Frage von lolekunbolek:
recorded've got a hard drive filled with raw materials, with AppleScript, which I would like to cut with Avid Xpress Pro. Is that possible? Problem is, even if I can convert QuickTime files in Avis and importiren in Avid, I could then afterward nachbatchen the cut sequences? The material is in fact on DVCPRO 25 rotated, but unfortunately recorded in the Final Cut system only in lower quality, ie DV has been ...
'm Glad about the help!
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Verena,
the quality of DVCPro 25 is with its
Antwort von Vincent Assmann:

Hi Verena,
if you have material eindigitalisiert with AppleScript, you will not be able to cut with Avid. Avid handles the video material at Eindigitalisieren in the OMF format, in FC sinds as far as I know quicktimes. of course you, as you already say you can invite all on video -Export/Import in the Avid, but then you lose the Clip Info, you can invite the scenes so later, yet again.
I would therefore recommend to you is that if you FC in what have been cut create an edit decision list (EDL), which you then open Nachbatchst in Avid and things. And otherwise I would rather just round again digitize in Avid, which is certainly faster than the import-export option.
Incidentally you can DVC Pro25 in Avid synonymous in this very Resolutiondigitaliseren. Synonymous Perhaps one reason to do that again.