Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Film Festival - and then?
Antwort von Mantas:
nice article.
what comes here often to watch TV film s.deutschen is embarrassing when you consider what creative people do not earn money.
it's just a stupid MODULARITy sone production.
Antwort von 0711video:
It is known that the oh so beautiful, its wonderful, award-winning German production, where content pregnant screaming, crying and intensely loved, looked into the eyes, will be shown exactly 1. namely, such self singing praises, to yawn boring "Colleagues, I thank--all-my--without-the-this-film-not-have been possible--would be" festivals, which are then to make matters worse synonymous still on tv three are shown for hours. in some of the productions is advantageous that it be shown only 1. otherwise, the other in Cannes.
Who are the producer or director why the years of running around for money and the sometimes impossible doing to working conditions on duration, must ask themselves, what satisfaction he activity can from this distillation of its own - and that in a market where vanities concentrate extreme. I understand not. Thank the Lord!