Frage von nicecam:
I will tomorrow a small, but beautiful film music-synchronized fireworks. (; No - not a dress rehearsal for "Cologne Lights". I leave that to the "colleagues" by WDR, and even those are kept in the usual fireworks Forums) abgewatscht
Last year I filmed this little fireworks just with my HV-20, the XH-A1, I had not then.
I pursued them in the Feuewerkseinstellung, but what makes the camera a well? You to show me: open Aperture F1.8 / Shutter Speed 1 / 50. In addition, manual focus (; of course!) And it seems to activate a noise filter, so is probably synonymous "X" switched db gain. You can see it s.Nachzieheffekt.
In any case, the result was quite pleasing, and I will run the HV-20 again as synonymous.
But now for the XH-A1.
I guess I did not lie entirely wrong with the following settings:
[list] - Vollmanueller Mode
- (Manual focus, to "infinity")
- Shutter 1 / 50
- Aperture F1.8 openly??
- Gain max 6db with proboscis Preset 2? [/ List: u: 2b7058382f] To completely open in Aperture
this Aperture and focus set to manual. (; Aperture: the smallest possible number) ... but
@ Oliver II
Sorry, but is entirely open aperture as nothing next washed, overexposed, meaningless, pure white stripes / dots / circles before (; the stupidest case) a dark gray background ...
Maybe I should practice times out there tonight ...
And proboscis preset should I use it?
Further suggestions / corrections made to, I am open-minded as ever.
HP camera is operated with a short focal too clear, as is the prohibition nachzuführen the cameras. The latter applies: exceptions prove the rule. Last year when the fireworks I have sparingly allowed s.2 Make vertical panning run, got a missile with "pace" in the sky. Otherwise, that if need be tracked, then veeery slowly ...
Gruß Johannes
Antwort von Hans Huckebein:

Fits where the aperture you will not have to constantly adjust, depending on what is being shot. In gold aperture sometimes not even enough, because it helps a little gain, MMN, but no more than 6 dB. Tend to be filming most of the time something actually fireworks dimmed. Belichtungsmäßig but since it relies s.besten his eyes.
Otherwise you are lying with the settings correct. Proboscis preset is ok I guess, times have had a fireworks taken by the filmmakers used the synonymous to the fullest satisfaction.
When the fireworks mode on the HV 20 looks good, ok. But with most cameras, especially Feuerwerksmodi tear this one: Aperture, make, and always give fixed gain, in part, is a sort of synonymous night mode turned on which will come about unnaturally long exposure times.
It seems that Manufacturer likely Schwachlichtsituation fireworks with an absolute, but not as bad ists.
Generally, I would always advise when fireworks manual control, since automatics are quickly overwhelmed in such a situation, not by default.
Furthermore: Consistently using a short focal to not have to be basic, as you have two cameras. For the long shots, I would use the A1, and close ups for the HV 20 to film the front filigree pieces, which were not seen in long shots too.
Tracking is allowed, of course, but how do you ever say is slow and as smooth as possible, otherwise it encounters the audience, fluid head here is a must! The Close Up Camera should only be moving the setting to be found, on average, one can use only static sequences thereof.
This is cumbersome - right! Stand mentally schonmal musical aspirations that you will be noticed by the fireworks display anything because you've constantly intervention, which can not be changed unfortunately.
If there are questions, bring it on!
Antwort von nicecam:

Dear Carolyn Huckebein,
erstmal thank you for your reply.
I'll go one Queerbeet to your suggestions, without quoting yourself constantly - you know yourself, what you write.
Aperture needs to be constantly corrected, do thou what I wanted to save myself actually. And at the HV-20 that you will recommend to me for close-ups so that at least in the fireworks setting. However, it fits into this setting, the value is not synonymous with, a longer exposure time than 1 / 50 they do not hire. However, it opens the aperture completely.
I have just made out on the balcony features a short test run with two cameras: targeted streetlight!
You say: "The trend is actually the most time filming fireworks dimmed somewhat."
I chose the XH-A1 and Short Focal thought that we should look at the lantern in the upper part, at least, something of the lamppost. (As a threshold upwards, to a large aperture setting out) seemed like a fitting aperture of F2.2 to F2.4 maximum, because if I do not want to correct all the time.
But once I now quote:
Furthermore: Consistently using a short focal to not have to be basic, as you have two cameras. For the long shots, I would use the A1, and close ups for the HV 20 to film the front filigree pieces, which were not seen in long shots too. And if I would now be used in the NLE a digital zoom? But it is already clear: we are dealing here with an absolute Schwachlichtsituation too, and it hisses s.end terrible.
Tracking is allowed, of course, but how do you ever say is slow and as smooth as possible, otherwise it encounters the audience, fluid head here is a must! For my HV-20, I have currently a
Soligor Video Tripod 2001 For my XH-A1, I get a Manfrotto
503HDV, 525PKIT, and some people with the (; fluid) Head 503HDV probably can not handle. To
you in Rostock ... And do you really think I should jump back and forth between the two cameras and use them both?
This is cumbersome - right! Stand mentally schonmal musical aspirations that you will be noticed by the fireworks display anything because you've constantly intervention, which can not be changed unfortunately. The fireworks of course, I get nothing with - that was so last year.
Synonymous and that is why I am on the "Cologne Lights", where I am a regular guest since 2006, no camera with me. Because I have the claim: "Audio-Visual overall event." And I've done for me, synonymous only last year, because I took a world music to the fireworks, the receiver and listened in on headphones: CELESTIAL!
But "Cologne Lights" is rest, and tomorrow's shoot - so work the day.
Gruß Johannes
Antwort von Hans Huckebein:

The A1, although I know not, but Aperture 2.4 erstmal sounds reasonable, I am synonymous in the field most of the time, but with a Panasonic NV GS 500th To report corrections you will not be able, however. In silver comet, it can happen schonmal that it closes up to Aperture 6, however, gold is very dark, as mentioned above.
The zoom in the mail, I would leave to remain, resolution of detail we gain from it not.
for Tripod:
I am sure that the Manfrotto will do his duty well, is already quite a good tripod. My remark that a fluid head is needed rather aimed at ensuring that the 15 ¬ Billigteile ausm Blödmarkt worthless and spoil any fireworks video. And there are actually people who are screwing a camera in the class of A1 on such things, all had the experience. I myself am using a Velbon DV 7000 and will now go to prima clear.
Filmed simultaneously with two cameras is definitely a challenge, but you can make it. Primarily, I was the main focus, however, attach to the long shot, since it is the basis of the video. If the close ups are nothing seis drum, at least we still have the overview, where to play anyway about 90% of the events. But when the video flips the intercut enrich greatly.
From this: Just try it!
Antwort von nicecam:

I'm getting now erstmal on the way to the event site, check out the situation.
The organizer I have permission to film, too. And with the fireworks, which will build the fireworks since this morning, I try to speak. On this occasion they got my DVD from last year, which keeps the organizers have in their hands.
Tomorrow I will give it time decision, is run like a rotary.
Gruß Johannes
Antwort von Hans Huckebein:

Alright, have fun then!
Antwort von derpianoman:

So my little Sonyand "everything on auto with" I have some beautiful fireworks shots filmed. By contrast to the dark sky and the bright colors of the missiles CAN you not got any bad shots. Or? Even I do not ... , -)
But ppsssst that with the automatic yes here must publicly admit None. So None of the video area still has some way to impress ... ,-)))
What I meant to say: Nothing is easier to shoot ... or?
Liebe Grüße!
Antwort von Hans Huckebein:

I would rather believe that there is little that is harder to shoot.
Especially the dark sky confuses the automatic exposure extreme, if something is nothing, or very little s.Himmel. Then mercilessly opened Aperture and draufgeschlagen the maximum gain, it roars like Grandma's old tapes.
Then suddenly have is silver trails or flasher s.Himmel, and the automatic creates natural runterzufahren not in a very short time and the gain to dim, so we only have over-exposed stuff aufm tape.
Auto Focus is synonymous pretty bad. Pumps and her merry way because he is no fixed point, the white balance is just too much and does what he has just lust.
Automatic Audioaussteuerung is even more repulsive, because it completely for many reasons, is overwhelmed with the sound of fireworks.
Sure, it may be that the automatic modes synonymous make something true in those situations, although it's very unlikely because they were not designed for it.
Incidentally, I am None of the automatic modes of principle hates to impress other people. Ifs makes sense, I use the synonymous. And I am not ashamed of it :-)
Antwort von nicecam:

So ......
Now I'm sitting s.PC grad (; seem logical, no?) And got transferred yesterday evening rolled material drawn into the timeline of MAGIX VDL 2007 PLUS and synchronization of the audio tracks.
Then, as usual, I mean very basic Multicamvorschau handicrafts. Now I see the material of the two cameras and I see: ...
[list] [list] [list] [list] [list]
Looking back: [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [ / list: u: 8c50925702] The fireworks display was announced for 23 clock. It takes place on our slightly larger village pond.
To 21 clock s.meine I began to pack things. A look outside shows: It's raining twine.
So I got my XH-A1, the dressed-Kata rain coat. My HV-20 screamed: "I want synonymous!" So trash bags with cut drübergezogen for Ojektiv and eat well ...
At about 22.20 clock I was on the premises and have built up. Then it cleared up, trash bags down, Kata rain was on it - sure is safe. Meanwhile, I can operate the XH-A1 synonymous almost blind, only under the rain since it is a bit too cramped.
By the way is my Sennheiser ME66 including Velourwindschutz as easily place in the Kata-protection.
I made settings as described above. Only the beginning, I chose s.der XH-A1 just 12db gain. The fireworks display that is always starts with a rocket that is fired horizontally over the water and there were then 6db too little.
So fireworks had access, but funny - on the preview monitor, which on the accessory shoe sits in my XH-A1, I do not see so much stuff missiles.
I only came after a small eternity to the idea of looking through the viewfinder of the camera too (; dieTV screen issue I'd ask) and noticed to my horror that I probably mistakenly s.den aperture ring had fallen: Aperture F5.6 ! Of course, immediately corrected.
I will next make any adjustments, but I concentrated on the Kadrage.
The AGM-20 remained constant focus onto the ground fireworks.
At some point, the fireworks had ended ...
[list] [list] [list] [list]
and back into the present: [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] [/ list: u: 8c50925702] I compare the material of the two cameras and I see: That the photographs of the XH-A1 are slightly blurred??
So my little Sonyand "everything on auto with" I have some beautiful fireworks shots filmed ... You see: I wish I had better times set to Automatic!
... Especially the dark sky, the automatic exposure extremely irritating ... You see: I wish I had better times readjusted!
However that may be synonymous: Now I have to live with what I have. And I almost think it is so completely blurred again not synonymous;'m not so sure.
Question: Is it possible that manual focus to "infinity" is inappropriate when the fireworks is too close?
I've measured it in Google Earth views: The firework was shot down on the pond of floating pontoons off.
Distance about 42 meters.
Last year there were allegedly 70 meters, and the result of my HV-20 with fireworks setting was good.
Perhaps it was synonymous s.dem smoke, which was formed with the time and unvorteilmäßig wafted through the Picture.
Although: the smoke - some red and blue and green lights - sometimes I felt like s.Aufnahmen with the space telescope "Hubble" recalls ;-)
So I think I can arrange for the time being with the material.
... Automatic Audioaussteuerung is still disgusting, because they, for many reasons entirely with
Antwort von Manuell:
yes, I'll probably shoot the Cologne lights with my HPX171, if by then, finally, the new maps are available.
Antwort von derpianoman:
I would rather believe that there is little that is harder to shoot.
Especially the dark sky confuses the automatic exposure extreme, if something is nothing, or very little s.Himmel. Then mercilessly opened Aperture and draufgeschlagen the maximum gain, it roars like Grandma's old tapes.
Then suddenly have is silver trails or flasher s.Himmel, and the automatic creates natural runterzufahren not in a very short time and the gain to dim, so we only have over-exposed stuff aufm tape.
Auto Focus is synonymous pretty bad. Pumps and her merry way because he is no fixed point, the white balance is just too much and does what he has just lust.
Automatic Audioaussteuerung is even more repulsive, because it completely for many reasons, is overwhelmed with the sound of fireworks.
Sure, it may be that the automatic modes synonymous make something true in those situations, although it's very unlikely because they were not designed for it.
Incidentally, I am None of the automatic modes of principle hates to impress other people. Ifs makes sense, I use the synonymous. And I am not ashamed of it :-)
Yep, in theory I can understand it EXACTLY!
Perhaps I have as easy time dümmster farmer harvested the biggest potatoes? :
The fireworks display is s.end of the video. In this course, quality grottig, synonymous looks blurred, but the original I was delighted, ""!
Antwort von nicecam:
... I see the material of my two cameras and determine: That the photographs of the XH-A1 are slightly blurred??
Question: Is it possible that manual focus to "infinity" is inappropriate when the fireworks is too close?
I've measured it in Google Earth views: The firework was shot down on the pond of floating pontoons off.
Distance about 42 meters.
Last year there were allegedly 70 meters, and the result of my HV-20 with fireworks setting was good.
In the fog poking John is still seeking answers to these questions.
yes, I'll probably shoot the Cologne lights with my HPX171, if by then, finally, the new maps are available.
@ Manual:
Would be glad if we could meet there.
Poste yet again here, or drop me an email.
The stands in profile.
How about a general way, with slashCAM meeting at the "Cologne Lights"? Everyone there slaschCAM wear their T-shirt, which I am currently and always when I'm here in the forum, wearing ...
Gruß Johannes
Antwort von Manuell:
Hi John,
I drive s.Samstag well :-( but the Ruhr, then it probably does not Kölner Lichter.
Antwort von nicecam:
What (for heaven's sake is s.Samstag in the Ruhr, Ruhrgebiet Ruhrgebeat?) Going on?
Ruhr area is closer to me, but it'll probably go to Kölle.
Would have been nice :-(;(;
well, you can not do anything.
(Dir definitely synonymous lot of fun, I hope?) In the Ruhr.
Gruß Johannes