, some have to reduce pimples.
For single image editing in Photoshop, there are definitely too many pictures, but you another idea we should have, we can proceed in After Effects? Or is there some other program with which we can edit moving picture.
Love Greetings
Antwort von B.DeKid:

All good things come in 3, yes? :-)
How many frames are there?
How many people?
How many scenes?
What format?
What settings?
Effects come over it?
Private or commercial production?
Have you any idea how much something costs?
How much previous knowledge in AE and PS have you?
Are you sure that it will "umbedingt made" should be?
Do you have a testing time frame / Picture? (; PSD, TIFF or pinch synonymous jepg)
Where do you come from?
How can we reach you?
Will you try it alone?
.................................................. .....................
They are first, some questions must be answered.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Mylenium:

So, once was enough ... See AE forum.
Antwort von Sheela:

Yes, we want to do everything alone. We can be reached at 0151-21130131!
Approx. 5 Scenes
Lowbudget Project
Antwort von Sheela:

Hi Axel, thank you, for your tip you have a link to the tutorials?
Antwort von Axel:
Hi Axel, thank you, for your tip you have a link to the tutorials? Had my post deleted, because I wanted to spread less superficial knowledge, but for some people is perhaps the perspective of a self-taught amateur quite refreshing.
Here Pleasantville, available synonymous in the
Sin City - Variation or
Schindler's List, wherever there is about really manipulate color separately. Now we just need to know that CC is an effect that can be synonymous repeatedly applied to the same clip to draw the following conclusions:
1. I must determine, as accurately as possible a color. Every detail of my image can have exactly the sound that I want (; and sound exactly the softness, sharpness, saturation and exposure, which I will) if I worked well enough.
2. If I can, I am the master of color.
Antwort von Sheela:
Hi Axel, thank you, for your tip you have a link to the tutorials?
Had my post deleted, because I wanted to spread less superficial knowledge, but for some people is perhaps the perspective of a self-taught amateur quite refreshing. Here an App tutorial. My own eureka moment in terms of color correction, however, the extreme Pleasantville, available synonymous in the Sin City - Variation or Schindler's List, wherever there is about editing, colors really individually. Now we just need to know that CC is an effect that can be synonymous repeatedly applied to the same clip to draw the following conclusions:
1. I must determine, as accurately as possible a color. Every detail of my image can have exactly the sound that I want (; and sound exactly the softness, sharpness, saturation and exposure, which I will) if I worked well enough.
2. If I can, I am the master of color. Hello Axel,
Thank you for your tips, we tried it a try!
Antwort von B.DeKid:
.. See AE forum.
Mylenium What AE forum?
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Sheela @
5 scenes are indeed seen as relative :-) What is it in frames?
Is it just a single person?
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@ Axel
Retouching, but has not really what to do with 3 way Farbkorektur too ;-)
Rather, what with "Wire Removment" tracking "masks" and a lot of fumbling ;-)
B. DeKid
[/ quote]
Antwort von Sheela:

Yes, it is a person and about 10 minutes Materials
Antwort von B.DeKid:

This will take quite a long time.
Changes depending on the number of points, settings and lighting
Can not you turn the new?
This should be faster (and his and cheaper) in the normal case.
B. DeKid
Especially if you do not have the experience, the result of retouching is unusable, too - I recommend, therefore, turn it over again.
Antwort von Axel:
This will take quite a long time.
Changes depending on the number of points, settings and lighting
Can not you turn the new?
This should be faster (and his and cheaper) in the normal case.
B. DeKid
Especially if you do not have the experience, the result of retouching is unusable, too - I recommend, therefore, turn it over again. Refine Wrinkled faces: Color correction on skin area, blur. Not too much, of course, otherwise the people look like the gingerbread man, just as if they had a pound of makeup on it and would drübergepudert about everything.
A few pimples limit: color on pimples, if necessary: with coarse screen. the Color replace it with the skin color.
A clone stamp is my opinion for anything that actually moves, especially if it has a textured surface, completely unsuitable. Since it ((;?) "Fixing" - Tool, patch) in AAE does not exist, the color correction is worth a try. Probably it will work.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Sorry Axel
But that's never been what is usually
I mean we are talking about so do not set of accents.
Instead of retouching.
But clearly one can or should even test times.
But I think it's too simple
And it comes without frame import drumrum in PS does not usually
But as I said BeautyWork nen is quite "hip" theme in the film ... because there are no standard procedures. (; GSD)
But used correctly they can not do something
And most will indeed ask for a spoil,-P
Groundbreaking was for me
"House of Wax" - FSK 18 version - Making of ... how can half of the face disappear ;-) Sehr geil!
But as I said maybe we'll get a test snippets of 4 sec that would be something, we make color correction nen neuen thread draus .... each time allowed to play ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
Sorry Axel
But that's never been what is usually
I mean we are talking about so do not set of accents.
Instead of retouching. Your experience and your skill required in Photoshop, and, as you yourself write up next, a Meeennge time, perhaps with the image export the path of retouching feasible. So you're likely right.
But you're wrong if you just color correction filter for use as "accents" understand. Although cosmetics in front of Rotary is undoubtedly the best solution, subsequent digital skin corrections are generally based on color correction. Special plugins there probably are, but the fact is that they like most plug-ins are merely defaults. Here indeed there is always the issue of smoothing, blur, etc. and so far nothing seems to have something to do with CC. CC, however, concerned the keying, because not the whole picture is softened, but only problem areas. The subsequent softening of the skin is a fairly common grace of the Wedding Videographers in HD times. Been there, done this.
That it is
possible to remove pimples with CC, it is quite clear. That it is a miserable fumble erstmal, requires multiple passes, and probable can scarcely do without masks, synonymous. But then one has, for the future, his self-built anti-pimple plugin. Unlike (for skin tightening; Blur) would Pickel expressions
(replacing a
color, and brightness match, etc.). If the color temperature of the aforementioned 10 minutes or less remains homogeneous, one builds the filter only once and then adjusts the brightness variations over time (; keyframes).