Frage von kim:
I search in the area
of Hamburg / Lüneburg, a hobby-video artist with corresponding equipment for a music video fernsehtaugliches. (Contacts with television channels available) samples from my CD:
What jumps for you / you out?
I can now unfortunately no more than reimburse expenses. A profit-sharing, however, is guaranteed.
So if you are a pioneering spirit, talent and desire for references, please. The Project will start next year.
Cordially, Kimberly Rose
Antwort von PowerMac:

That sounds pretty awful. You should absolutely new CD mastering and mixing. The instruments sound so artificial and cheap, the music does not even good.
Antwort von DWUA:

... if such a beautiful (educated?) female voices at Hobby-rhythm devices emit sounds that are not better times now ...
"Piano Man" because you can certainly tell more.
Before her film s.einen thinks you should look around for good musicians to
help you.
Antwort von megalutzi:

So I come from Lüneburg.
Got the stuff now does not belong. But we can be happy times together and determine what goes on ... Lüneburg is not so great.
Mail me at times.
Antwort von DWUA:

it would be not good, listen times before?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Powermac
Is this EMO? ;-)
Hi Kim
Find das is ok but as Hörprobe.
Question which of the songs you want the "adaptation"?
Do you have ideas how the video should look?
So rather someone in a hall s.Flügel standing, or rather s.singen ........ so natural images show images or the like?
Think that there are people determined to Intrese s.solch a Project.
Are there quality requirements sSeitens transmitter (transmitting suitable material default)?
So you knew what a camera could be eingestezt?
Think you'll find here the right people.
B. DeKid
PS. The Powermac just hear music, so he does not resent the comment take. Because if you love Him maybe ask / greets, then he welcomes us with a further link his hero ;-) Their videos were very well ;-)
Antwort von kim:

thank you for all previous proposals productive.
The previews have not really good quality.
@ B. DeKid - thanks for asking
Should be "He lives" ('m in the studio with this song)
Location: singing in outdoor scenes
The creativity of the filmmaker is welcome!
Date: Easter 2009, the video to "Bible TV running (
cordially kimberly rose
Antwort von weitwinkel:

what's Bible TV?
come before me so American ...
(no sex before marriage and so)
we stay here because nothing spared ....
funny you thought mankind develops next.
gruß cju
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes thank you
Be s.Meer yes I would directly synonymous times dunes and wind and sea so take things with purely.
Important should then be used to help you to be how long the video is and what locations would you give desires or whether you like sunbathing on / sunsets searched.
The text must be available so that those s.einem concept can work.
You set it one that we must come together more often. All the more detailed ideas and wishes of ideas you can present, the quicker you will come to a common denominator.
B. DeKid
PS. Helfe just an Albanian his "love" song a reality.
(Traditional Albanian wedding folk) music is very high quality, just communication and concept is very troublesome.
(Eg I wanted to shoot at a cemetery, as already started with crosses, which Muslims do not have .... so ;-( )
Antwort von B.DeKid:
what's Bible TV?
The religious Arte, one could call it, some concerts and documentaries are ok .... think HDV standard is sufficient because the material.
(Brother's friend is Catholic priest now with 28 .... un of "no sex" can not be any question ....;-)
Since a lot has changed, if still synonymous "The Hand" ... but at least no more corporal punishment ;-)
Antwort von megalutzi:
it would be not good, listen times before?
;)) OK, done habs ...
Must say: There's the music I'm not interested, but this is not one of them. Can you hear. Good quality is perhaps more, but that was not. And if it just sits in the studio, is likely synonymous better.
Location: singing in outdoor scenes
The creativity of the filmmaker is welcome!
Since fall spontaneously to me a few flights with my camera on the crane Ilmenau a ... ;-)
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Kim
Try it more times with less volume and tremolo.
non-US trained ears will find the
otherwise slightly kitschy.
At the studio recordings, we are excited.
Why restrict you to a program with bible tv?
If you already missionierst, then not only there!
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

Had to think about the sentence "A profit-sharing, however, is guaranteed." smile.
Where exactly in such an "Indy" music video of the profit coming, man can be happy, if it was sent ...
When I then but the naïve or coffee-in-Protestant-Aged Music heard, I was thoughtful.
There's something inside of economic potential.
The market for Christian music is a thousand times greater than that of folk music.
The modesty of potential listeners as a result by a multiple greater than in the Dirndl-fetishists.
The best of all is that the former founder of religion, a law against music piracy has adopted ( "Thou shalt not steal!").
The supernatant Knaller but: Anyone who disregards this law, lands in the so-called hell and burn forever! (Geil, and I am delighted with the reg GEZ on tss ...) Since there is almost no Widerholungstäter!
However, if the commercial aspect as the focus moves in, things are a problem because, in the trailer as you watch this religion should be:
"No one can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he is a hanging s.dem and despise the other. You can not serve God and the Mammon. - Mt 6.24 Lut
But there have already been found voluntary helpers who determines not to the simple Mamon are from!
Wish you all the best, freu mich on Kranflüge over dunes at sunset!
PS maybe you can find someone even more so for post-production, s.Ende of the clouds and Kim s.Himmel aufreisen of a massive beam of light can enter! And a few leaves flutter Seraphim aussenrumm!
And then appeared the face of an old man with white beard on!
Oh no, that would be too cheesy vieeeel ...
Antwort von kim:

I thank all posters for the criticism, assistance, advice and judgments, the synonymous, which my original question went beyond. Ultimately, me everything a profit.
Cordially, Kimberly Rose
Antwort von PowerMac:
Had to think about the sentence "A profit-sharing, however, is guaranteed." smile.
Where exactly in such an "Indy" music video of the profit coming, man can be happy, if it was sent ...
When I then but the naïve or coffee-in-Protestant-Aged Music heard, I was thoughtful.
There's something inside of economic potential.
The market for Christian music is a thousand times greater than that of folk music.
The modesty of potential listeners as a result by a multiple greater than in the Dirndl-fetishists.
The best of all is that the former founder of religion, a law against music piracy has adopted ( "Thou shalt not steal!").
The supernatant Knaller but: Anyone who disregards this law, lands in the so-called hell and burn forever! (Geil, and I am delighted with the reg GEZ on tss ...) Since there is almost no Widerholungstäter!
However, if the commercial aspect as the focus moves in, things are a problem because, in the trailer as you watch this religion should be:
"No one can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other, or he is a hanging s.dem and despise the other. You can not serve God and the Mammon. - Mt 6.24 Lut
But there have already been found voluntary helpers who determines not to the simple Mamon are from!
Wish you all the best, freu mich on Kranflüge over dunes at sunset!
PS maybe you can find someone even more so for post-production, s.Ende of the clouds and Kim s.Himmel aufreisen of a massive beam of light can enter! And a few leaves flutter Seraphim aussenrumm!
And then appeared the face of an old man with white beard on!
Oh no, that would be too cheesy vieeeel ... Auweh! ;)
Antwort von WideScreen:

Powermac: Why you actually quoted the whole post again? Understand the meaning has not yet been entirely successful.
Christian Schmitt: Thank you for this story:) I look at purely BibelTV compatriots .... (Astra Digital) and in fact are exactly those pictures you want. This is for brainwashing people. But mei .. wenns schee makes:)