Seas leute! I do not know how to burn a file to a CD that do not fit on 2 CDs! please help me!
gruß tommy
Antwort von Ivy:
1.) Instead of blank CDs blank DVDs to burn. 2.) Instead of the normal blank CDs to burn CD-single blanks. 3.) File sharing (to cut film or music file, etc.). 4.) compressing by WinRAR or WinZIP or similar, depends on its purpose and the type of file. 5.) In smaller format convert (wav -> mp3).
If you do not get s bit more concrete, then you can help None. What format is it? What do you want to burn CD's? How should they be used?
Lg, Ivy
Antwort von Ivy:
Oh yes: No one will take your mind if the next time you do not choose your name as the subject, but simply call it the topic for which you will be helped. ;-)