Frage von Kobold:
my current project is stalled due to the following problem.
I want an object to move via motion tracking. Motion tracking is not in Final Cut, so pure in Motion (the prog). Tracking points and finished.
There is now moving to the object - a light reflection (Knoll Light Factory) only in Final Cut and the tracking path only in Motion and I can neither one nor the other over here.
The Light Factory should be synonymous for Motion funzen only available at the installation since there is no query for which program or something ... he installt just for final cut.
Where is the plugin folder of Motion? Perhaps yes ichs manual insert.
Or can I somehow tracking the path of motion in Final Cut out there?
Maybe somebody has a solution. Thank you ever ...
Antwort von Axel:
The Light Factory should be synonymous for Motion funzen only available at the installation since there is no query for which program or something ... he installt just for final cut. And generally land in the plugins folder HD> Library> Appl. Support> Final Cut Pro (or Motion)> Plugins (Or at> Programs> Final Cut Pro (or Motion)> right click show package contents, etc.> Plugins). The LF plugin s.der agency operation, s.der you do in Final Cut Pro've found, it could work.
Or can I somehow tracking the path of motion in Final Cut out there? Not as a tracking path (all the position, scaling, rotation synchronized data) itself, but perhaps as a motion keyframes. Certainly even. That's right. How to copy keyframe data across program? Answer: You have not. Position changes are so car over. The condition is that there is already a second video track in Final Cut Pro project was that, irrespective of background motion can be animated.
You have (from the plugin exchange apart) only the possibility to have a ready rendered light object (a video layer in Final Cut Pro, still standing, the maximum light flashing) s.Motion and send it to animate.
Antwort von Kobold:

under> Programs> Final Cut Pro (or Motion)> right click show package contents, etc. I have a plugin folder and the folder structure of the other filter etc found. However, the plug-in of Final Cut Pro with those of Motion kompstibel: (
Not as a tracking path (all the position, scaling, rotation synchronized data) itself, but perhaps as a motion keyframes. Certainly even. That's right. How to copy keyframe data across program? Answer: You have not. Position changes are so car over. The condition is that there is already a second video track in Final Cut Pro project was that, irrespective of background motion can be animated. What do you mean exactly? I got my tracking info (X and Y axes keyframes) in Motion and as I change or what to do so in Final Cut Pro that I was getting an Effect?
Antwort von Axel:
What do you mean exactly? I got my tracking info (X and Y axes keyframes) in Motion and as I change or what to do so in Final Cut Pro that I was getting an Effect? (Manual p. 1061 "Integration with Final Cut Pro"):
When Motion projects in Final Cut Pro to be integrated, in Final Cut Pro, all subsequent amendments made in Motion s.Project, Motion, however, shows no changes (such as filter and title), which Projektclip in the Motion in Final Cut Pro are running. Do not know whether you think may have. The easiest way would of course, the entire motion, the motion you've created through tracking, copy, and in Final Cut Pro to transfer. That seems possible but not
directly to ...
? Someone knows more?
For a unique case and a brief clip in Motion, you could be a small cross, etc. with the motion animate (here can be so all the properties of one plane, for example, out of the tracking data were obtained at any other level) and this as a template in Final Cut Pro. In the sense that you do in Final Cut Pro to the movements of this cross with the wire model to follow the path that is "durchpaust" and then the video track motion disposed.
Antwort von Kobold:

Because I can actually the whole of the first animation by hand, since the motion tracking ja eh s.einem sharp point and I held this point so synonymous in Final Cut Pro for bild bild follow it.
(Manual p. 1061 "Integration with Final Cut Pro"):
When Motion projects in Final Cut Pro to be integrated, in Final Cut Pro, all subsequent amendments made in Motion s.Project, Motion, however, shows no changes (such as filter and title), which Projektclip in the Motion in Final Cut Pro are running. That is obviously correct. Unfortunately, all the motion information, which you created in Motion, Final Cut Pro no longer visible / editable. The Picture is moving, but there are nirgens Kayframes or anything like that.
Antwort von Kobold:

So, in any case, thank you Axel for your trouble. I will now simply with the hand-made, there are a few more scenes where to do it but it is already.
Proposed solutions are of course still welcome:)