Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Field Report: What is OSX86? Of rudi - 12 Dec 2006 16:55:00 > Once it is so round now has that OSX with a few tricks synonymous to normal PCs installed, we wanted to know whether the effort is worthwhile.
Antwort von grovel:

Hm, if I'm honest, I am not at all about this article.
We are in the forum but always tried, to ignore sensitive issues or subtly pointed out that we can not give answers. The fact that it now has a very dubious legal process in an article summarizes this approach is not exactly easier.
Sure, anyone can make the information on 'how' and provide it wisely it is not synonymous one (even though, had to point out that there was an illegal patched version of OSX from the net care should be!).
If you know something, then I expect that - in the spirit of Gonzo journalism - their corresponding synonymous draws conclusions, do not, "it's worth it, makes it synonymous" but "it's pretty silly that this is only illegally is possible. " So call s.Apple so to speak. Yes we would all like our computers to install the software, but None of the software purchased synonymous, will do as long as it is him in a legally precarious situation brings.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von 'Michael:

What you wrote here is very dangerous legally and beyond
a "worrying". This topic belongs in the corner of teenage hackers
but not on a serious Page.
Antwort von Leser:

Apple Germany is hereby informed.
Antwort von mw:

What is the fuss? Each needs a truth, of telling them!
And more, except for a personal experience, this article is not. Neither Chinese nor Russian Download Directory Server specified. This could be the contributions that he would have been printed, not even a reprimand from the Press Council will:)
Antwort von rudi:

So illegal so an article can not be because we are not aware about it, where you which parts to install an illegal could get. And as I said, in Germany in the case law tends strongly in the direction that a tiger can buy license and thus can do whatever you want. And last but not least, we are synonymous so clearly pointed out that the whole OSX86 Project is not really worth it.
If I were in the time I Frickelei and for the article needed putzen have gone would have been for me the most money to buy a Mac Pro can. But the 140 hours of "work" were synonymous stop gimmick and just "proof of concept". And finally, it is synonymous meaning and purpose of journalism, the people sometimes to show what is possible.
There are a lot of web pages that are solely concerned with this issue and of course Apple is not happy about it. But ultimately, these self-systems, Apple does not really hurt, because you are just looking for a real Mac. I myself also have a Power Mac G5 and my next calculator is quite likely with a Mac Pro. Unless Apple sued me tomorrow:) Then I would have the matter reconsidered course again.
Antwort von rudi:

If you know something, then I expect that - in the spirit of Gonzo journalism - their corresponding synonymous draws conclusions, do not, "it's worth it, makes it synonymous" but "it's pretty silly that this is only illegally is possible. " So call s.Apple so to speak. Yes we would all like our computers to install the software, but None of the software purchased synonymous, will do as long as it is him in a legally precarious situation brings.
Groveler Hey, where is the exact difference to my Conclusion? Synonymous but I say that it is not worthwhile and that it would be nice if Apple in the future with a good calculator PCIe would offer. War jedenfalls as thought-synonymous call Steve Jobs when the article will probably not read;)
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

What should be illegal to ask a Mac OS on a PC to run?
All components were apparently purchased legally.
Where is the justice please?
What are these vague, subliminal reminders / warnings?
And if this belongs here or not: the film world has only by the ingenuity to develop what it is.
Whether it was the Steadicam, the Dedolight Kinoflo or was - all things where Filmmakers with the circumstances would not resign.
No art without craft.
Slashcam shows so in my opinion is that people here are s.Werk on the Power ON and record hinauszublicken property.
Weiter so!
Antwort von

Prima report on strengths and weaknesses of a hacked OS X on X86!
Gruß v.
Antwort von Udo S.:

Hmmm. If someone a good definition of contradiction needs:
"In Germany there are quite a strong legal position that the use of ordinary PCs is not illegal as long as the original license."
Other hand:
"In order to install OSX, you have the original system only once a patch or a patched Install DVD from the Internet provide."
If Mac OS X out-of-the-box on the ALDI-PC would run it would be legally safe, but so?
To support: When times are not stroke and nuclei are displayed correctly, I would have the system working environment is not really trust:)
And for those who think Apple should release Mac OS X offer:
What you think what that would cost then? Consider s.all hardware drivers, which can then be programmed.
What is your MS Windows would cost if Microsoft is not taking advantage of their monopoly of the big hardware manufacturers have imposed gag agreements? Be Interrogates look like it so she ran.
No, Apple earned money with complete PC systems, and is thus the last Manufacturer (Commodore, Atari, Acorn, all history), who still does. Therefore, perhaps the confusion and the limping comparisons.
Antwort von .Andi:

Class article, now I know what is fact! Experiences like these are important to any other time before to preserve verschwändet to be! Thank you. Greetings!
Antwort von rudi:
"In order to install OSX, you have the original system only once a patch or a patched Install DVD from the Internet provide."
If Mac OS X out-of-the-box on the ALDI-PC would run it would be legally safe, but so? So wiedersprüchlich is IMHO not. Patching is not per se illegal.
What you think what that would cost then? Consider s.all hardware drivers, which can then be programmed.
What is your MS Windows would cost if Microsoft is not taking advantage of their monopoly of the big hardware manufacturers have imposed gag agreements? Be Interrogates look like it so she ran. Does not quite synonymous. Apple uses a lot of drivers from the open source community (eg, printer driver of Gimp Project and many things from the BSD Project.) You would be amazed if you could see how much of OSX86 hardware is detected and running, although the corresponding hardware Never regularly for Apple has been sold.
And what do you think of how much the hardware manufacturer for Linux drivers pay? Mostly pretty much nullkommanix.
And Apple will pay to my knowledge not even s.die largest (such as Nvidia) for driver development. In return, can Nvidia and AMD / Ati on the Apple market, the market safely with identical hardware so synonymous synonymous much deeper margins retract.
Nevertheless, I give you full and quite right that it is nice when everything in a box of one manufacturer and one of a limited number s.unterstützen hardware elements. And of course, that speaks clearly synonymous for Apple hardware.
Many greetings
Antwort von PowerMac:

I imagine before all boards, graphics cards, printers, dozens of combinations of different drivers, different driver architectures ...
Then one hundred 32-bit and some 64 bit processors and re-x ^ n possibilities, something goes wrong. It suffers from Microsoft. The Apple does not. Previously you had to say yes as MacUser, for this benefit do I pay extra. Today it is no longer the case.
Antwort von go4java:

>> Apple Germany is hereby informed.
In every community there are the Blockwart:-P
Antwort von wolferl69:
Apple Germany is hereby informed That was long ... who are not on the head.
And we will Blockwart usually with beworfen ... without beer mugs! :)
Antwort von xeen3d:

a nice report, I must not own times to test it would be a shame to many time.
Apple should thank you eigendlich I hope this is the statement in Tread Apple is hereby informed "synonymous meant because your test shows that Apple has done a good job.
If you like a Mac OSX on the PC may indeed have a suitable Linux with suitable surface of the install, most programs should also be available and quite legal.
Who just wants to look and feel should be on OSX Flyakite XP and drag it has.
I admit I would be an Apple OSX for PC buy synonymous when it would mean I would need specific hardware components, even worried is still cheaper than the Mac Pro.
But that Apple would only earn the s.der CD worth anscheinent not.
A Mac that I would need to equal performance for the same money to get the giebt it's not so I would stick with the PC then I do not binn Onassis :-)
Macs are good machines but with great operating system for home use at maximum power for the money, unfortunately, still far too expensive. (Unfortunately) nüzt Since nothing is synonymous to the re-sale value is higher than for PC hardware is because I think that is synonymous with x86 Macs will soon fall away.
Greetings from Münster
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) For home use at maximum power for the money, unfortunately, still far too expensive. (...) Apple's emphasis on the design. This makes from Apple. Nevertheless, for example, the Mac mini home computers all his rivals with a similar form factor priced about as effective.
Antwort von thewhitesmoke:

What is the exact name of the image file?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Antwort von burito:

Echt hammer lustig witz, HAHA, and someone not serious answer, except the poor or of mac s.das is illigal .... mac should halt its cheaper pcs, because something happens does not synonymous
Antwort von PowerMac:

Great justification for it. The oranges in the supermarket are so expensive, there remains for me only the choice to steal. Beginners will find the way each image, not only you;)
Antwort von Axel:

The system I have seen. There is probably no serious threat to Apple, because you really must grind to get it right this. With a cheap computer - or more accurately a cheap combo, because the PC world is a component world - is nothing.
It worked just everything. The guy who installed it, is a filmreif hacker. He is still with Avid next cut (he says now), but only with OSX to go Net.
And it is my outpost wrote: A great operating system in a mirror-cracking box. For less savvy computer maker pays the invoice. How much more expensive Apple Calculator indeed? Indeed, for the same requirement is sufficient for Apple often a smaller model. To incompatibilities of any third party (see Adobe and Vista) you need never to worry about.
Antwort von waschmitteljunky:

OSX will run on my Thinkpad. More I will not even ...
Antwort von cheffi:

So, there's a lot of ignorance seems to prevail:
1. intel osx is not legal to purchase. you can buy just the ppc version, intel is only in connection with an Intel mac.
2. these dazugekaufte intel version is with the serial number of the mainboard coupled, without hackerei not synonymous nem pc to use
3. we know now, it expressly prohibits apple osx on non-apple hardware to install.
4. Macs are expensive, but why that? times this level will take place at nem pc, finds a pc in which everything is perfectly aligned AND: find a high value of the pc is stable. I write this on a powerbook of 2001 and since running osx 10.4.10 with no problems on it .. that makes times with vista / xp and nem Pentium notebook without constantly staring ne hourglass. just my 2 cents (and yes, I did very well be synonymous NEN pc)
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) 1 intel osx is not legal to purchase. you can buy just the ppc version, intel is only in connection with an Intel mac. (...) Nothing to be false.
Antwort von xxxsonjaxxx:

what should the whole korinthenkackerei by legal or illegal?
Are all delighted that someone tried it and then writes about synonymous novh!
Ungrateful people ...