Frage von B.DeKid:
Who invented the "film look"
I ask myself the question just who is actually the "film look" invented.
Which films have shaped the development of our current vision.
Is the film a good feeling to have seen only through light, 24p, DoF, overpaid actor or Special EFX which originate from the computer?
P. What did Kubrick your opinion so that the viewers a new way of (narrative) film to you.
Is the movie look really what you need to make a story to tell? Or it tells us only what.
You see I will deliberately throw together some criteria, so this topic Exciting times with like-minded discussion.
I am of course aware of the "film look" really a feasible techniques through out called "custom" means.
But you need him for a movie to tell?
Is not the fictional action synonymous without DoF represent?
What I want of you know, is
- Who was influential in his works with our current perception of Film
- Where will the trend go
- What we bring the new techniques
- Are the stories it really better than what we have shown many years ago got
- What you wish for your issues and stories
- On what you can forgo
So I invite everyone happy to help in this regard points of view from our own times is open to participate.
All suggestions and ideas or works you know are of course welcome.
Let us, therefore, just about the development of the last 50 years and discuss where this might lead us.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
B. DeKid
PS. Oh yes before I forget it, maybe it is not aware of any here but even A. Hitchcock had already "Dial M for Murder" (When calling murder) had rotated in 3D ;-) So it is new, this idea is not synonymous.
Antwort von domain:

It would have to think about it, but one time I would say spontaneously: the Anglo-Saxon film-look you can see from my point of view inside of 5 seconds, no preference s.welcher film office is einklinkt, incidentally, exactly like the typical German "film look" of the last decades (laudable exception "Das Boot" for example and some others more)
Antwort von Axel:
P. What did Kubrick your opinion so that the viewers a new way of (narrative) film to you. He said among other things, the film as a medium have just
begun to unfold its potential.
Is the movie look really what you need to make a story to tell? Or it tells us only what. Who says that you need it? In my opinion, with "film-look" a higher value, more careful, dramaturgically focused nature of filmmaking awaited than most of us in a position or willing to implement them. A story can be told well but synonymous with absolute depth of field, interlaced pictures, 4:3 and other "video look" characteristics. Always assuming that you told them skillfully. In connection with Kubrick, it is very interesting that most of his films, the last four synonymous, in the format 4:3 were recorded. A Effect Lighting conventional renounce it, the deep sharp sets are legendary (you should count times, but blurred backgrounds There are an estimated five percent of all recordings), and everything is filmed so that it is redundant (of liquid vehicle or Steadicamaufnahmen the man was indeed obsessed), against a higher frame rate, the more aesthetically s.unseren 50i is, he certainly would have had nothing. So what distinguishes our strip of Kubrick's shooting? Much, but the standard film-look resources do
not belong to ...
Is not the fictional action synonymous without DoF represent? You mean, with a typical large DoF as video. Na klar.
Who was influential in his works with our present sense of film? That is not to a particular maker festzunageln, not synonymous to a "wave". Sidney Lumet says something very interesting about the Shallow DoF: It was the result of laziness, the film makers. Instead of the equipment of the sets so that it corresponds to the dramatic intentions, shows only the performers, the rest, the distraction could be too Wischiwaschi. This is an extreme position. But it is not even particularly exotic. In the 80s version of the
textbook of film-making of Pierre Kandorfer is too little depth of field as unrealistic and a slovenliness of DOP / cameraman branded. It is recommended frankly, more light, so the Aperture to be able to close next. That the depth of any significant decrease was the course s.lichtstärkeren optics.
Alien3 Fincher was a sensation: The Alien is chasing a couple of prisoners in a dark corridor. Runs a sweat of fear on the nose,
and really only the drop is sharp. As you saw, it was clear that fuzziness can be more than a blemish, and the hype started (maybe earlier, but not much sooner, which is now just one striking example from a well-known film).
Where will the trend go? Film as an entertainment medium that only repeats itself No new style means no new stories. Kubrick felt that the preliminary culmination of the narrative skill with Chaplin was reached, and that the further development of sound film and the splitting into genres of creative stagnation, if not a step backwards was. That can prove s.einem Example:
Modern Times
Antwort von domain:

But to my knowledge between between Chaplin and Hitchcock in terms of the creative process, there were enormous differences. Chaplin worked with countless filmed versions of a scene after the trial-and-error method, while Hitchkock already virtually any setting, even accompanied with watercolors, already existed before the shooting begins, that is actually the more advanced method, but Chaplin was able to obviously do not have so A FILM historical experience that he was indeed still a pioneer.
What struck me in recent times in our aging society, more and more striking is that for the older generation seems more and more documentaries and news programs Channel and important.
Films, they can not really seem to thrill, I can even synonymous with me watching. Depends, but probably synonymous to the fact that a strong reality at first, once difficult to play is (still s.besten of British actors) and a compression that is even more difficult.
Just today on ZDF the sad couple Exeigentümer an Opel plant seen the abandoned and its already large inventory was auctioned.
The reactions and the behavior of these two sad, something almost can not play, we immediately noticed the lie and the Unrealistic and gehts so many movies being synonymous stop there.
Footling Drehbücher, bad actor, Zeitschinden in almost every scene and so largely a disaster.
Antwort von shipoffools:

The most important thing when a movie is in my opinion, remains the "history" or New German: "Story" and good "people." If you find no interesting story to tell, then you synonymous use of the best "film look" nothing. Then only one thing: boredom.
But the story is gripping and captivating people, and it is technically and film acting "reasonably" well implemented, it is worth more than any film look or exaggerated gimmicks, honest sometimes confusing, as the film something to give.
If even the "technical-artistic" Page fits Directing good words (which should, however, already synonymous top ...), his camera work (image design), lighting, sound, etc., then you can synonymous a really good movie 50i and in perfect film look without turning.
PS: You can, however, synonymous thoroughly good story set in the sand. The best example: Jurassic Park
How to get from such a good idea, such a crap "fabricate" can I still a mystery ... but perhaps "had" Spielberg on the grounds of the level of the American audience the topic ad nauseam so herabreduzieren ...
Antwort von jogol:

this whole movie look s.die history reminds me that many guitarists ne NEN Fender Stratocaster and Marshall bought the tower in order to klingen.Klang like Hendrix but not as Hendrix.Das Equipment includes only Möglichkeit.Entscheident is the player, a good player sounds synonymous with the modest means gut.Das blockbuster cinema is always good ausgerüstet.Perfekt obviously staged photos, great colors, super-cut, but unfortunately mostly with the same Action / Horror / Tortureporns.
Comedies are so stupid that you would like to howl (with a few commendable exceptions, such as
for example the things the Coen brothers). This power is then concentrated for the holidays when the video of Uncle looks thick, shortly before one falls asleep or the nichtvorhandenen 16:9, Magic Bullet Looks, DoF wundert.Wenn I look back, the movies me deeply beindruckt often unspectacular first, but I have a unique artistic handwriting like Sans soleil of Chris Marker.4: 3, s / w., Wackelkamera.Oder Step Across the Border of Nicolas Humbert / Werner Penzel on musicians Fred Frith.4: 3, s / w.Die Tarkowski with 5-minute films shot in which the camera is just 3Meter moved to me and the hair in the neck in a manner which does not draw as horror Scheiss ever manage würde.Kubrick, Fincher, Alan Parker , Peter Greenaway,
Kurosawa and Wong Kar-Wai are synonymous dazu.Gute good people who have stories to tell are the key, no preference in what format.
Gruss J.
Antwort von duvancam:

klasse contributions .. I have not much to add ..
just think s.die doctrinal filme:)
klasse stories with horrible look
worse, I sometimes forget it myself, that I spend hours on some movies and try to sit, they look better to leave, only to then declare that, eh sau not interested if the content does not fit hehe
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Hi all,
First many thanks for your sympathy. (Especially you Axel for your really well-executed vision of the subject -!)
Well the "typical film look" issue we are talking here not really to me, this is really a thorn in the eye.
I would never want to be convinced that only 24p or depth unschärfe a movie really make the film.
Charlie Chaplin had always been for me a classic old-school, through its Preformance so many "young" actor of today, simply "old" look is.
Also see / do you recognize when people like Hitchcock / Kubrick realized that the way to your sets and let an actor Aggi real idea behind it - almost compare with theater -.
For me, this is the true form of film.
domain was a good throw Docus regarding which I can share so synonymous. I think that today Docus the audience a truly "new" story, and let him experience something.
As I avowed Discovery junkie this can be understandable move, and clearly acknowledge the charms of the "some" Docus expect.
It is simply true and shows just what a new one so maybe has not seen. (If, for example, times at point-James Nachtwey is one of my favorite photographers is because all his pictures show pure truths and so garnicht correspond to the familiar look.)
What I like about Kubrick as synonymous notice is that all his actors a very special present Mimick had before he was satisfied. Thus evaluates this immensely on his films. I think that this is the case of "film look" can talk, if one feels the audience as an actor with one of his role was.
But in order relating to back to find, I must say that today few people are out of your plants in a new direction.
Also, many movies with so bring s.den cinemas are not properly evaluated.
If I like friends movies Naked Lunch, Barry Lyndon, or call for murder was, then they are usually stunned and clearly miss the action etc.
You seem to be lacking the right to see the dedication or relating to the movie.
I can therefore only on the new modern "stuff" back rise, and because sometimes I feel misunderstood.
I have the same experience with Memento Donnie Darko The Machinist made synonymous here satisfy the films are not the visual habits of my friend.
Constantly coming so spells like
"You know, I know not but somehow were the films you've recommended to me because, stupid."
I however always looking for new films that are exactly my expectation of "art" meet - and films like Crank or The hardware to meet this really is not. (Sure they are well made and Full evening, no doubt - but so real substance Discussion offer me but mostly not)
Can it be that the quantity s.Zuschauern through the medium of film just yet s.dem thought the real "art" takes over?
So at least as recent productions are concerned?
(Take, for example. Hancock, for me this year, probably the worst movie was!) - (Or, Sex in the City - how can it be so a film about 400 million U.S. dollars has recorded?)
You see, my troz still quite young age (30), I can only leave a bad away and thank you for all your serious comments and ideas.
B. DeKid
Ps To Jurrasic Park - so the first part of my Meihnungen is a classic - The idea to implement the CGI FX - simply good.
Sure was synonymous dictated by the studio and everything nice rausgeputzt - but the film as sollche Dino taught me more than feeling over the 8 mm images of father in the Dino Park when I was 4 years old ;-)
And I think it far from the worst works of Spielberg than JP.
PS2: With the interjection of the "Hitchcock filmed in 3D, I wanted to illustrate the film does not really re-invents, with
Antwort von shipoffools:

Ps To Jurrasic Park - so the first part of my Meihnungen is a classic - The idea to implement the CGI FX - simply good.
Sure was synonymous dictated by the studio and everything nice rausgeputzt - but the film as sollche Dino taught me more than feeling over the 8 mm images of father in the Dino Park when I was 4 years old ;-)
And I think it far from the worst works of Spielberg than JP.
The fact that the film is technically well implemented, is beyond question. The computer animated dinosaurs were a reality of its proximity a real sensation and can be synonymous still quite respectable.
But already the idea of petrified Dinoknochen or genetic material Dinoeiern to "extract" in order to live "Urechsen" to breed, would have significantly more rausholen can (no, must!) Footling as this story in JP, the only children and adolescents is tailored to the film so well was then synonymous. If you were already older than 15, was one of the synonymous implement the theme grossly disappointed.
But Spielberg & Co., logically, just wanted to do with cash, and this is probably synonymous to success.
Nevertheless, a geniele idea how they would have no worse vergeuten can.
... and for me are classic films such as:
"The Great Dictator", "Citizen Cane", "Lawrence of Arabia," "Ben Hur," "The Birds," "The Invisible Third," "The Sting," "Blow Up", etc.
... this is just a matter of taste. o)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes, I'll give you quite - classics is perhaps wrong button .... We could say it so act like cars .... practically s.Alter 30 Sun oldtimers / classics halt ..... JP is not it just yet ;-)
On the story - oh well .... PM (Magazine) Wrote times a report relating to "Were there people in front of the people" and less well so the question / issue if it is not already before the Ice Age people were (found foot tracks + the crushed beetles and tools, blabla) below the point of view I found JP just good for the mass together and brought close to realistic. Also on the relationship of the gene research echt passend.
But I have to admit that Spielberg - synonymous if he might be blessed - not really my Favort is a lot of things and I do not like of him, because it is very "Hollywood" are-or perhaps because I am his personal charisma just does not like (so the Of what you He sees how he is there, etc.)
Contest but can not he, Spielberg certainly with his work - has shaped our vision.
Whether this was good for now, I can only judging.
His films have probably all Special FX people to violent angesporrnt benefits. What I welcome.
Although not as successful as Spielberg, but in my eyes better / is more difficult because O. Stone.
He tells me, "photos" different, his work is demanding.
Both "modern" but somehow Filmmakers 2 different worlds.
And that's why my original question: Who invented the movie look?
I am convinced that this expression or what is meant by that is not yet so old can be.
You can film in accordance with a scheme of design, technical and Page history etc judge. But are people who only look 35 mm, not really the people umbedingt the evening 50 + year old films ankucken the secret to the "art form" to come closer to film.
The Here We might find no real results, it is clear to me. But I would like to halt the opportunities here at times over sollche things to talk about.
(Only Buying and How is my holiday video threads are not really why we stay here or -)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:

The fact that Spielberg and Lucas have invented the blockbuster, is undeniable. Spielberg has a special nature, emotions with Camera and editing to enhance the camera goes to the actor or of him away, while this amazement (ET, JP) or panic (Sugar Land Express, Color Purple) shows. This is often copied. Also play the most Spielberg movies in Disneyland rather than in the real world, and each man of the whole approach, the more you would think s.Filmlook.
And it's like cover versions of old pop songs, the kids' great ', although it is technically aufgepeppter recycling scrap is: Tarantino classic covert in
KillBill especially Sergio Leone, and I always will remain a mystery why the People on the originals now the nose hulls.
ch worse sometimes forget it myself, that I spend hours on some movies and try to sit, they look better to leave, only to then declare that, eh sau not interested if the content does not fit hehe This is synonymous to me. It is because we have seen too many movies that we have become bored zapper, which no longer have patience. I believe that now is not degrading. That is just so.
We are therefore looking for a "Wow" Effect, of the spectators at the bar stops. Another Kubrick wisdom: The first minute should be interesting what we have long to see one. (EDIT: How often the case with Kubrick's sentences, they are at first glance platitudes, in fact, the man said as he filmed. Everything was just considered a hundred times before it has been said. If that is "most interesting" on the visual
effect, or is the most interesting
content mean? Probably both, if one thinks s.seine intros. Another saying is look at the film relate. Asked how he determines his style, he replied, the first would be what, the how auto companies, it would be . In later interviews, the taciturn krass then reduced to
I never shoot anything I do not want.) That some still get out (while their other short films with a lot of pompous Slug, Getitel and bedeutungsschwangerem Gewumme start for me are the
skip-it movies).
People can now quickly grasp complex relationships, there are hints that in fractions of seconds are interspersed. This is my chance for a better narrative form: The film may be deeper, more contradictions within the shortest time weaving together the strength of a good intros need not be ebbing. So off of the keyboard and losgelegt.
Antwort von domain:

How much an alleged style element (within a certain look) can lead to discussions following example shows text (Wikipedia):
"2007 was a group of former Fassbinder employee from his early" Clan "period three months after the German premiere of the restored film Berlin Alexanderplatz, the work of Juliane Lorenz and the RWFF in question. The
main allegation was that the film Lawrence of digital Sampling had brightened. After a long and intensive discussion in the German press, and particularly after an opinion of the artistic director of restoration, the original cameraman Xaver Schwarzenberger and cameraman Michael Ballhaus, the accusations have been invalidated. " I also believe that RW Fassbinder over the years and own very distinctive cinematic language has developed in the synonymous random zapping in hindsight one of his films will be immediately recognizable.
Applies restricted actually synonymous for Almodovar films to European film at times to stay.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
...... So off of the keyboard and losgelegt. ;-)
Antwort von DWUA:

B. Gude DeKid!
A small note to a gigantic problem.
Film look, the first one: The term "film look" reminds s.den term "football" and
is similarly indifferent in a statement like "the good book,
"large Paintings / Music".
Film look, the second: Before we in the universe ages lose in the Cosmos
or chaos of Stil-/Technik-/Ökonomiegeschichte lost
TIME MACHINE remains our times as in 1969 are available.
Western Europe, more precisely I / D / F
A magnifying glass reveals Fellini and Fassbinder.
Now we have the salad.
1969, Fassbinder (of "Love is colder than death"
to "Why does Herr R. Amok") 4 films made.
1969, Fellini "Satyricon" rotated.
Different director can hardly be.
Between them cavort the Truffaut, miner, Pasolini
and how they all read the other side of the Hollywood spectacle.
(That at that time was virtually ignored.)
Only a short time out of the machine shows that it
makes sense, film history by the History Factory
ascertained that people who are responsible for:
At directors whose lives and works.
Truffaut & co as for the "Nouvelle Vogue".
Film look, the third: If it really matters to the viewing habits and go to
their character, we should at an early age begin.
Under entwicklungspsychologischem aspect begins at
the parents' couch with the television and advertising is in the
variety of peer groups with harder things continue.
Aspect: easiest, cheapest available via virtual babysitter.
Film look, the fourth: When you enter the time machine again, since there is at least
gained the impression that a single major paradigm shift
have long held:
--- The reality as
close as possible to be able to come.
--- The reality as
far as possible, surpass them.
Film look, the fifth: "Blockbuster" is not wikipediamäßig as a "blockbuster" with
The White Shark beginning to define, but
"characterized as a model" already with "The Birth of Nation" (1915)!
On industrialization mechanisms of books and shooting,
Pillows and toothbrushes, à la
Harry Potter can
We certainly not only one.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Cool Thanks DWUA
I think then I should look at their shooting and they are looking to buy
So Fassbinder Fellini, etc. - just because you've listed it.
Seems not to harm the times with this matter to be tackled.
For sollche inspiring tips, I am always grateful!
B. DeKid
PS. In the childhood I had a week to me only 2 hr movie from the TV magazines to choose, and most were then Disney movies on Sunday afternoon. And for a Mickey Mouse folders 3 weeks I had to mow lawns or in the garden help. What I first (many years) later came to benefit me, things like music, movies or comics (figures) to make themselves.
Otherwise, I had already with 8 years Bücherrei card geschenckt get. (Where I will always as Hal Foster s Valiant had read before I then with "normal" books went home ";-) It was just us at home - I had to stop forest in front of the door and have a more Huckleberry Finn embossed with Wauwau childhood and lived a lot of fish. ;-) But ne ne Minolta srT100x and Agfa 8mm Cam I had a very early stage - for which I developments synonymous times 5 Mark got a gift ;-)
Antwort von domain:

It seems to me, even as DeKid that you have various analysis and insights for yourself be employed.
Very laudable, but then please look at this evening at 22:30 on ZDF Reich Ranicki, after Luis Trenker one of the greatest living storyteller of the German language area.
Thus perhaps the filming of small chamber pieces of Shakespeare or Berthold Brecht announced, we must necessarily increase the quality ......
Antwort von Axel:
It seems to me, even as DeKid that you have various analysis and insights for yourself be employed.
Very laudable, but then please look at this evening at 22:30 on ZDF Reich Ranicki, after Luis Trenker one of the greatest living storyteller of the German language area.
Thus perhaps the filming of small chamber pieces of Shakespeare or Berthold Brecht announced, we must necessarily increase the quality ...... B. DeKid is correct identity with the program chief of Sat1, and according to this survey is, in fact, the film version of
Hamlet in contemporary guise in the planning stage. On the script is the proven team of
Anna and love. The Three Penny Opera is expected s.Weihnachten broadcast. Among other things, sing Mark Medlock, the new score is of Dieter Bohlen.
jogol is right with his comparison of the film looks with the Hendrix-copiers. Fassbinder Fellini and should be role models only insofar as they originally were. Just as the Beatles were original, and the approximately one million copies are not.
Musicians now have such a sophisticated studio equipment is available, that they themselves do not even need to be able to sing. Technically, they sing, perhaps still good. Perhaps better than an aspiring backyard band 30, 40 years. But they have nothing original, no personal connection to the garbage that they produce. Comparison to them must be original Scooter apply.
Photographers should be familiar with light. If they are around for advertising work, which is not enough anymore. A well-known photographer took me back for car advertising, an expensive, complicated thing. That was something. His archive is still being queried, but the cost for new recordings can no longer justify. A look created is now more in PS. This is synonymous for the movie. Look at Lutz Diekmann Dacia spot in his tutorial, and you should None illusion that with a higher budget will be less cheating. Cheating? These are the tools of the trade.
The films of Fellini, Fassbinder and are full of errors. We must love them all. Today's Hollywood films are technically much better (see above). They are manufactured of entertainment professionals who are with the film look so sort of know.
Film look is the imitation of something Counterfeit. You could say the patina finishing a piece of IKEA furniture.
Antwort von jogol:

Some examples of the style I use for building milestones in film history think:
"Nosferatu" by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.Mutter, father, aunt, uncle, all horror movies.
"Metropolis" by Fritz Lang
A little humility lesson for all digital Trickser, incredible sets, camera positions,
Miniatures; Mattes and copying art works.
"Modern Times" and many other films of Charles Chaplin's genius because of the complex stories without dialogue to tell that they still work just as 80 years ago. The man was a one man band. Story, Directing, Camera, editing, music and main actor.
"Battleship Potemkin" "strike" "Alexander Nevsky" by Sergei Eisenstein
Revolutionary Camera and assembly.
"In the West, nothing new" of Lewis Milestone
The film of 1930 is thus created between the wars and shows the war as what it is. An abattoir. 1929 The great stock market crash, economic depression, remilitarization of society. That was certainly not a good time to make a movie but apparently there were artists who dared to the foot aufzumachen. In this context, it is still synonymous to "Johnny went to war"
of Dalton Trumbo noted. (1970) Is Hard Tobak.
"The Thin Man" as just one example of the many good Screwballkomödien of 30/40
Years. Dialgowitz and absolutely perfect timing.
"The Andalusian Dog" by Luis Bunuel
The withdrawal of the movie in the surrealist art. Bunuel was a companion of André Breton and Dali.Diese Handwriting is synonymous in his later works, such as
"The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie" and "the ghost of freedom" to be found.
"The hunt" of Carlos Saura, and "Anna and the Wolves" and "breeder ravens"
In his shooting, he is not put into words the atmosphere of the time of Franco fascism in to take pictures.
"Bicycle Thieves" and "The Miracle of Milan" by Vittorio de Sica.
Real gems humanist.
"The 120 days of Sodom" by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
To see how radical it can be.
"Weekend" "Breathing Out" "The contempt" Alphaville "by Jean Luc Godard
One of the longest shots in film history in Weekend.Einer of the most radical representative of the nouvelle vague. And a cooler Typ.Ein few quotes of him: "In order to make a movie, you need a girl and a gun."
"Photography is the reality. Film is the reality 24mal per second."
"Play Time" and in fact all the films of Tati.
Einfach genial
"Elevator to Schaffot" of Louis Malle
Film Aesthetics and the Music of Miles Davis. (With tape in front of the screen recorded live).
"Under the Sign of Evil" by Orson Welles.
A dark film with a camera movement s.Anfang madness.
"Citizen Kane"
The DoF story the other times. The film was developed a special Optics
in order to maximize depth of field to produce.
"French Connection" by William Friedkin
When the car chase seen, you have all seen.
"Short cuts" of Robert Altman.
The art seems to be independent of each other stories to a weaving.
All this is of course subjective and has no claim to completeness.
What I noticed looking at together is that half the team of successful Hollywood directors exiles from Nazi Germany. Thus, the Nazis are not
only half the world into rubble and ashes synonymous but the culture and the arts
in Deutschland.Wo we would be if?
The sleep of reason produces monsters.
Gruß J.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Good evening friends of the night
It seems to me, even as DeKid that you have various analysis and insights for yourself be employed. Yes it is - and I look forward synonymous you someday own my first project be submitted - and I hope that through the various tips, suggestions (in the general view) - synonymous to your (my) expectations are fairly close.
...... please look at this evening at 22:30 on ZDF Reich Ranicki to I've done. And it confirmed once again my view of things - the current TV program is just bad. (I had even ZDF Receiver in the program - even as these channels have not been saved.)
We must necessarily increase the quality ...... Oh yes - because I'll give you more times than right. Especially what the "viewing habits are concerned.
B. DeKid is correct identity with the program chief of Sat1 Lool - oh Axel the narrative but not always all ;-)
Just because you're behind my hedge mild test again as I jumped around the fire.
@ Jogol
ToP - many thanks for the effort. Some movies I know are - but many of the other works referred to say nothing to me. This must be times I will probably change.
Yes I can agree Axel regarding qualities of today's movie - the whole film as we see in the movies are of the Mach-type, but very good. This is of course closely for errors or other important points.
Even by today's CGI FX good "gezaubert" - but it is the kind of entertainment with FastFood to compare.
Few have the money or the courage or your presentation works so that you really something new to see.
I think that it is not easy is synonymous with the mainstream to offer a film like Memento.
Talk then you are not already of arthouse movies?
Who because of the top wishes, may be because of the mass escape?
Time as an example of "SAW" - here comes somebody, and shows little s.Hand of scenery and unknown actors, the film is successful (can be) - if you just show what is None dares to speak.
Brutality and possible shock of today's images help jaded viewers out of the reserve to attract.
Somehow I can understand the synonymous.
The man then but it on the successes and rumreiten must s.besten directly to Part 25 plans before the first 2 parts are gone, so I can not identify me.
But now synonymous to say - yes back then had more levels and everything was better anyway, which I can not agree synonymous.
I think it is good, the film today with all the freedoms that brings some "old hand" at that time would have wished.
On the other Page synonymous but it takes a big load for each with itself, which wants to create something new.
Finally, yes, we all contribute to that we get the prefixed, which is sell.
Brav say Yes to everything and the poor - although secretly we are aware - that we more or want to see something else.
I would now consider some examples of ideas with regard to eg German television program .... But I think we have G. Thomas yesterday evening properly formulated.
Symbolically, he said yes ....
"Quality does not mean quotas. Without quotas no advertising contracts. Without publicity no money. Without money no TV / Film. "
And before I am here now too much going OT, I would be glad of some young synonymous capable Forums users times eg. to hear what you want to, imagine.
Although there name called and movies that you do not have at home or the "respected" status.
Find Ic
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Jogol
A "person" very nice compilation.
We'll add when Orson Welles and the grandiose Kafka adaptation
"The process" to (probably lost); Wickis and "The Bridge"
should not be synonymous with the same dahinvegetieren.
Completeness in this sense there is not - unless everyone
has its own.
@ Domain
Yes, there was actually:
"Television productions" of eg
"The Biberpelz" (1928-1962
four films),
"The Weavers" by Gerhart Hauptmann
Brecht's plays, or
"Mother Courage and her Children", "The Three Penny Opera" (1930-2004
five films).
Besides the "Hessel Bach" and the "Ohnsorg Theater.
This is something unprecedented was the sender, say, the Intendant
with its program director until 1 April 1963 certainly afford.
At a time when the tube was progressively larger than the
Wooden frame around them.
At a time when the s / w, 4:3, mono, for the first "TV-movie"
(1962) provided:
"The Scarf" by Francis Durbridge.
90% ratings.
At a time when "digital" was held in pure culture, was
1 or 0
ON or OFF.
(Na? One or the other of you probably his crosses in
Course directory under 'TV-video film history' overlooked?)
Today in the "core" era have at least
Ranicki and Gottschalk a fear in common:
The first fear of the remote control, because this device Hell
further entry into dozens of Pfuipfuhlen opened
(Original R.-R. "Scheithe ")...
The other fear the remote control, because it
wegdrücken could.
@ Axel
With your signature, you have quite done.
But exceptions prove the rule synonymous here:
If television entertainment Frohsinn planned to finally
mal richtig lustig is:
@ B. DeKid
Hopefully you're not angry, when we come to the distance of your
Original question a few centimeters have contributed.
Antwort von veejay:

this is the best thread that I am so far in this forum have read.
Sagenhaft. Of the entire way, often synonymous if necessary, technical minutiae.
This seems a very positive accumulation of film scholars to take place.
I do not have any answer read sentence by sentence, but a klitzekleinwenig seems to me the interplay between fiction and documentary look at the past decades to be undervalued.
I am not a dogma, that I personally do not like it, but Private Ryan etc.
Where once.
Antwort von Axel:

@ Axel
With your signature, you have quite done.
But exceptions prove the rule synonymous here:
If television entertainment Frohsinn planned to finally
mal richtig lustig is: A special "purgatory of the vanities" are in this Premium Comedy Clip the faces of the stars in the audience, like a casting for a painting of Bosch
zum Bild their mug in the style of the Old Anwürfen derail, so all the baseness and hypocrisy for a moment hervorscheint.
It reminds me of Fellini s.eine technique, a former cartoonist like supporting roles, but not only those with "types" and staffed for this purpose resulted in a large photo library. The faces that inspired him. There is / was a beautiful photo book on "Fellini's Faces." Can the people really love, though they are so greedy, vain, obscene, angry, confused and are insincere? No, you can only love them
because they are. Fellini was a philanthropist, and the people loved him for his people and the world.
I know, off-topic, but the thread invites digressions A.
EDIT: It lacks many shooting, a "heart".
Here Roma (necessarily see None will regret it). How will shooting in many modern Catholic church represented? In any case, very superficial.
This satirical scene in the film stands in a context, the personal vision of Fellini characterized. Because the film is at long last, of love (like all of Fellini), this monstrous show so powerful.
In German television, there is much peace, joy, and pancakes as a malignant contrast Häme (Raab and cohorts), and unfortunately both are just hollow.
Antwort von jogol:

Good day
Saturday 18Okt.
20:15 ARD Music Hotel s.Wolfgangsee
ARD 22:25 12 Monkeys
Heaven and hell!
Here's a look
a lazy Sunday J.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Antwort von domain:

ad: Fellini's Roma - Catholic Church Fashion Show.
Of course, this is already a film Schmankerl the first order. Each scene for itself would be in his image design and management in the light alone Still a good image of competence. But then it moves into this and yet still synonymous in the sequence of images is curious gradual nearly malignant satirical idea, that is an important idea to see everything together very unusual (synonymous to music) and of cheerful irony worn and therefore not boring or too seriously.
Italians are now holding up the most creative nation that ever has, whether in the arts, including culinary arts, be it in technology (Ferrari, etc.) or even in the art of living .......
It seems to me at all that it does not look s.sich film there, but different styles, Bollywood has been synonymous different styles through
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:

That is an incredible thread! Enormous knowledge and experience sensitive schwappen of you against me. Highest respect, especially because all the comments in the longing for the good, even after the better, is rauszuspüren.
I enjoy myself as almost this giant thread still next to prolong, but I want some new impetus in all different directions give:
1. The word "film look" is in prospectuses camera to my knowledge the first time at the Panasonic AG-DVX 100 appeared when she was the first camera in the man-25p progressive pictures could turn.
2. The word "film look gets only one raison d'être, since it looks like another film there, just video cameras.
3. My perceived sequence, illustrating the inside of zapping max. 5 seconds detects whether as a "great" film is running, or Vorabendsoap, sort of unimportant, or grade noticeably until jaaa, which is as follows:
(aa) black)
p.25 frames per second
b) depth of 35mm blur Lenses
c) music just right
d) Illumination
e) elaborate camera work like a camera
f) cut to the exact tenth of a second, precisely how a commercial
g) Theatrical Quality
h) Excellent Story
i) I go to bed later, as I had planned
j) I see the movie to me necessarily a second time to
h) of the film changed my life
Especially the last points are, on which it pays to talk. There are some very good films that have a fully drawn into the spell, but only so long as the film runs and perhaps shortly thereafter.
And then there are films that can be synonymous fun, or about our little weaknesses fun, but in any case my view of the world, the people, to life, my life changed.
Then, in my opinion the film its highest purpose: I am the audience, the world is a bissel better than it was before the movie.
And that is synonymous in the future. We all have a lot of ultimate car chases seen many murders, many elaborate intrigue, disease, healing, love. It is difficult, we have a different view of things to show, because we all have ever seen, and sometimes synonymous saugut made.
But the world is changing and there are always new problems, new movie themes. Now look at the banking crisis. Ok, there's been times in 1929, many have then committed suicide, that is a subject that not only plays on the account. Nevertheless, the current banking crisis differently, especially for the first Nichtmethusalems in life.
The world freezes. That is enough material for a brilliant film. Only the right can be one's, from scriptwriter to Cutter. And they are damn few ...
But it will give them, and there will be films, which in 20 years here in Slashcamforum cited. Well, you know what I's already mine.
And I am glad that today I've not watched television, but even these Slashcam Forum Thread've read ...
It greets you warmly Walter
You're the good guys ...
Antwort von domain:

Only the right can be one's, from scriptwriter to Cutter. And they are damn few ...
Excellent analysis.
But I am curious when the next request for a look-filter, etc. will come to get out of the shot even botch a real film, so on the way, give up in the machine stew meat and the bottom is a T-bone Steak out.
And so, of course the next question: what is actually at its most amateurs with limited resources and capabilities remained, the exchanging is ever to be filmed?
The scenic sector will probably be quite rare, as well as wanting to impart knowledge documentation. Because the times are over where you are inviting friends with the motto: it allowed us in the last film of Madeira and enjoy a dinner, there is still synonymous incidentally.
Everything seen everything already had.
Actually remains predominantly private use is the highest in a Docu quality, as they're synonymous in billions Digiknipserfotos continually created and that's synonymous a good thing and has its justification, in my opinion.
Or you can just sense s.der free fun filming s.sich joy, as we demonstrated from Cologne Joerg, or maybe you see the different ??????? :-))
Antwort von Axel:
The world freezes. That is enough material for a brilliant film. Only the right can be one's, from scriptwriter to Cutter. And they are damn few ... If there are damn few, it is an elite. Because of you as synonymous of me and others here, a film is missing, we may love (your last points), this elite is not necessarily to the Hollywood elite. The front of what makes us, with its 24p, its Cinemascope their Kranfahrten, special effects, cool DoF, Surround, 3D soon. In addition, all these films positivist morality, if it is synonymous destruction are orgies.
What a good movie needs more than one patch film look, is an honest, documentary or personal attitude towards the substance. Even if you are not completely durchblickt whether the international financial world is now one of the "Good" is one or not, one can make his own thoughts. His own fears treat, show how to deal with them. And that's not filming and cutting, such as "man" in Hollywood films and cuts. The images, which, what you yourself feel, to express -
and do not shave about whether the next Hollywoodfan of the stupid or brilliant finds. These two other Kubrick's:
On the question whether a positive identification character in
Full Metal Jacket the movie would have done no better:
Never ingratiate yourself with the audience (Einschleimen saves you LEO).
(For those who know the movie: The main character and later first-person narrator Matthew Modine is vague opportunist, he is actually "we", but since he is under pressure from the tyrannical instructor no clear position on how he is in every movie any other director would have done, we are reluctant to provide us with him to identify them. With the victims, the thick Private "Paula", nor dare we mitzuleiden, synonymous with him, we would if we ourselves in this situation would be opportunistic in distancing . This is hard and from many encounters. Kubrick did
not eingeschleimt by giving the audience a character to the neutralization of their own concern has been provided. It is quite clear that this brutal, barely earning the first part of the film is an outcry, and that Kubrick
not respecting man is despicable, as it often is. On the contrary. Kubrick himself has questioned what he instead of his characters would do and feel, and the answer is both honest and uncomfortable, in fact, a good criterion for the strength of a dramatic situation to measure: the more convenient it is, the less tension in the preparation of the substance on him or her, the weaker it is.)
An Entertainment with friend Michael Lord of the safest self-celebration of famous colleagues at festivals:
Really, Michael, these guys do not
know how to live monks left. And so, of course the next question: what is actually at its most amateurs with limited resources and capabilities remained, the exchanging is ever to be filmed? Who determines that? Are there any Cold War-agent stories worth to be filmed? Oh, yes, says Hollywood, and sets out after the umpteenth Bond, and the audience goes out as if the story of any relevance. Because there are times with a truly vigorous types can identify, only one flight into the Phantom, in fact shoots you the windy investment adviser with the green tape of sympathy but not so on the pile.
The type of next (yourself?) Used the wrong stock investment has set, and imagines his powerlessness with the power to replace James Bonds can. Is it pathetic? Oh, nonsense, he is human.
Bond is pathetic, because what distinguishes it from? The "License to Kill"? Funny construct, usually killing is prohibited. An "exception" is only made when the world time "exception" is so shit that no Ge
Antwort von domain:

What a good movie needs more than one patch film look, is an honest, documentary or personal attitude towards the substance. Just as it is.
And in that case can keep each video if you just be honest enough tries, really private and personal and should not be cleaned any more deserted film about a country, region or object ......
The biggest mistake of div Amateurfilmern is the avoidance of people, during the recording.
Only they and especially bystanders can even a hint of emotion in the Fim bring ......
Antwort von DWUA:

These conditions are met even the "Lime Street".
As a continuation novel. Look what movie? The "story" it's there.
Back to the Film Look!
Without digression but once we stay at Fellini / Fassbinder;
synonymous when it now should get on your nerves ...
First law for us:
Speech is not about a film, which is produced CINEMA
you and him
not there, but merely on the couch
in the living room before the judge can Glotze.
Second Act for us:
The "look" alone accounts for only half (very bold) out.
What would 'Fellini-style "without his NINO ROTA?
Without his "faithful" composer?
Rota has proved his class synonymous with Visconti and Coppola.
Third Law:
Note the mentalities.
A Fassbinder shows rather Swabian-Bavarian (Un) gemuetlichkeit
complacent until it explodes.
Fellini is Baroque opera.
Yes, there are not only in the film is a north-south divide.
Should we Ingmar Bergman perform as evidence?
No! Strindberg and Ibsen have already done so.
That has nothing to do with
all that passion
Playing with the light would be in ruins, but with the
Latitudes in which they grew up.
In a discussion on Syberberg "Parsifal" has a
Frenchwoman it to the point:
Wagner can only be found in dark fir forest type.
Something impossible under the green book and oaks.
Fellini was Italians.
Often Romans. With all the love. With heart.
And he has proved it.
New signature should read:
Film Look? Only in the Movies! Where else?
Antwort von Axel:
Speech is not about a film, which is produced CINEMA
you and him not there, but merely on the couch
in the living room before the judge can Glotze. The tougher times I: Go to the Movies for film.
The "look" alone accounts for only half (very bold) out.
What would 'Fellini-style "without his NINO ROTA?
Without his "faithful" composer? Nino Rota died during the filming of "City of Women" (1980). Maybe stupid of me, something to say about such an extraordinary man, but the (few) films were then actually relatively weak. It is certainly not only the effect of music in the shooting, but synonymous, as you say, the influence of Fellini's imagination.
A Fassbinder shows rather Swabian-Bavarian (Un) gemuetlichkeit
complacent until it explodes.
Fellini is Baroque opera. Very nicely said.
Film Look? Only in the Movies! Where else? Well, just in the movies run movies, at least provisionally. So there is strictly no film look. A woman can not "as" women's dress.
Antwort von shipoffools:

Film look or not - what makes the film to what we expect?
This thread is really interesting, what I've read lately and he really brings a food for thought. Many different opinions, different ideas ... The wings! o)
But to the question again a little closer look to take (and we leave the first part of question eight times except ...) still a few more thoughts:
Film look or not -- Point 1:
WHAT makes
Point 2:
THE Film to what
Point 3:
WE expect?
Times I will start with point 2:
What I think we all agree, there is not
the movie.
The film is so complex and different, as every man, and every man has his own preferences, its own flavor, its own ideas, etc. (what we actually have to point 3, namely
we would be more about that later.)
And I must say, "Thank God!". Otherwise, there would be perhaps just a film genre, and that would be already quite monotonous.
The view of the film and its genre is probably first a look back at the history of film:
The first screenings at the end of the 19th Century were scenes from everyday life or isolated synonymous comedic scenes (so to speak, the birth of the sketch), and these "movies" were usually just a few seconds.
This is not something like "cut" or "assembly" was still thought None, and yet fascinated by this "Filmschnippsel" people and they moved into their spell!
Without sound and no color! And WITHOUT Film Look! What is on the screen flickered flickered and was anything but technically mature film:
black and white, sometimes over, sometimes blurred and underexposed. Time the film ran slower and then faster, depending on how fast the cameraman had gekurbelt, because an engine or a gearbox to mounting these first cameras had not yet. And yet it moved the people in the cinemas at the time any Wirtshaussäle or Thater or vaudevilles were. Even the content of the films was the first for a secondary audience.
The important thing was just the new medium, the new technology: The Movie
Only when the interest in "mere" film receded, developed new Geners, starting with the comedies (slapstick) and the Western (The Great Train Robbery, 1903) about the historical drama or epic (as always synonymous speak to "The Birth of a Nation ", 1915), to the horror film (Nosferatu, 1922)
And the film genres developed as diverse as the people are.
To name but a few: thriller, war film, western, comedy, romance, home cinema, science fiction, erotica, thrillers, horror, action, etc.
... and the list could continue indefinitely. And probably everyone has his preferences, if it is synonymous because large quantities are cut, because it is fortunately not to a division set ...
Then came the talkies, color later, and the "making" of the films was always next perfected.
Well, the film there is not, as each film segment, each genre its own "laws", his own "style" and also its own "look" has. Friends of Splatter movies will be less of the storyline and the movie look interesting. There must simply squirt blood, and is good '! o)
In contrast, the film look in a science fiction film like "Aliens" (... or heard of again for the segment "horror"?) Of much greater importance.
Etc. ............
... and a very long while "and so next!
And this brings practical point 1 and 3 inevitably comes into play:
What do we expect
WE, which are known to so many different "knitted" people, all with varying tastes and demands (although many claim yes right
Antwort von DWUA:

A 70-year-old looks at the 70th times his "cowboy movies" at.
Na and?
A 15-years of looking at the 15th porn at times.
Na and?
The problem is that, Orson Welles' The Trial '
no longer exists!
Antwort von Axel:

The Moment of essayists, a rather dry film about a couple of types that night with old film cans rattle.
@ shipoffools: Your historical outline, the part about the early days, when the medium itself was still attractive enough, is what fascinates me even s.Movies. I am a film engineer, I never wanted to stop train driver or pilot. If you do not already know, read "Shadows Light" by Theodore Roszak, a sort of "sacrilege" to film fetishists. Perfect if you ever one weeks with flu lying in bed, because the book has 1000 pages and is so morbid that you look like comparatively healthy occur.
@ DWUA: The "process" is missing? Is it possible that an entire film by a director known as simply disappears? Why argue guest critic at IMDb, they would have seen it 2007?
Antwort von jogol:

Good night J
Antwort von DWUA:

Thank jogol.
Is there suddenly synonymous at Amazon for 9.95 or so.
(Probably because of the death of Romy Schneider).
If Axel is ready to bring this film to his movies to create
we spendier 100 L of heating oil mixed with popkorn.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

The problem is, how many shooting of Orson Welles that the original is hardly available.
The process is in the TV broadcast s.and to complete, but the DVD contains only the garbled version of the studio.
Antwort von jogol:

to "process" I like to come, Axel should be a purely cut Weil grad oil is so cheap.
The popcorn can be like the oil, I like anyway. The audience gets
Tortilla chips make it a "real, crack key" movie experience.
And like a long synonymous Russian movie night with:
"The Silent Don" of Sergei Gerasimov Appolinariwitsch (what a name ..)
"The Commissioner" of Alexander Askoldew
"Der Spiegel" of Tarkowski
The spill is somehow synonymous gone.
@ Axel
Where is your movie?
Schöne Grüsse J.
Antwort von shipoffools:

actually I have this evening in "AlphaTecc" wanted something completely different ... I leave the store and then with "Fellini's Roma": o)
If you do not already know, read "Shadows Light" by Theodore Roszak, a sort of "sacrilege" to film fetishists. ... and synonymous since leaving my instinct on a recommendation of those people whose veins of ore probably celluloid exist, because derived from human tissue. o)
I have just purchased the book - only when I would read it ...
... because, as already is an old saying:
God created time. From a hurry, he said nothing. Greeting
Antwort von DWUA:
The problem is, how many shooting of Orson Welles that the original is hardly available.
The process is in the TV broadcast s.and to complete, but the DVD contains only the garbled version of the studio. Yes, the whole prologue is missing.
Will be interesting further to discover gaps in Comparison
to the 130 - minute VHS version, which it once before "eternal" time
Zweitausendeins to buy there.
Moreover, quite a contrast and subsequently s.Helligkeit
be bolted to the original cinema experience in the
style somewhat.
Quite as "noir", he was not on the canvas.
After all the sound seems to be in order.
Incidentally, the recurring musical motif
Largo of Albinoni been shooting more and more in front.
The most important thing is now that one (if it does not work in cinema-)
Beamer has a good and appropriate acoustics offers.
As the living room TV experience to the many great shots,
the perspectives and especially the change of distance to
Kafkaesque-claustrophobic narrowness hopelessly lost.
@ Axel
A special delicacy there were
Theatiner with a 2nd Visit. An unintentionally surreal situation:
The film
ends with an explosion known.
This time he
started it! Everything backwards - Picture and Sound;
almost a minute long.
A cinematic experience of a special kind
@ All
An old (exciting) film classics, which is synonymous for nearly
10 Euros, is for those who do not know, "particularly valuable".
More info: Google>
"Wages of Fear." Plays in Venezuela - is rotated in the south of France.
Better than with those of the genus of "film noir" could
European films to the "American Dream" of Hollywood
hardly successful in scene set.
From Clouzot, which is synonymous of the legendary documentary
"Le Mister Picasso" there. Picasso at work.
Should there be synonymous as a DVD version.
Very excited, because as the Comparison fails.
Antwort von Axel:
A special delicacy there were Theatiner
with a 2nd Visit. An unintentionally surreal situation:
The film ends with an explosion known.
This time he started it! Everything backwards - Picture and Sound;
almost a minute long.
A cinematic experience of a special kind Previously, the sound of a Nagra (tape) like on 35mm film on magnetbeschichteten plays and then s.Schneidetisch (analog, several dishes on a synchronized gearbox quasi "genlock") is created. They cut the sound actually synonymous. It happened that the sound engineer a role in China's off-commentary (a steel rolling mill should be sold to China) brought to the table, but did not know about how the tape was wound. It took a while until the right direction was found as often in Chinese soft a word begins and ends hard, as you would hear Language backwards. It was agreed finally that is the breath of the speaker Holenstein have identified, but surely it was not.
An anecdote from the fifties? No, from the eighties, it is likely 86, 87 have been. One easily forgets that non-linear editing is still young. And since there was already particularly Betacam, but it was considered to be pure TV reporting format (which cut about as transparently as the piecewise copy of a VCR to the next. For a simple crossfade digital processor was needed of the size of a washing machine).
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

Short dazwischengefunkt:
I love the look of the
merger of film and computer games. If creative people their imagination free rein and impossible on the silver screen magic. Stop everything, and thus
matrix starting this form is strongly influenced.
When I look at the "Making of"
City of
Sin watch - almost all with green screen rotated in the studio and the rest with CGI "embellished".
300, it is probably no different.
The clean, crystal clear images, perfectly coordinated colors, and lighting conditions, but realistic virtual worlds I count experimental, fast camera panning / travel, zooms, HighFPS - recordings, etc.. I think it is synonymous require these elements to create the look.
Not to forget the sound, where even a feather falling with a noise which is, O)
At this look, this type I could spend hours inebriate and this makes the film to what I expect when I still warm with popcorn cinema armchairs sit ..
Antwort von Musashi:

First, I agree with the fans this thread unreservedly. This is the most interesting, some very philosophical discussion that I ever in Slashcam Forum pursued. Here you can learn a great deal and I have begun synonymous me one or the other film, which was called here to view or order.
I'm not cineast and most movies I've either never seen or been such a long time ago that I am under the aspect of the film looks no longer remember.
But what I did about the original question invades the dollar trilogy and "Play me the song of death" of Sergio Leone.
Leone worked very excessive with extreme close-ups and extremely low depth of field, so yes the stubble or eyebrow hair count was only the background but as something diffuse sentiment.
With these settings focused (in the technical and figurative sense) SL minutes to the facial expressions of the protagonists, without words more about the thoughts of the characters states than the spoken text or gestures could ever express. This style means I previously only knew of the old silent movies.
Incidentally, the dollar movies synonymous pioneers in the presentation of the more probable situations in the "Wild West" with muddy streets, dirty underwear and unshaven, kackenden and nasepopelnden Cowboys. Again, this was quite a revolution in the Western genre, which previously only glossy Cowboys à la John Wayne, Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott knew.
Remarkably I find the scene synonymous (s) in the game to me the song of death in the young Frank (Henry Fonda) in slow motion out of the blurring in the depth of field is. Genial this style means to piece by piece, the motivation of the harmonica (Charles Bronson was actually a different role name?) For his vengeance campaign enlighten.
So now I have a (long) lance for Sergio Leone broken.
It seems to me as if the thread a little bit asleep. But I hope it will continue brisk.
Antwort von Axel:
So now I have a (long) lance for Sergio Leone broken. All! In any case, "It was once in America." If not already in the movies, then at least dimmed room light and
loud (mobile phone, as in the movies).
It seems to me as if the thread a little bit asleep. But I hope it will continue brisk. Let us make the film look with next. Time under image design-(Kadrage, lighting) aspects to
this first dolly ride in film history. Please consider the conditions under which these recordings emerged. It jerky? Sure, lower frame rate and crank.
EDIT: Also of interest this to what we expect: As in dreams films should speak in pictures, but with metaphors and images (signs for ...) as synonymous sensory stimuli (expression of ...) are. The film-look-style funds can possibly
help the Shown to abstahieren and to increase, strengthen. We expect of dreams is not that they seem real, but we believe in them a meaning (desire, fear, etc.). Therefore, it is my opinion not so important in high definition to think, but rather in the insinuation that the sketch, the fugitives, light, shadow and sowas.
Antwort von domain:

The Leone westerns are rightly become a cult film.
But what I did in all discussions about the film-look striking is that actually very little about the film sound is spoken, in my view to 50% of the film determines effect.
Thus, for example just mentioned, the Italo Western without the Music of Ennio Moricone in its effect not at all imagine.
So incidentally, I believe that Moricone on one of the greatest composers of all time would have become if he was only time for major works at its own flavor and had no contract, primarily for urgent work had to be active.
Antwort von Musashi:
Let us make the film look with next. Time under image design-(Kadrage, Lighting) point of view, are these snippets of a German silent film of 1924 to view, along with the first verbriefterweise Dolly journey in film history. Very interesting snippets. Habe mir mal synonymous to the history of views on Wikipedia. So true pioneer.
Thus, for example just mentioned, the Italo Western without the Music of Ennio Moricone in its effect not at all imagine. Right. I took the trouble to time (well, actually it even fun) the godfather in its entirety with the audio commentary of Francis Ford Coppola view. Among many other details are to the respective scenes he returns explicitly emphasizes the essential role of the film music of Nino Rota. FFC said that the grand finale, with the executions of the leaders of the rival clans during the baptism of Michael's first son seemed very flat. Only the idea Rotas church organ music as accompaniment to use these scenes would have with life and power.
Such brilliant compositions and their use of targeted make really good films. Not like in the daily soap operas, where the background is any exchangeable dudelt music store.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
...... I love the look of the merger of film and computer games. ............ Stop everything, and thus matrix starting this form is strongly influenced.
........ For me, everything with the "throne" and "The Lawnmower Man" started ;-)
Bzgl. Axel s s.gesprochenen dreams fall to me directly
- The Cell
- Behind the horizon
Both films, I felt as a very "artistic maturity" and by their shape and color very s.Traum worlds oriented.
Movies with the fictitious company sensations of sight, I always find very good.
That's why I could "Memento" is always synonymous kucken again. (Because this is the beginning of the back "of a film has been mentioned, and as a particular kind of experience was titled)
One can but realize that depending on how old the participants in this thread are synonymous, the visual patterns are influenced.
Das gefällt mir gut. So you can without synonymous of Fellini or consorts ever to have heard his horizons.
(In my case, synonymous DVD Collection)
So I think everyone has something synonymous of the subject - no preference whether young or old. Because film excited we all are ;-)
B. DeKid
PS. A dream to imagine filming me but I still considered the greatest Herrausforderung before. So at least with the stuff I dream as well ;-) Whether one or the other with ridges?
Maybe sometime ;-) it would be interesting in any case.
Antwort von Axel:

Bzgl. Axel s s.gesprochenen dreams fall to me directly
- The Cell
- Behind the horizon
Both films, I felt as a very "artistic maturity" and by their shape and color very s.Traum worlds oriented. I hope never to experience a dream, as in "The Cell", and if the Hereafter synonymous only touch on "Beyond the Horizon" out now all we need money in the world in their research, so that death will be abolished.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ B. DeKid
It appears again and again, the term "visual habit (s)" on.
For example, such as
eating habits,
listening habits?
Probably you think
consumer behavior. Lisbet When great-grandmother in "The Cube" begins to snore,
where her grandchildren wince, is synonymous to do with
that it was, when after the terrorist attacks
Corpses (parts) of the road has cleared. An even bigger "kick"
there was for them no longer.
However, in reverse "SENSATION" very well.
Sensation as a "nice" sensory experience and not as a
sensational event.
An old, experienced (rescued captured)
U-boat man gave us times reported
that the film ( "Das Boot") as the caricature has experienced.
"Just for the chance of survival factors, was extremely
Discipline is necessary, no "panic Orchestra Petersen à la" ...
If you are not capable of its
own "viewing"
in this industry update will not synonymous
Access to the ever-changing world in which he lives.
Our opinion.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Axel
But in Prinziep but both films are quite well done, or?
Ok of the story may not be true ToP but I found both movies very good what the FX is concerned.
Especially THE CELL is really a very expensive film made me the colors of the scenes and always very impressed. Also the MakingOff is really interesting to see - you can via the various approxima scenes look so storyboard, film, interview & behind the scenes.
Behind the horizon is synonymous as a case for itself
I think Bzgl Nachtot stories but he is somehow better than "Flatliners" as if synonymous years between subject and the story but not the same, so treat both an issue.
And what the Money? I thought we would now all funds for our banks need it. ;-)
Hopefully scriptet da ne a good Illuminati history zu.Ob something but then the market would be in Hollywood? - Well certainly not if it is not the Knights Templar or Indi Jones Flick redid could be.
B. DeKid
PS. Who knows even the films with dream experiences or post-death issues?
(Ok Dreamcatcher and White Noise .... but maybe my older films)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes consumption behavior, it would take synonymous. Although the Meihnung I am the visual and consumption behavior may be differentiated synonymous.
For me, mostly use a consistent habit, not umbedingt "good".
One of the films Consumed, which is hardly a greater sense of matter in search.
Also, a consumer is not the "turn back clock 'then old DVDs in the store to order / buy.
However, since the viewing habits quickly the consumer behavior is probably the issue as it comes to ethics.
Where we are back to the thesis would be whether the current "standard" Youth Fellini, Fassbinder or even Kubrick understand / want to see?
Here it may be one or the other film enthusiasts, the likes with various works from different eras deal.
But in general, I note that this is more of a rare class of "neighbor" is.
GSD is the forums like this are where we film "geeks" and we can exchange it synonymous nor 24 / 7 ;-) DANKE.
But again to the consumer - I think the dist one of the most important points in the theme "film look". One can clearly observe a development line, for example. Hollywood really this consumption behavior (how shall I say) - feeds. Ok our other transmitter make this synonymous but now going into detail is beyond my intellectual framework. I say only grandma kuckt Lindenstr. and neighbor boy holding Luxor, Big Brother, CSI and Raab.
So I think we can clearly say what you (you) because you have raised
... Who is not able, his own "viewing"
in this industry update will not synonymous
Access to the ever-changing world in which he lives. is exactly aptly formulated. BUT - I think people from the "industry" are not really "very" affected / at risk from it. But rather the "normal consumer".
Although I know it is very far-fetched, but some verrodung / dulling of our civilization is 100% of Movies / TV / cinema shaped mice (been).
Are we but let's face it, movies like Brain'Dead or the first reconnaissance films today do not attract "consumers" more behind the stove before. Even earlier, I only shoot like garnicht speak.
Ok Scarface and the Godfather have with your drug / gangster Touch still followers, but of which intressieren the least for the design.
But I would like to s.dem word "viewing" hold - think sounds better than "consumer behavior", that would be ok for you ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
Where we are back to the thesis would be whether the current "standard" Youth Fellini, Fassbinder or even Kubrick understand / want to see?
Here it may be one or the other film enthusiasts, the likes with various works from different eras deal.
But in general, I note that this is more of a rare class of "neighbor" is. That's true. The shooting made effectively, you called here, speaks very little to me, although I do a lot of synonymous to find good turn, say the technical page.
But if you're totally honest, here are stories that are, firstly, a thousand times already in other forms seen, heard and has durchgekaut and which, secondly, significantly aiming their effects to the public beifallheischend off. There are at last very innocuous stories, the serial killer it's very, very sick and evil, and love for the lost woman very, very strong. I am not so clever is the subtleties of this show, so I have a rough reflection Comparison: By the films show - cleverly show - what we expected anyway, want to see, they resemble porn films, in which synonymous a surprising turn of events or a questioning of the whole Chose from the viewer would much resented. Once you have noticed, while the hare is running, so can a film really cold.
The old films require a lot of patience, because they are not so nice to the kitty, but they have a reward, by constantly asked is, his expectation newly set up for a less coarse staging to open in the quieter sounds are played.
We all wish us well films that combine both. The Power, All cinemas of the seats in front to break tension, but the explosiveness and Depth of the act, which, as Walter puts it in his item "j" has listed us busy for days and sometimes our perception of sustainable change.
Antwort von DWUA:

Another aspect is in the question of "mentality".
Mentality characterized by latitude.
(Except of intellectual focal lengths!)
An Ingmar Bergman
is not like a Fellini think, feel, filming!
And vice versa.
There was a discussion in which a clever French woman said,
Syberberg that "Parsifal" (Wagner interpretation attempt)
usnur in dense fir forests can take place.
Never in light oak-beech groves.
The next it goes to the south, (4! Years Bergman in Munich)
differ vastly in Europe ghosts.
DAS is a differentiation. Different "North" - "South" - differentiation.
Even East-West.
Different temperaments.
Different "cravings."
Hollywood thankfully that of Alaska to Texas at least one
common spittoon to provide managed,
on its edge, however, a European Filmmakers
does not even look could.
Updating is:
Not only before but synonymous backwards.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

I connect with the film look somewhat exceptional, as Luc Beson-Leon The Professional. Here, a story has touched me, and all of the shooting I ever saw.
This look is typical of many ingredients in one.
Whereby, the films s.Ende 90, as in factory created naja Hollywood factory, there's really nothing new.
In any event, provide lively European Filmmakers like Hollywood movies anstat on large profit to be made, "Hollywood is a business" says official.
Chaplin is a pioneer, liber I watch as each fully computer with high-end sequences pumped scrap.
As a child you have other views, I was thrilled of sci-fi like Star Wars
Antwort von Axel:
I connect with the film look somewhat exceptional, And that was "Leon - the professional" synonymous, and many other Besson films. But the umpteenth re-run in a similar style ( "Transporter") is no longer unusual, but usually.
It's here but not about the fact that an art-house films and defend the other blockbusters. Pirates of the Caribbean, the first one was funny and original. Who but the fourth part is now happy to see, this is not to help.
Star Wars was an exceptional movie for its time. Since I was I think three times in one week there, when he started (I was twelve). That changed my life, because, together with a school friend, we decided to make films. Since the Super 8 was spaceship battles were obviously not in question. We moved forward to splatter with a high consumption of shashlik sauce (at that time were the FSK checks in cinemas very lax).
At fifteen I then went with friends like the movies every week. The film was called "clockwork orange", and I expected a science-fiction thriller with some time / Dimensions - shifts. The film changed my view on the film world again, even harder than
Star Wars. When I thought nothing more could be me in this way to impress, I saw again made a thriller of the rod expecting,
Blue Velvet. I will be synonymous to me but the next Bond Watch. Something extraordinary is he does not offer. These are films of the same nutritional value as to the popcorn. I do not think that movies, like the taste of Mac Donald's, regionally perceived as different. If you hungry and in a hurry, fast food can kill you down if you want to enjoy, we must become synonymous surprise want.
Antwort von jogol:

The product loses s.Bedeutung.
The packaging is becoming increasingly important.
Greetings J.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Axel
If you like to surprise wanted to leave, did you already
long Amazon for 9.95 of Orson Wells' "The Trial" get.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

But it is clear in "Leon the Professional", the "love story" of the two, which shocked and fascinated by - or the movie I understood wrong?
Time of the really good scenes shown apart.
The new Bond - certainly you should see the - I think the "new" Bond very brave and honest. But I must say that I am Daniel Craig has been "Layer Cake" and "Munich" very appreciated. That he is now the new Bond, I was allowed to play very well.
I Meihnung times after a really new character of Bond actors.
Comedy ausschweiffend time to do really well at the moment I was
"Seth Rogen"Knocked Up "Seth Rogen"
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
The new Bond - certainly you should see the - I think the "new" Bond very brave and honest. But I must say that I am Daniel Craig has been "Layer Cake" and "Munich" very appreciated. That he is now the new Bond, I was allowed to play very well.
I Meihnung times after a really new character of Bond actors. As early as possible.
Jung wrote about the magic of primitive tribes. Magic, you know, the spirit of the hunter in the guise of a cat, natural phenomena as embassies of the ancestors or the gods of power demos, etc.
That may now VERY after a bit off topic, but the point is that Bond is just like a real animal with ornaments geschminkter Stone Age hunter is a leopard. It is about the same principle, namely the rise of the self through identification with a larger power, it's about magic.
Film look is in some ways a magical word, which we have noticed. Movies do not describe the material reality, but provide a interpretation. They are not far away of cave painting, the most popular examples are virtually a
conjuration. Now I think it is legitimate, however, after the
contents of this incantation rites to ask. And since Bond is, from my own personal view, a questionable ancestral spirit.
From some of these probably perceived as a grumpy perspective aside, I am of your opinion. Pierce Brosnan was just a caricature, with the rochet the ball rather than on continued Hüftgold gruff masculinity, the makeup was too faded ...
If you do actually s.dieser sham-oriented world, is known as the sorcerer's apprentice film language synonymous the world rather than dilute improve. It is agreed between us that the different scales on the eyes.