Frage von Fragensteller:
I read here quite a while with and would like to take this opportunity to say thank you first!
I'm not working professionally in the film industry, so it lacks some me know.
I have published a short movie on a big video platform. Now I got a message of an employee at the station TV5 Montreal, this movie would like to use in a planned documentary series and would like to know if that was possible.
My first thought is of course yes ...
But how exactly should I do? Money demand is certainly in order, just how much? A contract must be closed probably synonymous, but how would this work?
Can I as a private person at all, or do I have to first at the tax?
Would be nice if you give me some hints could use too. Thank you!
Antwort von Marc Schneider:

first of all, congratulations, I am looking for you.
Put up before selling the rights to use the safe once your video if you are really rights at all.
- No music or background music rights with third parties such as GEMA, GVL, record companies etc.
- Persönichkeitsrechte: Is anyone to see on the video, which is possibly not with a broadcast einvestanden, an embarrassing situation for example, etc.
- See Trademark: Any logos, themes, images etc., in the video are not as cheap and incidentally of those of the authors you can be evil?
- All locations are ok?
I shall not disseminate fear, avoid only one (very unlikely), rude awakening, if any rights are missing because you write so that you are not professionally in the film industry are working.
Otherwise, you leave quietly and try to pay what the contract Haftungsauschschluss one to get.
Greetings, Marc
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

If I use the same instructions Stefan Raab and other Youtube channel the material and want to keep with the creators simply consultation times, as they found accommodation which is exceptional, that they want to use in their mission.